
作者&投稿:出冠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


travelling bees the new point such as Beijing University,Qinghua University or Fudan Univeristy.Should the university campus be open to the tourists...I wish he is knowledgeable, and successes in his work - not one want a loser, I neither. He must love his families, and be tender when ...

A black hole一个黑洞Somewhere there's a univere of missing stuff宇宙某处有一个失踪的东西What happened to the good times?美好时光怎么了?What happened to the moments where we had so much?我们拥有的时光怎么了?Where's the love?爱在哪里Where's the love?爱在哪里?Where's the ...

His name is fany(口语中,名字加y表小的意思), my best friend and schoolmate in college, he is crazy about basketball as me so we become good friends. On weekends we play basketball together and I'm fasinated by his bunch of his strongpoints, that really encourages me, say...

这是非常湿冷的冬季的雨天。当我的午休时间快结束的时候,我拿着我明年的大学申请从图书馆出来,一个男人拿着两个装满小册子的大箱子向我走来。 我想“我靠,这男人想要做什么?拿着那些东西” 然后突然他的东西全掉了。 我的前面的路铺满了几百个小册子,一团糟。 “哦,不!” 我想。 那...

1.He wants to enter the university that his grandfather works before.2.How does she still can be self-confident after had been go through so many failure?3.The decoration of the hotel is still there and it is taking people back to the past.希望能帮助到楼主~!

an important cause of the founders, former dean of Shanghai Univer and chair of the sociology department, in cooperation in the background, the large construction of the south the new culture movement center, for the liberation of the Chinese people and nation revitalize delivered a ...

Every student at Huangshang Univeristy can get access to these equipments.The Chinese basketball team came at the top of this tournament.I tried my best (am trying my best) to bridge the gap between our levels.His complaint embarrassed me.He is never envious of other people's ...

初中英语作文 简要的写下就行了
Yi Jianlian is a chinese basketball player in NBA. He was born in October 27th, 1987 and he is 2.12 meter tall. He become a univeristy student in 2003 and join in the national basketball team of China in 2004. In July, 2007, he join in the NBA and become the second ...

Central Financial Univeristy-Victoria University Cooperation Project Central Financial University , Financial College Major: International Economy Trade and Finance Risk Management Full English Teaching Internship :Winter Holiday, Nanjing Shijia Financial Consultant Service Company, Be responsible for ...

营贤19840935786问: 学校前面要the,但是the university of beijing是错的 -
瓯海区小儿回答: 没错.人们说university的时候一般都不加the.(一般人们把北京大学叫做Peking University)具体什么词前要不要加the还是靠语感.有什么具体的规则native speaker都说不上来.话说再给你出道题吧.选择题____ university A.a

营贤19840935786问: University of 和The University of 的区别在哪里啊?
瓯海区小儿回答: 没区别,这个不能较真的....有的是特指,有的就不用.给你举个例子吧: China 你没听说过 The China 的吧?The United States 美国, 这就必须加the 有特指的,有不能加the的,这个真的没有为什么....

营贤19840935786问: university前可以加the吗? -
瓯海区小儿回答: 看你怎么用 了.表特指的话the;用表一个专有名词时不用the,如清华大学为Tsingh-ua University.

营贤19840935786问: university of manchester 首先 university of XXXXX 前面必须加 The 如果我要写个文章 曼彻斯特大学 请问用2个都可以用吗?是不是 The university of ... -
瓯海区小儿回答:[答案] 城市名(大学名)后置的大学 就加the 如果不加the 就是大学名字(例如bruel)前置的情况,不用加the. 一般老牌大学使用第一种,加the的 不加the的一般是比较新的大学. 仅供参考.

营贤19840935786问: the university of california中为什么用OF这个介词,不用其他介词?? -
瓯海区小儿回答: of 表示所属关系 the population of China in 表示方位里面 Hangzhou is in Zhejiang province

营贤19840935786问: 国外大学名称中有关the的问题 -
瓯海区小儿回答: 只做定冠词.在大学的正式英文名字里看不到the 但是我们说话和写作中大部分是要加the 因为英文是一门语法较严谨的语言,不想中文几个字就能表达很深的含义.

营贤19840935786问: 悉尼大学怎么样 -
瓯海区小儿回答: 是坐落于澳洲金融之都悉尼市中心的一所世界顶尖历史名校悉尼大学(The University of Sydney)始建于1850年,反而是许多考生梦寐以求的好大学呀,被众权威媒体誉为世界最漂亮的大学校园之一,不但不是野鸡大学

营贤19840935786问: The University of the Arts是美国的那所学校?怎样? -
瓯海区小儿回答: 艺术大学University of the Arts ,UA在1870年成立,坐落在宾夕法尼亚州的费城,该校为视觉及表演艺术专门学校,是私立的,校长为Peter Solmssen,提供宿舍.艺术大学University of the Arts 学生约有一千两百多位,其中国际国生的比例为百...

营贤19840935786问: 关于名词+the是不是全部由普通名词构成的专有名词前面都要+the?由专有名词+普通名词(如Peking University)构成的和直接单独是专有名词的不用(如... -
瓯海区小儿回答:[答案] 由普通名词构成的专有名词,其中若含有of时,其前一般要加定冠词the.

营贤19840935786问: 悉尼大学何时创建 -
瓯海区小儿回答: 是1850年.悉尼大学(The University of Sydney)又译“雪梨大学”,始建于1850年,是坐落于澳大利亚乃至整个南半球金融中心, 贸易中心以及旅游中心悉尼市的一所世界顶尖级研究学府.


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