
作者&投稿:马钓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

meaning n.(声音、文字、信号等传递的)意义,意思;(想要表达的)意义;真正重要性;价值 adj.有意义的意味深长的;有所企图的 v.表示…的意思;意思是;本意是;打算;意欲;有…的目的 mean的现在分词 扩展资料 He didn't really get his meaning over to the audience.他未能完全把他的`...

meaning adj.有意义的,意味深长的 meaning [5mi:niN]n.意义, 含义 企图, 目的 【逻】内涵; 外延 重要性; 价值 有效的内容; 效力 full of meaning 意味深长的 with meaning 有意思的 He says his life has lost its meaning (for him) since his wife died.他说妻子死后他的生命就失去了...

的意思;意思是;本意是;打算 扩展资料 I don't quite get your meaning.我不太明白你要说的意思。Having a child gave new meaning to their lives.有了一个孩子使得他们的生活有了新的`方向。He's very well meaning.Her life seemed to have lost all meaning.她的生活似乎已毫无价值。

what's the meaning of between'in chinese 是什么意思
what's the meaning of between'in chinese翻译为:“之间”在汉语中的含义是什么?1、meaning 英 [ˈmi:nɪŋ] 美 [ˈminɪŋ]n.含义;意思,意义;意图 adj.有意思的;意味深长的 vt.意味(mean的现在分词);意思是 Her book is not without autobiographical...

一、词义辨析不一样 1、sense n. 意义,意思 〔辨析〕指单词、短语、句子等的意思。〔例证〕The word 'sensible' has several different senses.sensible一词有几种不同的意思。2、meaning n. 意思,含义 〔辨析〕普通用词,泛指语言、手势、符号等表达的意思。〔例证〕The meaning of her words ...

mean的现在分词是meaning,mean本身就有名词的意思。一、mean 英 [mi:n] 美 [min]v. 表示…的意思; 意思是; 打算; 产生…结果;adj. 吝啬的; 刻薄的; 破旧的; 残忍的;n. 平均数; 中间; 几何平均; 等比中数;

mean meaning meaningful有什么区别?
mean、meaning、meaningful只有一个区别就是词性不同,原形都是mean。1、meningful作形容词意思是意味深长的;有意义的。如:She threw a meaningful look at him.她向他投去意味深长的目光。2、mean作动词意思是打算;导致;意味。作形容词意思是低劣的;刻薄的;卑鄙的;出色的;吝啬的;平均的;...

扩展资料 Upon the utterance of this word, Dan and Harry exchanged a quick, meaningful look.这个字一出口,丹和哈里马上交换了一个意味深长的'眼神.He lives the most meaningful life.他活得最有意义。The man feel meaningful about his trip.这个人觉得这趟旅行很有意义。They'll get ...

是对的啊,meaning在这个句子里面的词性是形容词,“有意义的, 意味深长的; 有所企图的”。名词有时候可以通过词性变化,由名词变为形容词。例如:When she asked if she had passed the examination the teacher said he couldn't tell her, but gave her a meaning smile.当她问老师她是否考试...

He is an adult now,so let’s just go with it.I mean it.说真的,他现在已经是成年人了,就顺其自然吧。小提示:记得“mean”和“it”中辅音“n”和元音“i”是可以连读的哦。mean 常见的还有形容词的意思,翻译成“吝啬的,小气的,刻薄的”。后面介词一般会用“about,over,with”等。...

宰蒋18446903834问: the meaning of与 the meanings of 的区别与用法 -
科尔沁右翼中旗乳癖回答: the meaning of 是“...的意思”,the meanings of是某事情有着多个意思或者多重意义

宰蒋18446903834问: the meaning of 后面加doing sth -
科尔沁右翼中旗乳癖回答:[答案] 是的,介词后面加动词ing形式

宰蒋18446903834问: the meaning of -
科尔沁右翼中旗乳癖回答: ……的意思The Original Meaning Of 初义 The holy meaning of 能量流行 the literal meaning of 字面意思

宰蒋18446903834问: what is the meaning 后加上of,by,with之间的区别是什么 -
科尔沁右翼中旗乳癖回答: of接名词或名词词组 by接动词的ing,通过做某事的意思.没有见过with结构.祝你学习进步!望采纳,多谢!^_^

宰蒋18446903834问: the meaning of 什么时候meaning加s -
科尔沁右翼中旗乳癖回答: 指各种意思the meaning of these sentenses are days 我的日子

宰蒋18446903834问: whats the meaning of sth的语法结构 -
科尔沁右翼中旗乳癖回答: 特殊疑问词+be动词+冠词+名词+of+名词

宰蒋18446903834问: the meaning of 是什么?? -
科尔沁右翼中旗乳癖回答: the meaning of 解释:......的意思 或 ......的含义

宰蒋18446903834问: 急!求一篇英语作文 The meaning of a good name 150字左右 -
科尔沁右翼中旗乳癖回答: Names are symbols that attempt to differentiate between different individuals. They take on different interpretations among different people. One person, for example, will think of something completely different when they hear a specific name. ...

宰蒋18446903834问: 什么意思应该怎么说?是what's the meaning?还是what's meaning? -
科尔沁右翼中旗乳癖回答: What's meaning是绝对错误的,万万不能用的. What's the meaning? 或 What is the meaning?是对的. 还可以用What the meaning of (+this word, this sentence, this gesture等)?作为一种句型. 另一种说法是:What does it mean? 辅音 ...

宰蒋18446903834问: the meaning of 是什么意思? -
科尔沁右翼中旗乳癖回答: ①……的意思;意义 ②方式,方法 by the meaning of 以……的方式,方法

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