
作者&投稿:段桂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

wav ,mid,ram,,ra,aif,au用什么播放呀
.wav .mid 可以使用windows media player播放,当然也可以使用RealOne或Realplayer .ram .ra .aif .au可以使用Realone或Realplayer播放

java音乐播放器没有声音,MP3 flac 都试过了
Java Applet支持的音乐格式只有wav,mid,au三种格式,你如果要播放Mp3格式的音乐文件,需要JMF(Java Media Framework) API的有关jar包的支持才行.flac格式的音乐文件就更不行了.要不然你用音乐格式的转换软件把Mp3文件转成wav,就可以播放了.

anything; one last eensy weensy morsel of precious, precious entertainment to use as an excuse to get out of the wretched heat of a mid-August...Wearing a sweater vest over a short-sleeve shirt, he walks up to alien shanties and asks them to sign a relocation consent form. He has ...

I like Mid-Autunmn Festival (because I like eating moon-cakes...
1.Why do you like Mid-Autumn Festival?2.Is that a very interesting book?3.His father always reads a newspaper.4.(Among all the festivals),I like Mid-Auttmn Festival best.5.What is the price of this tennis racket?6.Who is crying next door?

java 大神进请 详细解释下setFileFilter () 以及 showOpenDialog()中...
1、JFileChooser类有setFileFilter方法,用来过滤可以选择窗口中哪些后缀的文件,就想你想上传文件到服务器弹出窗口,然后让你选择文件时,如果设置了FileFilter为doc后缀格式的文件的话,窗口中只显示doc后缀的文件,其他的不显示。2、showOpenDialog是JFileChooser对象用于弹出窗口选择文件使用,参考1 ...


如果熟悉并掌握国际音标及规则字母、字母组合的发音,就可以根据音标来直接拼写英语单词,尤其是一些比较长又难于识记的单词.例如:pronunciation (n. 发音),就可以根据其音标来正确书写单词。单词的读音与字母及其组合的发音之间又有着密切的联系。比如:cow,how,now 等词中的字母组合ow 都发\/au\/ 这个音;cake,these,...

snd 什么意思

mp3 , wma, rm, mid, 有谁能说一下这几种格式的具体区别吗?
Audio(AU) Audio文件是Sun微系统公司推出的一种经过压缩的数字声音格式。AU文件原先是UNIX操作系统下的数字声音文件。由于早期Internet上的Web服务器主要是...今天,MID文件主要用于原始乐器作品,流行歌曲的业余表演,游戏音轨以及电子贺卡等。*.mid文件重放的效果完全依赖声卡的档次。*.mid格式的最大用处是在电脑作曲...

我先回答单一的答案,请敬待综合公式 十码,为PC时 =IF(MID(A1,9,2)="PC","PCO","")十码,当为SM时 =IF(MID(A2,9,2)="SM","SMART","")十码,当为AU时 =IF(MID(A3,9,2)="AU","AUTO","")

鄂娅15088685472问: ___的英文?中秋节的英文是 the mid - autumn day还是the mid - autumn festival. -
淮阳县益左回答:[答案] 都可以的. 但是 每个单词的首字母要大写 Mid-Autumn Festival Mid-Autumn Day festival 要比day 更正式一些.

鄂娅15088685472问: 中秋节的英文怎么说?是 the Mid - Autumn Festival 还是Mid - Autumn Festival 但是中秋节不是中国特定节日吗,按理来说要加the(根据语法书).但是我在《... -
淮阳县益左回答:[答案] The Mid-Autumn festival ,是这个,我也核实了.

鄂娅15088685472问: the+mid+autumn+festival作文 -
淮阳县益左回答: The Mid Autumn Festival is not only the moon and the moon cake, but also the moon and the moon. The Mid Autumn Festival is a wonderful day, night of the Mid Autumn Festival, bright and breezy, will be surrounded by family family table. On ...

鄂娅15088685472问: the Mid - autumn Festival是什么意思 -
淮阳县益左回答: the Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节; 易混淆单词:the Mid-Autumn Festival 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句: 1. 'We chose to take action near the mid-autumn festival because all of them are quite active during this period,' an immigration department spokesman said tuesday. 入境事务处一位发言人周二说,我们选择在中秋节临近的时候行动,是因为他们在这段时期全都非常活跃.

鄂娅15088685472问: The Mid - auntumn Day是什么意思
淮阳县益左回答: 中秋节

鄂娅15088685472问: The Mid - auturmn Day中文是什么意思?
淮阳县益左回答: 中秋节 不过你写错了... 应该是 The Mid-autumn Day

鄂娅15088685472问: The Mid - autumn Festival作文 -
淮阳县益左回答:[答案] Mid-Autumn Festival The 15th day of the 8th lunar month The joyous Mid-Autumn Festival was celebrated on the fifteenth day of the eighth moon, around the time of the autumn equinox(秋分). Many ref...

鄂娅15088685472问: 1The Mid - Autumn 中秋节英语作文 -
淮阳县益左回答: [1The Mid-Autumn 中秋节英语作文] The Mid-Autumn or Moon Festival is one rich in poetic(诗意的) significance. Ancient legends(古代的传说) that became interwoven with this festival's celebration further contribute to the warm regard in ...

鄂娅15088685472问: the mid autumn day -
淮阳县益左回答: 特质2000年的就写mid-autumn in 2000, 不加the

鄂娅15088685472问: 英语作文the mid - autumn festival50字 -
淮阳县益左回答: August 15th in ChineSe Lunar Calendar is the Mid-Autumn Day. It is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. On that day people usually go back home to have family reunion. Each family will have the members get together to have a ...

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