
作者&投稿:衷风 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

he wants some soups一般疑问句
行为动词做谓语,一般疑问句直接在自己开头加助动词 Does he want any soup?


1、她喝了一口牛奶。She sipped the milk.2、他是一个厨师。He's a chef.3、他正在做汤。He's making soup.4、他尝了一口汤。He tasted the soup.

饺子原名“娇耳”,相传是我国医圣张仲景首先发明的。 他的“祛寒娇耳汤”的故事在民间流传至今。相传张仲景任长沙太守时,常为百姓除疾医病。有一年当地瘟疫盛行,他在衙门口垒起大锅,舍药救人,深得长沙人民的爱戴。张仲景从长沙告老还乡后,正好赶上冬至这一天,走到家乡白河岸边,见很多穷苦百姓...

he would like some soup改为一般疑问句?
此句中 would 为助动词,陈述句变为一般疑问句只需把 be 动词、情态动词或助动词提到句首即可,所以原句的一般疑问句可以写成:Would he like some soup?望采纳 special interest in the souphe specially m
1.Such people【 who were invited to the party 】showed no special interest in the souphe 这样的人被要请到派对,对特别给他们做汤\/面包片一点儿也不感兴趣。ps. souphe这个单词是不是写错了,只有soupe啊,是法语,英语写成soup。我查了不可能是souph(<美口>大学二年级生,有二年经验的人...

头发的英文:hair hair 读法 英 [heə] 美 [hɛr]1、n. 头发;毛发;些微 2、vt. 除去…的毛发 3、vi. 生长毛发;形成毛状纤维 4、adj. 毛发的;护理毛发的;用毛发制成的 短语:1、brown hair 棕色头发 2、hair follicle 毛囊 3、hair color 头发颜色,毛色;染发 4、...

He’d like a small bowl of soups.
soup不加s 不可数

Hot Soup的《Soup》 歌词
No soup for you, no soup for you No soup for you, no soup for you No soup for you, no soup for you He says: “Don’t wake up, but I have to be somewhere else today”And, still wearing make-up, she watches as he walks away And, although he’s managed to enthral...

Summer arrived. One day, the little bear out to handle affairs, it rained on the way back. The bear didn't bring umbrella, was wet all over. Then he is easy in her baby's doorstep. Last year he thought, I didn't let her go to my house to keep warm in winter, she...

盖勇15253775343问: The suop smells delicious属于简单句的那种基本句型? -
深州市大活回答: 这个句子属于简单句中的主系表结构.句子的主语是The soup ,系动词是smells,表语是delicious,句子的意思是:这汤闻起来很美味.

盖勇15253775343问: 翻译 1.这个汤闻起来好香 2.这个菜很好吃 3.快来吃饭 4.首先上的是汤 5.这个蛋 -
深州市大活回答: The soup smells well

盖勇15253775343问: The soup smells too - __ - to drink. -
深州市大活回答:[选项] A. badly B. bad C. well D. delicious

盖勇15253775343问: The egg smells bad smell 为什么加S? -
深州市大活回答: 解答:因为主语“The egg ”是单数名称,其后谓语“smells”是“发出恶臭味”的意思,"smell"为动词,按英语主谓一致的语法规则,动词后应加表单数的词尾“s", 所以就该用动词“smells”.而第二个“smell”意为“气味”之意,是名词,故其后无“s”. 答毕

盖勇15253775343问: The soup tastes - -----. A:good B:well C:to be good D:to be well -
深州市大活回答: taste(尝起来)系动词,后接形容词作表语,选A,其他的几个:看起来look,听起来sound,摸起来feel,闻起来smell eg.Her voice sounds beautiful. The food smells delieous.

盖勇15253775343问: 求人把这几个句子翻译成英文!高一水平的! -
深州市大活回答: 1.The soup smells good!I can't wait to have a taste.2.We can't speak Italian; then what language are we supposed to speak when we get to Italy?3.It loo...

盖勇15253775343问: 闻起来很不错翻译英文, -
深州市大活回答: The soup( smells)(good ). 按楼主说的中文是应该翻成smell,但我觉得这里翻译成tasts good(尝起来)更好一些

盖勇15253775343问: 初中英语被动语法(喧宾夺主)The soup will taste delicious again. -
深州市大活回答: The soup will taste delicious again. taste(尝起来)是系动词,是主动形式表被动意义.由实义动词转化而来的系动词都是主动形式表被动意义.如:look(看起来),sound(听起来),smell(闻起来),feel(摸起来).例句:It looks nice.It ...

盖勇15253775343问: 几道英语单项选择题,求解,附上详细解析 -
深州市大活回答: 1.选A...dream about/of doing ...固定搭配...2.选B...smell是感官动词..后面加形容bai词的原形...从题目中可看出意思du是说汤闻起来很香(味道很好)...而当well当形容词是身体好的意思...nice是好看的意思,一般不形容味道...fine是好的意思..但也...

盖勇15253775343问: The soup smells delicious ,and the turkey smells -
深州市大活回答: The soup smells delicious ,and the turkey smellsthe ____ A alike B Like D Same C likeness ----- D . same ( the same 同样的)

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