
作者&投稿:锻垄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. He inadvertently hurt her feelings.他无意中伤了她的感情。2. My shoulders hurt.我的两肩有点痛。3. Another glass won't hurt you.再喝一杯对你也无妨。不及物动词 My right leg hurts.我右脚疼。名词 It was a real hurt to her vanity.这对她的虚荣心真是一个打击。五、sure ...

关于 失控陪审团
Nicholas Easter is your typical citizen who works, plays and sleeps, living his life in a normal fashion. He is upset when the jury summons comes, of course, but is willing to do his civic duty, albeit begrudgingly. At least that is the way he appears. When Nicholas is ...

Does she and I swim well ? 这句话有错吗
Poultry is expensive at this time of year. That green foliage was restful. The merchandise has arrived undamaged. All the machinery in the factory is made in China. The suite of furniture he bought was of contemporary style. The equipment of the photographic studio was expensive.(...

jury's out是什么意思
jury's out 众说纷纭; 未有定论。例句筛选 1.The jury's out, my choice is you.众说纷纭,可是,我的选择是你。2.He calls the work an interesting approach, but adds "the jury's out" on whether it will prove better than other methods.他称这个方法很有趣,但是又补充道,不...

He kissed off the objections from others.他对别人的反对置之不理。词组kiss off,这里使用的是在俚语中经常用到的一个含义:离开,拒绝,不在意。例句:When the professionals beggars ask for money, better just give them the kiss-off.遇到要钱的职业乞丐,最该做的就是直接走开。The jury ...

大公鸡英语为cock音标是[kpk]。cock的过去分词是cocked、复数是cocks、过去式是cocked、现在分词是cocking、第三人称单数是cocks。公鸡的英文例句 1、His hands were too weak to cock his revolver。他的手没劲儿,扳不动左轮手枪的扳机。2、He was in danger of making a real cock-up of this...

4、this room is four times the size of that one主系表结构陈述句,this room为主语,four times the size 为表语,of that one为介词短语作SIZE的定语5、He is too young to understand it主系表结构陈述句,too young to understand it为表语,其中不定式短语作 to understand it作方式状语,...



; 成永远 regard as 当作 ; 认作 ; 属于 ; 算是 例句 1、Another policeman has been injured as fighting continued this morning.又一名警察在今天上午打斗继续过程中受了伤。2、All the jury's eyes were on him as he continued.所有陪审员的目光在他继续下去时都集中在了他身上。

种泊19396459316问: the+jury是复数还是单数
溪湖区回心回答: 如果是作为整体的,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式;如果作为其中一个个的成员,谓语动词用第三人称复数形式.

种泊19396459316问: the 后加名词或形容词时都指一个类别 什么时候谓语动词用单数或复数? the rich 后面的谓语动词用复数, -
溪湖区回心回答: the rich 表示一个整体,用单数,the cow也是,,表示的是一个人群!

种泊19396459316问: 英语单词在什么时候加s -
溪湖区回心回答: 复数,第三人称单数 各种名词的复数形式 A 名词的复数形式通常是在单数名词后加s: day,days天,白天 house,houses房屋 其他复数形式 B 以字母o,ch,sh,ss或x结尾的单词,在词尾加es构成其复数:tomato,tomatoes西红柿 brush, brushes刷子 ...

种泊19396459316问: the +形容词/过去分词时如何判断是指的单数的还是复数的? -
溪湖区回心回答:[答案] “the+形容词/过去分词”,这种结构如果后面没有接名词,表示指的是一类人,那么就是复数. 如,the rich 表示富人们 ,the poor意为“穷人们”

种泊19396459316问: the+名词单数表一类时 谓语动词用单数还是复数? -
溪湖区回心回答: 一般用单数 但用复数也可以的

种泊19396459316问: the+名词表示一类人 谓语动词要单数还是复数? -
溪湖区回心回答:[答案] the old/young/rich/poor/blind/deaf 都是一类人,是复数,谓语动词用复数(are/ do) . 希望可以帮到你~

种泊19396459316问: the 后面的可数名词是只能用复数还是单数?请举例子. -
溪湖区回心回答: 两个都可以,看语言环境.the 其实与单复数根本无关,是在句子里特定的. 比如说: 接复数:The sharks have very sharp teeth. 接单数:The shark is getting mad!

种泊19396459316问: The +姓的复数代表什么?当单数用还是复数用????? -
溪湖区回心回答: The +姓的复数代表(这一家人)表示复数. 如:The Peters are in the park.

种泊19396459316问: the后面是用单数还是复数 -
溪湖区回心回答: 看语境而定的. 因为,the可以代替 this that these those.所以既可以用单数和复数 是的 都行. 例句:1 、The cat is cute. 2 、The leaves are in the tree. 因为,the可以代替 this that these those. 所以既可以用单数和复数 the只是特指而已啊, 后面可以接复数和单数甚至是不可数 e.g.the Prince of Wales 如上面的几位老师作答,两种情况都可以.指代的意义不同.

种泊19396459316问: the 的用法 - 那它表示的是复数还是单数呢? 比如 the poor 在一段语境中是表示一个穷人(上问出现过的)还是说它只可以表示穷人这一类?
溪湖区回心回答: the+adj.表示具有该形容词特征的一类人时,谓语动词一般用复数. e,g,: The old(全国的老人) have been taken good care of/treated well in this country. The sick(事...

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