
作者&投稿:蓍蓝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

What is the “Coach Tour”?求翻译,并回答!谢谢
coach tour 乘游览车旅游

—can you tell us---?—he is a tour guide。
D —can you tell us(what your father is)?能告诉我们你父亲是干什么的么 —he is a tour guide。他是导游。what is sb 是问职业的句型 因为前面can you tell us,what is your father,要变成 what your father is的形式


I am going on a trip to the seaside during the summer holidays.暑假期间我将去海边旅行。3 tour tour 旅行,周游,观光,主要目的地是游览或视察,距离可长可短,常带有“最后回到出发地”的含义。一般团队游都是tour,带有导游的是Guide Tour。 法国5日游:5-day Tour to France He is ...

journey的意思指旅程,旅途,如果说是journey to Korea感觉指的是从起始点到达韩国的旅程,所以不合适。travel,travelling词义泛指旅游,travel to Korea 翻译成去韩国旅游,travelling in korea 可以翻译成在韩国旅行,也是可行的。但是若要翻译成‘之旅’的话travel不合适,tour主要是指到一个景点旅游,一...

名词 n. [C]1.旅行,旅游,游览[(+around\/of)]Mr. Adams made a tour around East Asia last year.亚当斯先生去年往东亚旅行了一次。2.巡视;巡回演出;巡回比赛[(+of)]Their troupe is on tour in the South.他们的剧团在南方巡回演出。3.(在国外的)服务期,任职期[(+in)]He served two ...

this beautiful place is full of tour in the sprin
用复数 tours This beautiful place is full of ( tours ) in the spring.


where isthetoucar
应该是:where is the tour car?句子意思:观光车在哪里?where is the tour car?

tour is love 什么意思
tour is love的中文翻译 tour is love 旅游是爱 双语例句 1 Tour guides, for many have no time, no enough money to the people, this is a free and enjoy work, guide knowledge, will receive visitors love even worship.导游员,对于很多没有时间,没有足够金钱的人们来说,这是一份闲暇...

爱哈17313245616问: the tourist ()a phrase just now .A.takes out B.took out taking out Dtook in 选哪个?为什么?题干怎么翻译
香坊区富马回答: d just now 是过去时的标志 take out是取出的意思. take in 是理解的意思 游客刚刚理解了这个短语

爱哈17313245616问: 英语语法问题如下:What impress the tourist most或者What impress the tourist the most哪一个是对的?我认为第二个是对的但答案说不是,有没有高手知道为... -
香坊区富马回答:[答案] 第一个是对的啊~在电影或者文章中都只出现过what impress the tourist most~因为这里的most是做副词~而不做形容词~副词的最高级在动词后或形容词后是不加the的~例如i like her most,从来不会说i like her the most,而可以说the most important thing

爱哈17313245616问: 【选词填空】tour;tourist The ()guide gave us a lot of advice about the trip to Yunnan.tour;touristThe ()guide gave us a lot of advice about the trip to Yunnan.The ... -
香坊区富马回答:[答案] tour tourists weigh weight covered discovered robbery robber robbed 有问题欢迎追问~

爱哈17313245616问: [ - A30] We agreed to accept - ---- - they thought was the best tourist guide. -
香坊区富马回答: 这是一个套用了宾语从句的句子.句子可以这样拆,we agreed to accept (whoever they thought) was the best tg.主句的意思是我们同意接受的是最好的导游.从句是无论他们认为的是谁.一起翻译就是:无论他们认为的是谁,我们同意接受的是最好的导游.

爱哈17313245616问: The worst tourist in the world is Nicholas Scottie of San - Francisco.的翻译
香坊区富马回答: 世界上最差的旅行家是旧金山的 Nicholas Scottie

爱哈17313245616问: The tourist spoke in German and didnot understand Eglish哪里错了?
香坊区富马回答: in去掉

爱哈17313245616问: The++tourist++office++is++in++the++park是甚么意思
香坊区富马回答: 旅游办公室在公园里

爱哈17313245616问: tourist怎么读 -
香坊区富马回答: tourist 英['tʊərɪst] 美[ˈtʊrɪst]n. 旅行者,观光客;〈美〉冬季到南部做工的流动工人 名词复数:tourists[例句]Timisoara does not feature on many tourist itineraries. 蒂米什瓦拉并不在很多游客的旅行路线上.您的采纳是对我的回答最大的肯定. 手机提问者如果满意,请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可,谢谢!

爱哈17313245616问: The tourist looking at the african savannah 帮我翻译一下 -
香坊区富马回答: 在夏季午后看着非洲热带草原的游客可能会认为这种巨大的黄色草原就像沙漠一样没有生命.草原上只有几个长刺的小树凸现出来,几乎没有地方让生物躲藏

爱哈17313245616问: 翻译“游人行旅,隐见而断续者,皆出乎衽席之内.”
香坊区富马回答:英语:“the tourist traveler, hidden sees, but off and on, all stems from the sleeping mat.”日语: 「旅が会って、隠れる游覧客者、全て予想内衽席のの断続.」

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