
作者&投稿:謇查 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我想简单的工作和大量的资金,这是世界上最有趣的事情。” So he could only be a thief.所以,他只能是一个小偷。 But he still thought it was too hard work, so he only told his friends what to do and got money from them.但他仍然认为它是工作太辛苦,所以他只告诉他的朋友做什么...

A. He wonders if anything happened at the coffee shop. B. He doesn't know why the coffee tastes bad. C. He only wants coffee because he isn't happy. D. He thinks that they ought to go to the coffee shop. 一般疑问句,却用了降调,表示出说话者愿意去咖啡馆的肯定态度,答案应是D。 ②...

2. ___ do it well. A.Can he only B.Only can he C.Can only he D.O...
选D.只有当only修饰状语时,才用倒装。(若是主从句,应在主句倒装)如;Only in this way can you solve the problem.Only if you are free will you go out for a walk.而此句中,only 修饰主语,故不倒装。“只有他能把事情做好。”...

首先A,D文中没提到,那么在B,C间怎么选择的C呢,在于文中提到了a special typewriter it has shallow bowl—like keys that are about two inches wide. 2英寸宽,所以选C 用he来表示体现了拟人化,富有感情色彩,既表现了性别,又体现了它的可爱以及作者对它的喜爱 20S这是表示人年龄的一种用法...

...20 years .Most Chinese families have only o...
小题1:B小题2:A小题3:C小题4:A小题5:B 试题分析:本文大意:计划生育政策已经实行了二十年了,到2008年,中国独生子的数量已经达到3.3亿,大约是美国的人口数 在未来的20年里,独生子一代将成为我们社会的主力军。独生子们经常得到最好的爱护,有时甚至处到许多的溺爱,然而这些孩子们经常...

___ he’s only been learning English for a year, he speaks it very...
这里的considering后接省略that的宾语从句,相当于because引导的原因状语从句。即considering (that)等于because。句意:因为他已经学了一年的英语,所以他英语讲得很好。 Happy New Year to you ahead of time!

the only thing__bothered tom was whether he could pass the final...
B that 当先行词有only的时候,引导词要用that,这是规定 比较特别的情况有 1. 先行词被序数词、 形容词最高级、 the only, the very, the last等修饰时, 关系代词通常只用that, 不用which ① The first English novel that I read was Cities. 我读的第一本英文小说是《城市》。② This...

1。这是困难的,这个年轻人because___找到一份工作。A.hewasonly18yearsoldB.hisfathercaredtoomuchabouthim 他有一辆昂贵的车他没有足够的学校教育 2。第十八次生日意味着什么,年轻人?一。他能得到一辆汽车作礼物。B。他为了谋生。C。他不得不把他的父母。D。他不得不在一家超市工作。3。这个年...

I just can't undrstand ___ at him. He is only eleven!
i just cant understand 这句话显然是缺宾语 可以接名词或宾语从句 your laughing 是名词 可以做宾语 you laughing 这个laughing就是现在分词了 不能够成宾语从句 因为缺少谓语 除非是 i jst cant understand why you are you laughing at him~...

如果 only 放在句首,修饰副词,介词短语或状语从句,该句就要部分倒装.Only after my friend came __C__.A. did the computer repair B. he repaired the computer C. was the computer repaired D. The computer was repaired 【注意】:如果 only 修饰主语,则不用倒装。 如:Only Wang L...

博仪15767002666问: 在定语从句中the only 修饰人做先行词时 引导词用that还是who -
靖远县万苏回答: 如果先行词是表示人的不定代词时,只能用who,否则都可以.用the only修饰物时,只能用that不能用which引导定语从句.

博仪15767002666问: only+副词,部分倒装的例子有哪些? -
靖远县万苏回答: 部分倒装:助动词或情态动词位于主语之前. 标志:Only+副词、介词短语、从句+助动词+主语+谓语动词. 1、例句: Only in this way can you learn English well. 按照这种方法,你的英文学的会很好. 2、例句: Only recently did linguists begin...

博仪15767002666问: the+比较级+名词复数还是单数 -
靖远县万苏回答: the+比较级 可以接名词复数 也可以接名词单数, 请看例句:There are many types of portable heaters on the market. The better ones usually cost a little more. (复数) The hearter that I bought was the cheaper of the two available, but it died after ...

博仪15767002666问: 求解答there are only ten apples left in the baskets, - ----the spoilt ones. -
靖远县万苏回答: 答案应该是A,not counting the spoilt ones作为后半句,是典型的由动名词所引导的状语补足语形式!如果要写成not counted形式,后半句可以改成这样and the spolit ones not counted! 因为该句为There be句型,故后面的分句前要加连词and,假如没有and后半句就是一个完整的句子了,显然不能用逗号连接两个句子的!英语也是语法很规矩的一门语言,英语里面有很多固定句型,多阅读+背诵,勤做笔记,总结,积累到一定数量就看得透彻了!

博仪15767002666问: 主谓一致中,the only one of +复数名词+定语从句中,定语从句的谓语动词用单数还是复数? -
靖远县万苏回答: 单数,因为the only one指的是一个人,“唯一的”,唯一符合条件的一个人.

博仪15767002666问: the only one of +复数名词 who 后的谓语动词都用单三吗 -
靖远县万苏回答: 这是关于one of 的用法.如果one of +n +who 的这种结构.从句的谓语动词主要看先行词.先行词是one of 后面的复数名词.因此谓语用复数.如果在one of+n+who前面有 the only, the very ,the just....等词,此时的先行词不是one of 后的复数名词,而是the only 等词,从句的谓语动词要用单数形式…

博仪15767002666问: 求解答英语语法题1.There are only ten apples left in the baskets,__the spoilt ones.A.not counting B.not to count C.don't count D.having not counted选A.请分析... -
靖远县万苏回答:[答案] 1 考察非谓语动词的用法(独立主格),非谓语动词有两种形式 即to do 和 v+ing to do 表示过去发生的事 v+ing 泛指一般现在时或者目前正在发生的事 题中There are 形式表示句子是一般现在时 所以用not counting . 2 在高中高三复习时 你们会学到 ...

博仪15767002666问: can 后面动词要保持原形?例如The only person he could counted on was his friend,Bob.count要否变? -
靖远县万苏回答:[答案] 我认为是不对,can后面必须要用动词原形,因为can是助动词,助动词后面是必须要用动词原形的,改为 The only person he could count on was his friend,Bob. 希望可以帮到楼主!

博仪15767002666问: the final countdown什么意思 -
靖远县万苏回答: the final countdown 倒数计时;碧血长天;最后的倒计时 例句1.Well, tonight is the start of the final countdown.嗯,今晚是倒数计时的开始.2.He bought his first "metal" album, "The Final Countdown" .他买了他的第一个“金属”专辑,“最后...

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