
作者&投稿:郴翰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The road___I drive to work is always crowded.
因为如果我们把这个定语从句还原一个陈述句 主谓宾 应该是i drive to work on the road。the road is always crowded。 定语从句有个原则,如果有介词在不定代词之前那么一定不能用that,要用which。不能够忽略介词,因为 开车去工作是在这个道路上开车,必须有介词,有了介词就得提前,就得用which。...

开头是it.首字母是i的大写I,不是l的大写L. France, I took to biking down a quiet road.】

I have been dowm that road.句子中的down是什么词性啊
I have been down that road.表示我已经走到尽头(状态)

一、读音不同 way 读音:英[weɪ] 美[we]road 读音:英[rəʊd] 美[roʊd]二、意思不同 road 主要指能通车的“大道”、“公路”;path 主要指车辆不能通行的“小路”。way 表示“路”,其含义通常比较抽象,主要指路的方向或距离。三、用法不同 1、way 一般不指...

As he went across the road, I followed him.为什么要用A
可以的 都可以表示 当……时

8、I drove along the dirtroad.我行驶在一条土路上。9、He lives over theroad.他住在马路对面。10、Theroad was a ribbon of moonlight.这条路在月光下如同一条缎带。11、There's a bank down theroad.沿马路不远有一家银行。12、The road runs parallel to the river.这条路和这条河...

英文歌 He AINT Heavy He's My brother 的歌词
He ain't heavy,he's my brother.If I'm laden at all I'm laden with sadness That everyone's heart Isn't filled with the gladness and love for one another.It's a long, long road From which there used no return While we're on the way to there Why not share And the ...

Familiar with the road & I repeated it several times ↔ but yo...

I'm ___Beijing Road. B.on
答案选 prep. 在(表示存在或出现的地点、场所、位置、空间);

豫耿13435995134问: 第一句歌词是the road is long 这首什么歌? -
岢岚县杜仲回答: 你好,应该是英国团体The Hollies唱的 《He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother》因为是外国用户所以没办法听那首歌,但是点入也看了歌曲的长度,跟这首歌的4分钟15秒相符~ 而且前面也有口风琴 ^_^ 歌词:The road is long With many a winding ...

豫耿13435995134问: Is the street too narrow for the bus to go - --? A. through B. across C. on D -
岢岚县杜仲回答: A. through 这句话的意思是:这条街道太窄了,汽车很难过去!首先排除C D 意思不通.然后across 是横穿,一般指宽阔的地方,这里显然不是横穿,而且是too narrow 很明显选A 希望对你有帮助!

豫耿13435995134问: 翻译:路很窄,汽车过不去(用上narrow) -
岢岚县杜仲回答: the road is too narrow for cars to go through.

豫耿13435995134问: 道路狭窄的用英语怎么说 -
岢岚县杜仲回答: 句子:The road is narrow 短语:Strait roads,

豫耿13435995134问: 根据句子意思补充完整 1.Is this a road?___it's a____.It's narrow.2.What can you see?Oh,the___rises___the mountain.3.Little boy,what can you paint?I can___... -
岢岚县杜仲回答:[答案] 1.Yes / road 2.sun / above 3.paint / sun 4.sinks / west 5.morning / or

豫耿13435995134问: narrow是什么意思及反义词(narrow是什么意思)
岢岚县杜仲回答: 1、narrowKK: []DJ: []a. 狭的,狭窄的The street is too narrow for a truck.这条街太窄,卡车无法行驶.2、范围狭小的He has only a narrow circle of friends.他交游不广.3、...

豫耿13435995134问: Is the street too narrow for the bus to go through?这句话中为什么要用through而不用acoss? -
岢岚县杜仲回答: 过马路的时候是要用across,那是相对于马路的垂直运动,从一边到另一边 而这个句子里是沿马路走,水平运动,不存在跨越的问题

豫耿13435995134问: 多么狭窄的公路啊用how和what改同义句 -
岢岚县杜仲回答: 多么狭窄的公路啊 What a narrow road (it is)!How narrow the road is!----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

豫耿13435995134问: 一道选择题~~The street is a bit too narrow - --the truck -
岢岚县杜仲回答: 选TO 表示对象 对于这两卡车 街道太窄!

豫耿13435995134问: 我家门前的路很狭窄英语 -
岢岚县杜仲回答: 你好.我家门前的路很狭窄 翻译成英语是:The road in front of my house is very narrow.——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳.

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