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可以混用,但需要注意上下文语境。在英文中,单词“lack”和“lack of”都可以表达“缺乏”的意思,但在具体使用时,它们在某些情况下可以混用,但也存在一些细微的差别。lack和lack of的基本含义 “Lack”作为一个动词或者名词时,表示缺乏或缺少某物。例如,“He lacks confidence.”在这里,“lack”用...

lack 的用法?
lack用法 (1).lack 动词,意思是“缺乏;不足;没有”。作及物动词用。例如:He lacks courage.他缺乏勇气。Owing to lack of time, we cannot do more than what we have done.由于时间不够,我们只能做到这样。Their actions lack consistency; they say one thing and do another.他们言行不...

请问the lack of 和the shortage of具体区分在哪儿啊
1. lack of 可表示缺少某物,也可表示缺少某些抽象的东西,比如缺乏睡眠、缺乏努力等等。如 She puts her failure to lack of experience. 她把她的失败归咎于缺少经验。2. shortage of 只能表示缺乏某物,如缺少工具、缺少库存等等。如 The shortage of oil will probably drive prices up. 石油...

lack的用法:一、作动词的用法 1、lack是表示状态的及物动词,不用于被动结构,也不用于进行体。2、lack后接介词for,表示缺乏什么或在某方面缺少,常用于否定句,是正式用语,该短语多用于一般时态,隐含“并非完全没有”之意。lack的现在分词lacking常用作形容词,在句中作表语。其后接介词in引起的...

lack 和 lack of的区别?
1、意思不同:lack of的意思是缺乏,需要;lack的意思是缺少。The problem with many modern buildings is that they lack personality.许多现代建筑物的问题在于缺乏特色。2、用法不同:lack of的意思是指某物完全没有或有而不足,所缺之物可好可坏。lack指缺少某种品质或某物缺少某种性质、特点。L...

lack of是一个短语,通常作为主语,用来表达缺少的状态或条件。其后常跟名词或名词短语,表示某种事物的缺失。例如缺乏自信。2. 用法差异:作为动词的lack可以直接用于描述某物的缺失状态,无需加介词或其他修饰词。例如:“He lacks patience.”在这里,lack直接描述了主语的特点或状态。而lack of作为短语...

5、He mentioned the shortage of food in the flooded area.他提到了灾区缺少食品的问题。lack 1、She is highly intelligent but her work lacks organization.她聪慧绝顶,工作却缺乏条理。2、We are very much aware of the lack of food supplies.我们完全了解食物供应的缺乏。3、Her lack of ...

lack 的用法
n.(常与of连用)缺乏;需要 There is no lack of vegetable.蔬菜不缺。The lack of rain aggravated the serious lack of food."由于干旱少雨,缺粮问题更加严重。"vt.是及物动词,直接接所缺乏的东西就可以:缺乏;不足;没有 He lacks courage.他缺乏勇气。Their actions lack consistency; they...

及物动词 vt.(通常不用于被动语态)1.缺少;没有 I don't seem to lack anything.我好像什么也不缺。2.需要 不及物动词 vi.1.缺少;不足;没有[(+for)]They lacked for nothing.他们什么都不缺少。名词 n.1.欠缺;不足;没有[U][S1][(+of)]He can not buy it because of his lack of...

一、意思不同 lack:1、n. 缺乏,不足 2、v. 缺乏,不足,没有;需要 3、n. (Lack) (美、德)拉克(人名)shortage:n. 缺乏,缺少;不足 absence:n. 没有;缺乏;缺席;不注意 二、用法不同 1、lack:多用于缺乏信心、经验不足等场景。例句:He lacked the judgment and political ...

慎夏13890041726问: the lack of是什么意思 -
锦屏县伊贝回答: the lack of 缺乏 双语对照 例句:1.Despite the lack of organization, occupy wall street is garnering mindshare. 尽管缺乏组织,“占领华尔街”运动仍然吸引了大量关注

慎夏13890041726问: 关于LACK请问lack of a lack of the lack of 有何区别? -
锦屏县伊贝回答:[答案] lack of :I'm lack of moneya lack of:There is a lack of rice in the North Korea.the lack of:The lack of Rice in North Korea became a big problem to the UN.这个简单的例子我就不翻译了,具体的区别还要你自...

慎夏13890041726问: a lack of和the lack of的区别 -
锦屏县伊贝回答: lack在这是名词, lack of 是缺乏, a lack of 没这种搭配 (常与of连用)缺乏;需要 There is no lack of vegetable. 蔬菜不缺. The lack of rain aggravated the serious lack of food. "由于干旱少雨,缺粮问题更加严重." It was lack of ...

慎夏13890041726问: 如果lack做名词,可不可以有for lack of ,for 与lack之间不要加冠词吗?为什么? -
锦屏县伊贝回答: for lack of 本来就是习惯短语,如:the trees died for/through lack of water. 例句出自《英汉大词典》

慎夏13890041726问: be lack of的用法? -
锦屏县伊贝回答: 1. "be lack of" 和 "be lack in" 的区别:① "be lack of" 的翻译是“缺乏”,意思是某人或某物没有某种东西或某种特征.这个短语通常用来描述主语的缺少或不足.例句:The team is lack of motivation.(这个团队缺乏动力.)② "be ...

慎夏13890041726问: lack用法 -
锦屏县伊贝回答: Lack缺乏,没有Lack+of+名词: The plants died for lack of water.Lack+名词: We lack the strength to walk any further.短语: be lacking:欠缺、缺: Money was lacking to complete the building.Be lacking in缺乏(某种品质、特点等),不够: He is not lacking in intelligence.Lack for 缺(多用于否定句) She does not lack for friends.

慎夏13890041726问: the lack of和lack of有区别么 -
锦屏县伊贝回答: the lack of中的lack是名词性质的 lack of里面的lack是动词性质的 because of 后面要跟名词,所以选D咯有问题请追问,满意的话请采纳

慎夏13890041726问: the lack of和lack of有区别么 they didnt finish the experiment successfully because of ( ) courage -
锦屏县伊贝回答:[选项] A. lack in B. the lacking of C. lack of D. the lack of

慎夏13890041726问: lack of 和lack for有什么区别啊? -
锦屏县伊贝回答:[答案] Lack缺乏,没有 Lack+of+名词:The plants died for lack of water. Lack+名词:We lack the strength to walk any further. 短语:be lacking:欠缺、缺:Money was lacking to complete the building. Be lacking in缺乏(某种品质、特点等),不够:He is ...

慎夏13890041726问: a lack of 和lack of 有什么区别? -
锦屏县伊贝回答: "a lack of, 一般泛指的时候用, lack, n, 缺乏; there is a lack of... 缺乏,,, lack of, 一般前面都会有限定词的, 再有就是固定搭配, 前面不用a, 如lack of water. He can not buy it because of (his) lack of money. 他因缺钱买不起这个; (Habitual) lack of care. 习惯性的缺乏关心; (The) lack of rain made... 雨水的缺乏使得... 这里用the来限定了."

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