
作者&投稿:乐甘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

the thief was arrested by the police a present was given to me the boy has been punished by dthe headmaster a new road was being building by the workmen outside my house our papers are delivered by the newsagent every morning a letter was delivered by the postman this morning...

他以前是警察: He used to be a policeman.或: He was a policeman before.他现在是警察 He is a policeman now. \/ Now he is a policeman.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

警察局英文police station怎么读?
警察局英文读法:[pəˈliːs steɪʃn] 美 [pəˈliːs steɪʃn]例句:1、He was taken to the police station for questioning.他被带到警察局盘问。2、The suspect was taken to the nearest police station for questioning.嫌疑...

Ted Robinson这整整一周都很担心。星期二他收到了当地警察局的信,要求他到警察局去一趟。他很疑惑警察为什么要传唤自己,但是他昨天依旧去了警察局。现在,他一点儿都不担心了。(昨天)在警察局,一个面带笑容的警察告诉他,他的自行车被找到了。5天之前,自行车在一个400公里之外的小镇被找到了,...

...The police arrived on the spot happened 5 min
The police arrived at the spot 5 minutes after the accident happened.参考资料:在美国上学

when the police arrived,he had already destroyed
when the police arrived,he had already destroyedthe evidence 当警察到达时,他已经毁了证据 when the police arrived,he had already destroyedthe evidence 当警察到达时,他已经毁了证据 when the police arrived,he had already destroyedthe evidence 当警察到达时,他已经毁了证据 ...



Walk past the police station同意句
Pass the police station.

He is a police 求主谓宾?
he 主语 is谓语 也可以说成是系动词 a policeman作为这个句子的宾语 动词就是谓语 谓语就是动词 那系动词不也是动词么 所以是谓语呀 望采纳

濯瑗18886349500问: 关于英语的问题the police后的谓语是单数还是复数 -
汶上县苓桂回答:[答案] 复数.POLICE 是不可数名词,不用单数形式.如:Three police arrived in two cars. 如用单数,要加其他词.如:A POLICE OFFICER ARRIVED HERE AT 10.

濯瑗18886349500问: "the police"作主语谓语动词用单数还是复数? -
汶上县苓桂回答: police 是单数,复数是polices, 所以用单数.除非你要指明整队警察或某一个警队,就用police.

濯瑗18886349500问: The police 是单数还是复数 -
汶上县苓桂回答: 如果说这里说的是某一个个体,则是单数形式,否则为复数形式. police该词通常表示“警察部队”,“警方”这样的含义,是一个集体名词.若表示个别的、具体的“警官”,则用a police officer,或a policeman/policewoman,复数形式是...

濯瑗18886349500问: The police 后面谓语跟单数还是复数? -
汶上县苓桂回答: 要看情况,如果是整体概念的话,就加单数,如果表示一些人的话就是复数.

濯瑗18886349500问: the police后面谓语动词是单数形式还是复数形式 -
汶上县苓桂回答: 单数形式,指特定的

濯瑗18886349500问: the+police是单数还是复数 -
汶上县苓桂回答: the police (警察,警方)是复数 + areThe police are responsible for catching criminals. 警察负责抓捕罪犯.但 police force (警察部队: 警力)却是单数 + isThe police force is responsible for catching criminals. 警队负责抓捕罪犯.

濯瑗18886349500问: the police是单数还是复数 -
汶上县苓桂回答: police指警察里面具体的人时,是复数的. 指警方这个整体时,是单数的.跟family用法类拟. 如:the police are searching for the suspect.警察正在追捕那个嫌疑犯. 如果要特别指单个的警察,就用policeman,其复数为policemen

濯瑗18886349500问: The police什么时候做单数,什么时候为复数? -
汶上县苓桂回答: 当意思为警察局时,为单数; 当意思为警察时,便为复数.

濯瑗18886349500问: The police -
汶上县苓桂回答: 加复数谓语,police是集合名词,对应复数谓语. 如表示单个警察 ,要根据性别分别用policeman或policewoman.

濯瑗18886349500问: 头衔前面加the吗 The police作主语谓语动词用单数还是复数 -
汶上县苓桂回答: 是单数

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