
作者&投稿:依视 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

总而言之,"past"表示过去的时间或状态,而"passed"表示经过、通过或完成某件事情的动作。五、双语例句 past 1、Costs have been reduced by 20% over the past year.过去一年,各项费用已经减少了20%。2、They say she has a 'past'.据说她有一段“过去”。3、He has matured a great deal ...


在这个例子中,“past”表示“过去”,而“passed”则表示“通过”。●具体用法:1. “past”作名词,表示过去的时间或事情。例如:①I can't change the past.(我无法改变过去。);②He has a glorious past.(他有辉煌的历史。)2. “past”作形容词,表示“过去的、过时的、已经结束...

past意思如下:1、过。举例:It was past midnight when we got home.我们到家时已过半夜.2、经过。举例:He hurried past me without stopping.他匆忙从我身边走过,连停都没停。3、过去、往事。举例:His pain is past now.他的痛苦现在已经过去。词义辨析past, after, to这三个词均可表示钟点...

The past tense.过去时 A verb form in the past tense.动词的过去式 adv.(副词)So as to pass by or go beyond:经过,超过:He waved as he walked past.他走过时挥着手 prep.(介词)Beyond in time; later than or after:超过,比…晚:在某个时间之后;迟于…或在…之后:past ...

In the past he had to read bycandlelight.过去他只得在烛光下攻读。2. 往事;经历;不光彩的往事[theS]3. 【语】过去时;(动词的)过去式[the S]副词 ad.1. 过;经过;越过 I watched the people hurry past.我看着人们匆匆而过。以下结果来自互联网网络释义 past 1. 经过,越过 2. 过去...

pass和past的区别:中文释义不同、词性用法不同、强调重点不同。pass可作名词和动词,含义有通过、走过、使达到、及格、通行证、车票等,强调的是动作的完成;past可作形容词、名词、介词和副词,含义有过去的、昔日、在…之后、经过等。一、pass的中文释义及用法介绍 1、可作动词,含义有通过;...

past词性很多。1.以前的, 过去的,昔日的 These things happened in the past years.这些事情都发生在过去的年代里。Winter is past.冬天已经过去了。2.结束了的; 不复存在的 His prime is past.他的青春已经不复存在了。3.前任的; 已卸任的 He is the past vice-president.他就是前任副总裁。

past 英 [pɑːst] 美 [pæst]n. 过去;往事 adj. 过去的;结束的 prep. 越过;晚于 adv. 过;经过 二、短语 1、half past 半点;过去一半 2、past month 上个月 3、past time 过去;消遣 4、past tense 过去式 三、例句 1、He was well past retirement age.他大大超过...


父齐13435759598问: ( )the past fifteen years the coastal town has grown into a properous port.括号里为什么不能填within
叠彩区氨肽回答: 主句是现在完成时,所以时间状语应强调时间的持续性,即应该用 Since the past fifteen years,“过去十五年以来”.而 Within the past fifteen years 只强调“在过去的十五年内”,是一个时间范围,并不说明时间的持续性.

父齐13435759598问: 关于保护牙齿的 英语短文 -
叠彩区氨肽回答: 同学们要保护好自己的牙齿,要做到以下几点: Students to protect their teeth, it is necessary to do the following: 1.要养成良好的刷牙习惯.饭后用温开水漱口,早晚各刷牙一次.刷牙的次数不能太多,多了反而会损伤牙齿,刷牙的时间也不宜过...

父齐13435759598问: 一篇保健牙齿的英语作文 -
叠彩区氨肽回答: Nowadays, many people don't pay attention to protect their teeth.Because of this,most part of people have both teethache and other sick ahout teeth.therefore,we must do well in three points for our health. First of all,we can brush ou teeth twice a day,...

父齐13435759598问: ...a college student(大学生) and barely(勉强) myself with part - time jobs. Maybe I could the worst one. I opened the Yellow Pages and called the first within ... -
叠彩区氨肽回答:[答案] 1.A2.C3.D4.C5.B6.B7.A8.D9.A10.A11.C12.B13.C14.C15.A16.B17.D18.B19.C20.D 分 析: 这篇文章主要讲了作者的牙齿坏了,作者去看牙医时,告诉他自己没钱支付账单.但是牙医说可以等作者参加工作后,再支付账单.作者工作后,在几个月...

父齐13435759598问: 牙齿健康的英语作文 80个单词左右 初二水平 -
叠彩区氨肽回答: Keeping Your Teeth HealthyClean and healthy teeth look great and feel good. They help you to have the confidence to get really close to people. To keep teeth healthy, it's important to choose the right drinks and foods, to brush your teeth twice every...

父齐13435759598问: 根据下面的故事提问.       Yesterday morning Mrs. Brown got up at half past six. She washed her face and cleaned her teeth(牙齿). Then she made... -
叠彩区氨肽回答:[答案] 1.did Mrs. Brown get up every morning 2.did she do 3.did she work 4.did she like 5.helped her (答案不唯一)

父齐13435759598问: 保护牙齿的英文 -
叠彩区氨肽回答: 保护牙齿——The protection of teeth 中文:首先要注意的是正常的刷牙方法和合理的刷牙时间,如旋转刷牙法,巴氏刷牙法.保证每次刷牙3分钟以上.再晚再累都要坚持一天2刷,必要时一天3刷. 其次是零食的节制,保证除了一日3餐外,不...

父齐13435759598问: 关于牙齿的英文谚语,急求!!!谢谢! -
叠彩区氨肽回答: teeth for teeth eye for eye 以牙还牙, 以其人之道还其人之身 To grind the teeth Clinching the Teeth weeping and gnashing of teeth To grind your teeth 好不容易找的

父齐13435759598问: 翻译的是否正确.the tooth had been pulled牙齿被拔了
叠彩区氨肽回答:改一改就好了 Tooth was pulled out 牙齿被拔了 the tooth had been pulled 牙齿已经被拔了

父齐13435759598问: 牙齿和爪子英文读后感,内有中文帮忙翻译,急! -
叠彩区氨肽回答: 你意思是,你打上去的这些都要翻译吗? 《Teeth and claws》This book is a few brief stories:《Sly Denis. Washi Ta》、《Storyteller》、《Gabriel. Ernest》、《Toboggan Murray》、《Wolf》Composition.The length of each story is not long, ...

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