
作者&投稿:庞应 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

the secret to do还是doing?
doing。to是介词,后面要用名词或者动名词。意思是做……的秘密。secret to:表示对……保密,或做\/达到……的秘密,后接名词或动名词。例如:The secret to flying a plane。开飞机的秘密。the secret to doing例句 1、He looks like a man who's found the secret to eternal youth.他看上去...

and Dickon, who although constantly has a bright and sunny disposition, prefers the company of animals to people, until he meets Mary.The Secret Garden is charming and wonderfully written, full of the right amount of intrigue for children. It is considered to be the epitome of ...

secret后跟的介词有of,也有to。secret of的意思是:……的秘密。secret to的意思是:……的秘诀;...的秘密 示例:1、His wife made no secret of her hatred for the formal occasions.他的妻子不隐瞒她对正式场合的厌恶。2、I have no secret to impart to you.我没有什么秘密可向你透露。

解,在句中作定语。当两个主语的动作是同时发生的时候,主句和从句的谓语动词都可以用进行时态或一般式,当两件事发生的时间间隔很短,甚至没有时间间隔时,主句和从句均用一般过去时。2、例句:The congressman denied that the report was being kept ltsasecret。该国会议员否认这是一份机密报告。

security secret 区别
security 是安全, secret是秘密

求美国电影the secret秘密(讲关于吸引力法则的的一部电影纪录片)上的背...
"Water Sonata with Boy Choir"Composed by Stephen Edwards "Wheel Of Misfortune"Artist: Jim Dooley Played in the beginning when Bob Proctor says "What do you really want" before he reveals The Secret "Purple Reign"Artist: Jim Dooley Played at visualizing done by Olympic athletes "...

用the secret to造句
1.The secret to programming is having smart friends. "编程的秘诀在于找到聪明的队友。”2.As for the secret to losing weight?至于减轻体重的秘密是什么呢?3.He betrayed the secret to his friends.他把秘密泄露给了他的朋友。4.She imparted the secret to a friend.她把秘密向一位朋友...

英语日记80字带翻译 [英语日记加翻译]
he secret of success (The key to success) is not so much money as a strong will. A great man is one who has a strong will and an indomitable spirit. In other words, if a man does not have a strong will to win (get) the final victory, he will never succeed in his ...

例(1) : Now is the time for us to discover t he secret of the pulse received from the remote star s.例(2) : Onl y af ter we have ha d our tears lef t will we begin to realize t he value of water .例(3) : N o sooner had t hey taken office t han SARS broke out ....

如果是一般现在时:It seems that he has already known the secret.如果是一般过去时:It seemed that he had already known the secret.题目没要求的话你可以任选一种答案。

祁的15942713983问: the secret to do ... 是啥意思 -
扎赉特旗肌醇回答: 秘密行动干某事

祁的15942713983问: 到底是the secret to doing还是the secret to do? -
扎赉特旗肌醇回答: 是the secret to doing.这里to是介词,后面要用名词或者动名词.意思是做...的秘密. 例句: 1、He looks like a man who's found the secret to eternal youth. 他看上去像是一个找到了永葆青春秘诀人. 2、The secret to avoiding this kind of ...

祁的15942713983问: secret后跟的介词到底是of还是to? -
扎赉特旗肌醇回答: secret后面可以的介词可以跟of,也可以跟to,具体要是句子语意而定. 1、secret of :表示某人/某事的秘密,后接名词.如: (1)The secret of success is honesty and fair dealing. 成功的秘诀在于诚实和公平交易. (2)I made no secret of the ...

祁的15942713983问: the secret to 加动词的什么形式 -
扎赉特旗肌醇回答: 你好,to是介词,所以后面跟动词的-ing形式: The secret to making good pastry is to use very cold water.和面的秘诀是用冷水.

祁的15942713983问: the secret to 还是the secret of 请教secret的用法kongfu panda里面有句台词“I will hand you the secret to limitless power”the secret to something是固定用法吗... -
扎赉特旗肌醇回答:[答案] 表某人的秘密用of但有时某些和secret 连用的动词必须和to 连用,如:He betrayed the secret to the enemy.他将秘密泄漏给敌人The minister revealed the secret to me.部长向我透露了那秘密.请在客户端右上角评价点...

祁的15942713983问: 用the secret to造句 -
扎赉特旗肌醇回答: 1.The secret to programming is having smart friends. " 编程的秘诀在于找到聪明的队友.” 2.As for the secret to losing weight? 至于减轻体重的秘密是什么呢? 3.He betrayed the secret to his friends. 他把秘密泄露给了他的朋友. 4.She imparted the secret to a friend. 她把秘密向一位朋友透露了. 5.He imparted the secret to a friend.他把这个秘密告诉了一个朋友.

祁的15942713983问: 英语太难了,请求翻译一下这句话 -
扎赉特旗肌醇回答: 你好,翻译为:The secret of being miserable is to have leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not. 痛苦的秘密在于有闲功夫担心自己是否幸福.——请采纳一下.

祁的15942713983问: Secret翻译成中文是什么意思? -
扎赉特旗肌醇回答: secret ['si:krit] n.秘密, 奥秘, 秘诀 adj.秘密的, 机密的 例句与用法: Our plan must remain a secret. 我们的计划必须保密.1. Jill will find out your secret she never misses a trick!吉尔会发现你的秘密的--她很警觉! 2. His secret died with him, ...

祁的15942713983问: 这是我和你之间的秘密.汉译英 -
扎赉特旗肌醇回答: 这是我和你之间的秘密.This is the secret between you and me. 如果有帮助的话请采纳一下~ 如果有疑问,请追问吧~~

祁的15942713983问: 请大家翻译下这封英文信!人工翻译,不要在线翻译,翻译的好的,意思非常贴切的再+50分 -
扎赉特旗肌醇回答: 以下是我人工翻译的,帮你把大意翻出来了.The secret我不太了解,不知道准确中文,先翻成秘密情事.望采纳.祝你学习进步!感谢您给The secret(秘密情事)的来信. 我们昨天收到了许多电子来信,虽然我们不能一一回信,但我们会竭...

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