
作者&投稿:楚疯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

9、Who's making that row?谁那么吵?10、The whole row of houses is scheduled for demolition.整排房子均列入拆除计划。11、We installed ourselves in the front row.我们舒舒服服地坐进了前排。12、A row of small windows jutted out from the roof.有一排小窗户从房顶上突出来。13、He ...

为什么伦敦国际机场叫希思罗机场? 是不是纪念英国什么历史人物?_百度...
不过,1973年12月31日,《伦敦人日记》(Londoner's Diary)确认「希斯洛机场」的名字来自原有地名。希斯洛机场所在地以前是个乡下小村落,在亨利五世(1387 - 1422)时称为Hetherow,亨利七世(1457 - 1509)时称此地为Hetherowfeyld。1675年的地图,称为「Hetherow」。1754年的地图,则标示与今日...

3、row后接副词down表示“赛船中赶上”;后接副词out表示“使划得精疲力竭”;后接副词over表示“一路领先,轻易取胜”;row against the wind意思是“逆风而划”。row的双语例句 1、Students stand hand in hand in a row.翻译:学生们手牵手站成一排。2、He glanced towards the row of girls...

6、row用作动词时意思是“争吵,吵闹”,主要用于打架、示威,强调公开化。7、row只用作不及物动词,常与about, up, with等介、副词连用。六、例句 1、He finished second in the championship four years in a row.他连续4年获得锦标赛亚军。2、The vegetables were planted in neat rows.蔬菜一行...

row n.一列; 一行; 一排(座位)街; 路; (主要为某种行业占用的)街道; 地区 【无】天线阵 [the Row ](=Rotten Row)[英]伦敦海德公园中的骑马道 a row of soldiers 一列士兵 a row of books[desks, houses]一排书[书桌, 房子]sit in a row 坐成一排 Rouchester Row 罗彻斯特街(伦敦一...

2、The children hired a boat and went for a row down the river.孩子们租了条船,便顺着河流划船去了。3、Let us go for a row.我们去划船吧。4、So together, he and the penguin would row to the south pole.于是,小男孩决定,他要和小企鹅一起划船到南极去。5、In this example,...

1. We had a humongous row just before she left.就在她离开之前,我们大吵了一架。2. After the row in a pub he drove off in a huff.在酒吧里吵了一架后,他气鼓鼓地开车走了。3. He finished second in the championship four years in a row.他连续4年获得锦标赛亚军。4. He ...

4.row:rising of water level; 水位上升5.row:rest of the world; 欧洲及其余地区6.row:right of way; 路权7.row:rest of world; 世界其他地区四、例句Students stand hand in hand in a row.学生们手牵手站成一排。He glanced towards the row of girls.他拿眼把那一排女孩子一溜。They asked me ...

可以 row n. 1. 【口】吵架,口角;公开争论[C] He had a row with his neighbor. 他与邻居吵了一架。 2. 【贬】吵嚷;喧闹[S] The guys are making such a row that I can't sleep. 那些家伙吵得我没法睡觉。 3. 受斥责[S] vi. 1. 争吵;吵闹[(+about\/with)] Helen rowed with ...

row 的过去式:rowed。row。[英][rəʊ][美][roʊ]。n. 划船; 行,排; 吵闹; 路,街。vt. 划船; 使…成排; 与…进行划船比赛; 〈口〉争吵,吵闹。例句:1、It was roofed with cedar above the beams that rested on the columns-forty-five beams, fifteen to a ...

掌怖19886764638问: 序数词的构成?通常在什么情况下使用? -
门源回族自治县益心回答: 序数词就是第一,第二个,第三个...顾名思义,是当要表示顺序的时候用如 第一个人,the first one第二排 the second row

掌怖19886764638问: play on the street用英语怎么说 -
门源回族自治县益心回答: 没有区别,只是一个英式英语和美式英语的习惯的问题,in the street, in the road是英式的说法 on the street, on the road是美式的说法 都是表示在街上,在路上,意思没有任何不同

掌怖19886764638问: 一个单词row用法 -
门源回族自治县益心回答: row的英文意思是propel (a boat) by using oars 划(船):比如 Can you row? 你会划船吗?They rowed (the boat) across (the river).他们划(船)过了河. 可以把原文看成 there were some people rowing(boats) on the river.

掌怖19886764638问: the top row前用in还是on? -
门源回族自治县益心回答: 在最前排,等于in the first row.I am in Row one, I am number two. 作为80后的人我以前的英语课本里是这样用的,所以是IN

掌怖19886764638问: row的中文是啥? -
门源回族自治县益心回答: row [rəu,rau] n. 排,船游,吵闹 vt. 划船,成排 vi. 划船,吵架例句: How can I read with all this row going on? 吵闹的声音这样大,我怎能读书呢? He rowed the boat across the lake. 他划船渡过湖面. They are rowing again. 他们又吵起来了.

掌怖19886764638问: ROW是哪个国家或组织的简称? -
门源回族自治县益心回答: ROW 为rest of the world的缩写,世界其它地区.ROW常见于市场分析报告书.类似的词包括:APEJ(the Asia and Pacific excluding Japan);ROAP(rest of the Asia and Pacific)等.

掌怖19886764638问: The series of+n复 谓语动词用单数还是复数? -
门源回族自治县益心回答: 用单数.如there is a series of events.如果是serieses of谓语动词要用复数.

掌怖19886764638问: row是什么意思? -
门源回族自治县益心回答: row1display/hide example sentences KK: [] DJ: [] n.[C] 1. (一)列,(一)排;(一排)座位[(+of)] The teacher told the children to stand in a row. 老师叫孩子们站成一排. 2. 街,路 3. 【数】列,行 row2display/hide example sentences KK: ...

掌怖19886764638问: row前面用什么介词啊?求求你们告诉我吧... -
门源回族自治县益心回答: in the row 例句:Max is the eighth in the row. 麦克斯在这行中排第八.

掌怖19886764638问: row什么意思 -
门源回族自治县益心回答: ROW: [ rau ] n. 排,船游,吵闹 v. 划,划船,责骂 [ 名词rower ] [ 过去式rowed 过去分词rowed 现在分词rowing 第三人称单数rows ] 例句与用法 1. Students stand hand in hand in a row. 学生们手牵手站成一排. 2. They are rowing again. 他们又吵起来了. 3. He rowed the boat across the lake. 他划船渡过湖面. 4. How can I read with all this row going on? 吵闹的声音这样大,我怎能读书呢?

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