
作者&投稿:尉泳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1. 区别:"Job"通常指的是一个具体的、有报酬的、可以辨认的职业或工作岗位。它强调的是个人所从事的特定工作或职责。例如,教师、医生、律师等都可以被称为"job"。"Work"是一个更加广泛的词汇,指的是一般性的工作、劳动或职业活动。它并不强调特定的职业,而是泛指任何形式的工作、劳动或活动。例...

job的中文意思有工作、任务等等。job单词解释:工作、任务、职位、工作岗位、刺、插、挤、猛扭、打零工、做杂活儿、买卖股票、欺骗、骗取、出卖、背叛、假公济私、营私舞弊、刺、戳、捅。Job的复数: jobs Job的第三人称单数: jobs Job的现在分词: jobbing Job的过去式: jobbed Job的过去分词: ...

what a wonderful job he had?

He's a real job.怎么翻译?谢谢
job在非正式用语中有破坏,为害的意思,指一件做得很坏或不尽人意的工作:The stylist did a real job on my hair.发型师把我的头发剪糟了 2.他真是个约伯 约伯(Job):《旧约》中一个诚实正直的人物,备历危险,仍坚信上帝。这里指他是个有耐心,能吃苦的家伙 3.因为没有上下文,也可能...

he’s job is 什么 cars
he’s job is 什么 cars 填写 driving 他的工作是开车

Wang: You got the job!Yi-chun: (happy) Thank you.Wang: Would you mind having lunch with me? Let’s discuss what you should do on the job at lunch.Yi-chun: It’s my honor, ma’am.Wang: Let’s go.SCENE III Wu: Hey, do you think Yi-chun can get the job?He: Of...

what's. (he) job ? he's a (farm)
his farmer

brighter future, but I have to say that so dose a job with a high salary. At least that fits in my uncle Mr. Frade, born in a poor family, a man who didn't receive much education and went to another city to make a living at the age of 18. He worked as a builder which is ...

He made___that he had taken the important job
a it 是形式宾语,known 是宾补,that he had taken the important job 是真正的宾语 只有 it 才可以作形式宾语。“他把他已经接受那个重要工作的事让人知道了。”

系农15311318223问: the+比较级+名词复数还是单数 -
泸西县热淋回答: the+比较级 可以接名词复数 也可以接名词单数, 请看例句:There are many types of portable heaters on the market. The better ones usually cost a little more. (复数) The hearter that I bought was the cheaper of the two available, but it died after ...

系农15311318223问: 求一篇英文作文,题目是跳槽(JOB - HOPPING) -
泸西县热淋回答: My View on Job-HoppingSome people tend to stick to their positions all tile time, as theythink the longer one works in a particular field, the more skillful one will be at it. Some have been teachers all their lives. Some devote their life energy to ...

系农15311318223问: the+最高级+复数名词? -
泸西县热淋回答: 应该是one of the +最高级+名词复数1.This is one of the best televisions on the market.这是目前销售的品种最好的电视机之一.2.That was one of the strangest incidents in my life.那是我一生中所遇到的最奇特的事件之一.3.Friendship is ...

系农15311318223问: New+methods+make+the+job+easy.这是什么句 -
泸西县热淋回答: 答案是:这是一个简单句 ,New methods(主语) make (谓语)the job(宾语) easy(宾语补足语)

系农15311318223问: 求助一篇“ my view on job - hopping” 四级作文,大家帮帮忙,谢谢啦! -
泸西县热淋回答: Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic My View on dob-hopping. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:1.有些人喜欢始...

系农15311318223问: The job interview is key to successful job - hunting 作文翻译 -
泸西县热淋回答: 近年来,随着市场经济的发展,雇员需要面试已经变得越来越重要. 在工作面试是,事实上,成功的关键的工作.然后做好准备工作面试是至关重要的. 我想要吸引一个候选人的三个方面的关注.首先,一个候选人必须照顾面试技巧,包括语...

系农15311318223问: 求助 以"How to avoid the job - hopping"的英语作文 -
泸西县热淋回答: . Maturity 成熟 The drastic transformation from isolated centrally planned to internationally open market economy has occurred so fast that the change in the mindset and the adaptation of new modern business practice is still in the process of ...

系农15311318223问: inform sb+介词+sth
泸西县热淋回答: 通知,告知,报告(+of/about)] 例句:I informed his wife of his safe arrival. 我通知他太太他已平安抵达. 所以用OF/ABOUT都行

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