
作者&投稿:仲长荣 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

ma lo ha sun obs-os zi man ca um bo don gu de bu ton ga ba 말로 할 순 없었지만 처음 보던 그때부턴가 봐 ne gie lo wa na lu da ci gie ha go do na al-a 내게로 와 나를 다치게 할 것도 난 알아 no mu man yi no l...

espial 英[ɪs'paɪəl] 美[ɪs'paɪəl]n. 观察,侦探,间谍活动;[网络] 侦探; 侦察; 观察;[例句]Train their espial ability and abstract epitome ability.培养学生观察能力和抽象概括能力。---如有帮助请采纳, 如需帮助可追问,谢谢。

He has alalready ( )lunch 括号内填have的形式,为什么是had?_百度...
因为这是现在完成时,翻译:他已经吃完了午饭。而have\/has+V-ed为现在完成时形式,have过去式 —had Ok

英语中“al”有\/ɔ:\/、 \/ɔ:l\/ 和\/ɑ:\/共三种发音。一、当al出现在词语中间时,发\/ɔ:\/音 walk 英 [wɔːk] 美 [wɔːk]释义:v. 走;行走;步行;徒步旅行;散步;陪伴…走;护送…走 n.行走;步行;徒步旅行;散步 词组:walk away with ...

H HE BC AL是什么意思

有al的单词:rival——n.竞争者;cereal——n.谷物;hospital——n.医院;survival——n.幸存;refusal——n.拒绝。1、rival 英 [ˈraɪvl] 美 ['raɪvl]n.对手;竞争者 vt.与…竞争;比得上某人 vi.竞争 adj.竞争的 The two teams have always been rivals.这两个队...

...ob的也可以,AL是最好的 另外一定要是HE的。
有知道的发个名字啊 我也想要啊

He said he___alresdy ___(give) the book to the teacher
He said he had alresdy given the book to the teacher.该题考查过去完成时

请问be动词应该什么时候用什么时候不用 就好像是he is always...
he always help

Wenguang Liu*, Shujun Sun, Zhiqiang Cao, Xin Zhang, Kangde Yao, William W. Lu, K.D.K. Luk. An investigation on the physicochemical properties of chitosan\/DNA polyelectrolyte complexes, Biomaterials 2005,26:2705-2711.Shujun Sun, Wenguang Liu*, et al. A thermoresponsive chitosan-NIPAAm\/vinyl ...

励阮19598035149问: The sun——in the east.选择什么?为啥? -
亭湖区卡碧回答:[选项] A. is always rising. B. is always raise. C. rises. D. always.

励阮19598035149问: 英语学霸请教一个问题 it's ranins in April sometimes . 4月有时候下雨 the sun always shines. -
亭湖区卡碧回答: 因为两句话的主词是 "第三人称单数简单现在式的句子中,第三人称单数的主词,其后面的动词要加s.例句:She goes to school everyday. (主词she是第三人称单数)I go to school everyday. (主词 I 是第一人称)(ps. 原句应该是it ranins in April sometimes 而不是 it's rains....)

励阮19598035149问: 高考英语单选1.The rich - -------- - not always happy.后面接什么为什么 -
亭湖区卡碧回答: 选A.the rich在这里表示“富人”,the+形容词表示某一类人,比如:the poor(穷人)、the unable(残疾人)等,表示一类人,那就是复数,应该用一般式的are.

励阮19598035149问: The sun always rises in the east..改为否定句,一般疑问句,作否定回答 -
亭湖区卡碧回答: The sun doesn't always rise in the east. Does the sun always rise in the east? No, it doesn't. 绝对正确.无奈,考试真 TMD 坑爹!!就连太阳从东方升起都要被疑问,甚至遭到否定!!!!!!!! That teacher is a humanbeing.(人类) 改为否定句,一般疑问句,做否定回答.供参考,祝进步!(这么cd的句子不可能让学生进步!)

励阮19598035149问: 同义句转换: the sun always rises in the east - -----the -
亭湖区卡碧回答: the sun in the east_ _ comes up

励阮19598035149问: 太阳总是从东方升起.有英语怎么说 -
亭湖区卡碧回答: The sun always rises in the east

励阮19598035149问: “the sun never sets”是什么意思?
亭湖区卡碧回答: the sun never sets in the british 日不落 The sun never sets on the British Empire because God wouldn't trust an Englishman in the dark.一个英国人说大英帝国太阳不落,因为上帝信不过黑暗中的英国人. The sun never sets at the North Pole in ...

励阮19598035149问: 用所给单词的正确形式填空 1.The sun - --(rise) in the east 2. A plane always - ----(fly)high in the sky -
亭湖区卡碧回答: 1.The sun rises in the east . 太阳从东方升起来. 2. A plane always flies high in the sky 飞机总是飞得很高. 以上全部用现在时 . 而且第三人称单数做主语,动词要用有相应的变化.

励阮19598035149问: the sun always - in the east -
亭湖区卡碧回答: rises 太阳总是从东方升起 太阳升起,用rise ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

励阮19598035149问: the sun always rises in the east 同义句 -
亭湖区卡碧回答: all the time 总是,一直.楼主,希望对你有帮助.

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