
作者&投稿:芝肢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

he is most excited
答案:C.根据This is the most excited movie that I,可知这里动作watch发生在过去,但是对现在造成了影响,即是最令人兴奋的电影,所以后面的定语从句的时态应该用现在完成时,结构为have\/has+动词的过去分词,故选C.


2、I was witness to one of the most amazing comebacks in sprinting history.我目睹了短跑历史上一次最令人称奇的东山再起。3、Debts swallowed up most of the money he had got for the house.债务已经耗尽了他绝大部分准备买房子的钱。4、[as noun harvesting]after harvesting, most of the...

The most helpful ivention is light bulb 英语作文
The most interesting invention is the condom。 I choose this invention because we can not only learned alot on what this little rubber product had reduced some social issue but also some interesting stories.When military troops going for overseas operations, soldiers are always given con...

How do your parents get to work? 作文 初二水平 100词左右
My family is an interesting family, has daddy, mother, I and grandfather paternal grandmother. Although however the grandmother grandfather is also my family member, but they live that side the uncle. Mentions the uncle, I might have the words to say. He most liked doing the ...

almost 和most区别,用法,例句
2、most在构成最高级时,通常指两者以上的“最”,但有时也可以表示两者之间的“最”。3、用来修饰动词时,most不能放在动宾之间; 可以用来修饰含有情态色彩或主观意义的形容词或副词,例句1:We heard a most interesting talk about Japan.我们听了一个关于日本的非常有趣的谈话。例句2:I received a...

(=He's the most able and active man I know) k)英语里的比较级有时并无具体的比较含义,这种比较级叫做绝对比较级。如: younger generation 青年一代 higher education 高等教育 the lower classes 下层阶级 the more complex problems of life 生活中的较为复杂的问题 l)than从句的省略结构与as从句大致相同...

more 、most、much、many的用法不同?不同在哪儿?求大神帮助
4. I am becoming more and more irritated by his selfish behaviour. 我对他那种自私的行为愈加恼火起来。 5. He couldn't lift the table and no more could I. 他抬不动那张桌子,我也抬不动 6. He speaks more and more openly about his problem. 他越来越公开地谈他的问题...

I like spring the most.请问这句子前面是主谓宾,可the most是什么成分...
参考答案:the most 是副词,修饰like,意思“最喜欢”。我最喜欢春天。祝您学习进步,阿弥陀佛!

he i me这三个单词哪一个不是同一类

刁裕19295601316问: are most important 和 are the most important the 什么时候加 -
城固县四神回答: 表示非常重要(无最的含义),叫做are most important,表示“最重要”,就用are the most important. 如果形容词前的most=very,亦须省去定冠词the.这种无“最”含义的最高级叫做绝对最高级(不重读).如: It is a most useful book. 它...

刁裕19295601316问: 英语的最高级给我一些英语最高级的单词,要前面+the most的 -
城固县四神回答:[答案] 构成法 原级 比较级 最高级 一般单音节词 tall(高的) taller tallest 未尾加-er,-est great(巨大的) greater greatest 以不发音... narrower narrowest 未尾加-er,-est 其他双音节词和 important(重要的) 多音节词,在前 more important 面加more,most ...

刁裕19295601316问: The most important+n复数/单数?如题:The most important( thing 还是 things )is freedom. -
城固县四神回答:[答案] 这个根据主谓一致原则判断,答案是thing.这句话的字面翻译是:最重要的事情是自由. 如果后面是are则要填things.

刁裕19295601316问: It is the most,It is most,It is the most important,It is most important 这四个谁对谁错?如果说是约定俗成,be动词+最高级,到底要不要加the.从语法上怎么来判... -
城固县四神回答:[答案] It is most错 It is the most对,最多的 It is the most important对,最重要的 It is most important 对,非常重要most=very

刁裕19295601316问: “What I think the most important is+表语”这个句型对不对? “the most important”做什么成分. -
城固县四神回答:[答案] 你好,同学 这个句子是正确的,是一个主语从句,the most important 是think 的宾语补足语. 希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 有不明白的请继续追问(*^__^*)

刁裕19295601316问: 句子:the most important thing is…… -
城固县四神回答: 形容词最高级有“名词”的属性

刁裕19295601316问: 英语题,比较级和最高级的用法 -
城固县四神回答: 第一个问题:两个句子的语法都有错误,都缺少了BE动词.所以应该改成 1.the big pear is as sweet as the small one. 2.the monkey is as smart as that one. 第二个问题:用比较级结构的时候即“”结构的时候前面一般都要有BE动词,动词...

刁裕19295601316问: the most importanr of life is not position怎么翻译
城固县四神回答: 人生最重要的不是功名(位置)地位并不是最重要的

刁裕19295601316问: The eyes are the most important when we use body l___短文填空 -
城固县四神回答:[答案] language body language身体语言

刁裕19295601316问: 单词拼写.根据汉语或首字母的提示写出单词,使句子完整与正确.1. Safety is the most importan... -
城固县四神回答: 1. consideration 2. summary 3. throughout 4. fortunately 5. reduces 6. outstanding 7. confused 8. audience 9. underlining 10. discoveries略

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