
作者&投稿:阴燕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

“一首乐曲”是a piece of music,“几首乐曲”是several pieces of music。music也可用于指“音乐学科”,这时须用零冠词(不加冠词)。music还可作“乐谱”解,还可喻指“和谐悦耳的声音”。music的例句 1、He has a wide knowledge of painting and music.他在绘画和音乐方面知识渊博。2、Their...

1.一般现在时 I like playing football.He loves music.He rides a bike to school everyday.It is a car.Tom runs fast.Lily is a tall beautiful.2.现在进行时 She is watching TV.He is reading a book.Mr.Green is doing housework.They are playing basketball.I am listening to music...

music英[ˈmju:zɪk]美[ˈmjuzɪk]n.音乐; 乐曲; 乐谱; 乐队;[例句]He went on to study music, specialising in the clarinet.他继续学习音乐,主攻单簧管。

悦耳的声音; 乐音 对音乐的欣赏力 乐队, 合唱队 (猎)狗叫声 [美口]激烈的辩论, 吵闹 法律制裁, 惩处 compose music 作曲 the music of the stream 优美的溪流声 musicbook n.乐谱 musicbox n.八音盒 musiccase n.乐谱夹子 musichall n.音乐厅 [英]杂技戏院 He leafed through the music....

是的,我听音乐,因为我喜欢音乐,特别是外国音乐。例:We can listen to music after class.我们可以在下课的时候听音乐。二、词汇解析 1、listen 英 ['lɪs(ə)n] ;美 ['lɪsn]vi.听,倾听;听从,听信 n.听,倾听 例:He spent his time listening to the radio.他...

music泛指“音乐”时不与冠词连用,特指“乐曲”时或music前有形容词最高级修饰时,可与定冠词、物主代词、指示代词等连用。“一首乐曲”是a piece of music,“几首乐曲”是several pieces of music。用英语表达各科目 1、科目:the subject He dodged our questions by changing the subject.他...

5、opera读音:英[ˈɒprə],美[ˈɑːprə]n. 歌剧;歌剧剧本;歌剧艺术;歌剧团;歌剧院例句:He was also learned in classical music with a great love of opera.他还是个酷爱歌剧的古典音乐专家。 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 ...

英语同义句改写He likes music.He___ ___ ___ music
为你解答。He likes music.(同义句)He (is fond of) music.他喜爱音乐。解释:be fond of,喜爱。

英语同义句改写He likes music.He___ ___ ___ music
he enjoys listening to music very much.纠正下之前的答案:he would like to listen to music very much 顺便说一句:would like to 的近义词是want to

大学英语作文:关于音乐 About Music
I felt so excited and was so eager to learn. At first, he would hold the bike for me, tell me to look forward and never look back. But I just couldn't do it, I needed to check if he was there. My father started to let go and I gain more confidence. At last, th...

一奖18047073036问: I want to join the music club为什么一定要加个the? -
临川区谓你回答: the表示特指,a表示泛指.单独拿出这句英语来讲,用 the或者a都没有语法上的错误.用the时,表示心中已经有一个选定的music club,你是要加入这个,而不是其他的某一个.用a时,表示你只是想加入某一个music club.

一奖18047073036问: 在英语中:加入某俱乐部为什么加the呢比如说:i want to join the music club -
临川区谓你回答: 因为“我”想要加入的那个特定的音乐俱乐部,不是任何一个

一奖18047073036问: 英语互译 弹吉它————— 下棋—————— 加入我们—————— the music club———the swimming club———— -
临川区谓你回答:[答案] play the piano,play chess,join us,音乐俱乐部,游泳俱乐部

一奖18047073036问: 英语翻译 求教
临川区谓你回答: Join the Music club. / Attend the Music club.

一奖18047073036问: 她想参加音乐俱乐部.汉译英 -
临川区谓你回答: She wants to join the music club.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!请记得采纳,谢谢!(*^__^*)

一奖18047073036问: the+名词=该名词首字母大写?例如:the food and drink club=Food and Drink club?the music club=Music club?The little baby knows it=Little Baby knows it? -
临川区谓你回答:[答案] the+名词不等于该名词首字母大写,英文中名词不可单独存在,要么以名词复数形式存在,要么the +名词单数=名词复数

一奖18047073036问: 我想加入音乐俱乐部.翻译 -
临川区谓你回答: i would like to join the music club.求采纳!

一奖18047073036问: 为什么Music Club要大写,而the music club不用? -
临川区谓你回答: 店家的名字叫做 Music Club 所以要大写. 泛指一般的音乐会所: The music club 不是专用名字,不用大写.

一奖18047073036问: 翻译:假如她喜欢音乐的话,她就成为音乐俱乐部的会员了 If she - music,she - _ _ the music club. -
临川区谓你回答:[答案] if she loves music,she would have joined the music club. 整句是条件状语从句,主句用将来时,从句使用虚拟语气would have done 其中,woud have joined 表虚拟语气 希望能帮到你哦!

一奖18047073036问: 我想加入音乐俱乐部 的英语意思 -
临川区谓你回答: I want to join the music club.

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