
作者&投稿:肇诸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

“Those teams feel that football is about scoring goals,” he said. “That is ourchallenge.得分 [dé fēn]n. goal vi. score 短语 得分手 Scorer ; Scoring ; scorer ; try getter 得分板 scoreboard 质量得分 quality score ; quwisity score ; dimension of quality win three points ...

eg:Does he often score for our school football team?他经常为我们学校的足球队得分吗 eg:Within the perfect cup a score of clustered seeds are nestled.在这完美的杯状巢里When did the London team score the second goal?伦敦队是什么时候攻进第二球的?有一打簇拥在一堆的种子 ...

score with 什么意思
He scored many a film.他曾为多部影片配乐。6. 刻痕于;做记号于 He scored the tree with a nail.他用钉子在树上刻痕。7. 严厉批评,训斥 8. 【俚】非法弄到(毒品等)vi.1. (在比赛中)记分 Who is going to score for both sides?谁来为双方记分?2. 得分;得胜,成功 She scored well ...

The written or printed score for such a composition.写下的或者印刷的乐曲的乐谱 Such scores considered as a group:乐谱集:We keep our music in a stack near the piano.我们把乐谱靠近钢琴堆成一堆 A musical accompaniment.音乐伴奏 A particular category or kind of music.一种特殊的音乐 ...

even the score怎样翻译?
Even 作形容词的时候有“平手的,比分相等的”的意思,因此“扳平比分”也可以说成是pull... even 例如:The United States pulled it even thanks to an own goal five minutes later.美国队能战平意大利实在要归功于意大利球员的乌龙球。所以你的理解是正确的 ...

足球场上球迷唱的一道歌 调子好像是 路比了二 路比了二 有谁知道呀_百...
《Sing Up For The Champions》Lyric II: Andy Cole - The Andy Cole Song 歌曲中有这样一段: Andy Cole, Andy Cole, Andy, Andy Cole When he gets the ball, he scores a goal, Andy, Andy Cole What a goal, what a goal From Andy, Andy Cole Give him the ball he'll score a goal,Andy,...


d、Switzerland题号:8There is a line in the film Shawshank redemption,"when the lord closes the door,somewhere he opens a ( )".d、window题号:9Where did the story happened in Sound of Music?a、Salzburg Austria题号:15How many children were there in Von Trapp's family?c、7题号:16What ...

He score a goalAndy, Andy coleWhat a goal, what a goalFrom Andy, Andy ColeGive him the ballHe'll score a goalAndy, Andy ColeYou are my SolskjaerMy only SolskjaerYou make us happyWhen skies are greyCoz when it's pouringYou just keep ScoringPlease don't take our Solskjaer AwayOh Roy...

o-score,dichev 是什么意思
成了朋友。6.真相[the S]7.刻痕;伤痕 I noticed scores of sorrow on her face.我注意到她脸上悲痛的痕迹。8.二十,二十人,二十个[M]9.大量,许多[P][(+of)]He's been to Hong Kong scores of times.他曾多次去过香港。10.【俚】(毒品的)买到手;(抢劫的)得手;(性伴侣的)搭上 ...

缑奚17839818414问: 谁能详细的介绍下the shore这个乐队 -
诸城市诺美回答: 很好的乐队 却很少有他们的资料 The Shore这张同名专辑并没有那些大牌出专辑那么的精美包装,大肆宣传.专辑封面很是好看,彩色渲染下的树林,乐队3人站在其中,看起来有些耍酷,但不得不说是一张做的很漂亮,以至于有些许唯美的专...

缑奚17839818414问: The Script 有人了解这个乐队么 -
诸城市诺美回答: The Script (手稿乐队)乐队成员主唱Danny O'Donoghue吉他手Mark Sheehan鼓手Glen Power the script [编辑本段]乐队简介爱尔兰摇滚近年声势比较微弱,U2推出录音室专辑已是三年多前的事,TheCranberries也早于四年前解散,...

缑奚17839818414问: the corrs的中文名是什么
诸城市诺美回答: 中文名: 极端乐队

缑奚17839818414问: 辣妹组合详细资料 -
诸城市诺美回答: The Spice Girls 是唯一一支没有受到独立 pop-rock 影响的英国90年代中期乐队.相反,这支全部由女生组成的五人组合却继承了由英国90年代早期最流行的乐队 Take That 带来的dance-pop 的表演风格.The Spice Girls 使用 dance-pop 作为她...

缑奚17839818414问: The Corrs乐队哪年成立?现在是否解散?
诸城市诺美回答: The Corrs乐队成立于1990年,大概在2006年就解散了 希望我说的对你有帮助,若满意,请五星采纳,谢谢

缑奚17839818414问: 谁能介绍一下英式摇滚乐队 The Chevin,百度没有百科. -
诸城市诺美回答: The Chevin is an English post-punk revival band, based in Leeds who formed in 2010. The band is composed of four childhood friends, Coyle Girelli (lead vocals and guitars), Mat Steel (guitars and keyboards), Jon Langford (bass guitar) and Mal ...

缑奚17839818414问: 《The Score》专辑中一首翻唱歌曲 -
诸城市诺美回答: 1980年,Lauryn Hill和Pras在新泽西大学校园相遇,然后他们一起开始创作,从学校表演开始,很快就进了录音棚.之后Pras的表弟Wyclf Jean迅速加入,成立三人乐队.当时他们被称为Tranzlator Crew,但1993年当他们和Ruffhouse/Cloumbia...

缑奚17839818414问: the strokesthe 是哪个乐队唱的急..! -
诸城市诺美回答: the strokesthe 就是乐队! 专辑名:《Room on Fire》 演唱者:the Strokes 发行时间:2003年10月28日 发行公司:RCA 音乐风格:Indie Rock(独立摇滚) 乐队成员:Julian Casablancas(主唱),Nick Valensi(吉他手),Albert Hammond ...

缑奚17839818414问: 这个乐队叫什么?看图. -
诸城市诺美回答: 叫The Trashmen 目前好像在做世界巡回演出

缑奚17839818414问: 介绍一下the cranberries -
诸城市诺美回答: The Cranberries 小红莓乐团乐队成员:主唱:Dolores O'Riordan吉它:Noel Hogan贝斯:Mike Hogan鼓手:Fergal Lawler小红莓合唱团(The Cranberries)是来自爱尔兰的四人团体,爱情、背叛、政治一直是the cranberries音乐的主题...

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