
作者&投稿:沙徐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

He is my idol.

谁有super junior歌曲的罗马发音越多越好啊?
noui gu nengjonghago janinham soge nanun mwoni (mianhe)do isang dudgo shiphji anhano matter what you say it's overAra nodo himduldanun gol guroni obso jwo julke kuthnajanhaOver with your love nol jiugigahimduro irohge manggajyoborin naui mamul non ihe mothalgoyaover hajima no ...

简单:He is my only idol.

idol造句如下派闭扰:双语例句:1、An idol plays an important role in our lives.偶像在我们的生活中扮演着重要的角色。2、Finally,I figured engineers were cool because my idol is an excellent engineer.最后,我觉得工程师很酷,因为我的偶像是一位优秀的工程师态盯。3、He had been a ...

单字母一类 全大写单词一类 首字母大写单词一类 小写字母单次一类

例句:Dad:Of course not, I have to watch my American Idol.爸爸:当然不想啊,我得回去看我的《美国偶像》。二、语性不同 1、icon: 名词,用来指固定的标志。例句:What do you think this face icon represent? 你们认为这个脸部图标表示什么?2、idol:形容词,指人。例句:He was my ...

I love Super Junior very much .Super Junior is one of the most famous bands all over the world.There were 13 members in the group.But there are only 10 members now.I still love Super Junior has 13 members.The members in the group are kroean except HanGeng. He comes from ...


Er war ziemlich gut in bescheidenen Schub Moral aber schnell zum Idol der Fans. Einmal stand er vor dem Kaiserslautern-Team steht für das Team zujubeln, und bald die meisten der Fans trugen das Trikot mit seinem Namen. Sein Markenzeichen Salto nach Scoring Aktion, als er die "Shengkeluoze...

1《足球小将之向梦想起飞 》2《幸好你也在这里等》3《爱上老妈的情人》4《浅夏》5《二十岁的眼泪》6《吸血鬼男友的情敌》7《单身礼物》8《成长序曲之学生时代》9《找个保姆当老婆》10《王子or骑士》11《不想懂得》12《空城》13《辰之夜恋之星》14《此去又经年》15《深圳 最后的温柔》16《又...

挚俊13087712230问: “上周,我们以“谁是你的偶像”为题,在2600名学生中进行了一次调查”翻译为英文 -
兴山县艾麦回答:[答案] Last week, we did a survey among 2,600 students on the "who is your idol" The survey shows that half of the girls choose film and TV stars as idols, while 48% of the boys figure sports stars. As the data shows, "parents" ranks the second for the girls...

挚俊13087712230问: 英语翻译按原来的格式翻译清楚哦句子要优美通顺 最主要的是准确!我知道很麻烦 我把你当作真正的偶像 唯一能超过他的人 你是那样高不可攀 我甚至认为没... -
兴山县艾麦回答:[答案] I put you as a real idol The only over his people You are so out of reach I even think that not qualified to speak with you I hope that one day like you So you are my idol I do not know you But my intuition tells me You are a perfect person You passed me by ...

挚俊13087712230问: Jennie出演新剧《偶像漩涡》,她还出演过哪些剧呢? -
兴山县艾麦回答: 粉墨大电影2021,BLACKPINK THE MOVIE,THE IDOL,这些就是她出演的电影,她的影视作品并不是特别多,她也出演过其他的综艺节目,比如说柯登深夜秀,美秋里8-1000,这些都是她参加过的一些作品,她本来就不是一个演员,所以参加演戏的概率就会比较少.

挚俊13087712230问: ...people even cost 300 Yuan to have a same hair with their idol.Those thought - provoking photos should arouse deep concern in our current society.What are the ... -
兴山县艾麦回答:[答案] As is portrayed in the first picture,a young man is a fan of Beckham,who witted Beckham's name on his face to show his love to Beckham.What's more,some people even cost 300 Yuan to have a same hair with their idol.Those thought-provoking ...

挚俊13087712230问: 假设你校英语报就“我心中的偶像(Idol in my heart)”展开征文活动,你对该话题很感兴趣,拟投稿.你的短文必须包含以下内容:1.谁是你心中的偶像?... -
兴山县艾麦回答:[答案] Perhaps the most vital idol in my life is my Chinese teacher Martin who has set many examples for me during my studying time.(引出话题)(高分句型) What often brings back memories of my s...

挚俊13087712230问: 喜羊羊与灰太狼中常常绊倒人物的人形物体是甚么?为什么频繁出现?有何意味意义? -
兴山县艾麦回答: 来来,接着往前挖.HTF 中的这个梗的出处是1981年的《夺宝奇兵 :失落的法柜》( Raiders of the Lost Ark 就是最近 TBBT 里 Amy 1句话把 4个宅男完全噎住那电影,我纯好奇就去补了……)中琼斯1开始在秘鲁丛林中找到的黄金神像.这个...

挚俊13087712230问: 该不该自己先掏打样费
兴山县艾麦回答: 我感觉这个客人比较谨慎的,如果样品效果好,他才要样品,因为那样样品拿过去才是有用的,如果效果不好,他就不要样品了,同时也免去你寄样的运费.还是比较有诚意的,但是也比较抠.应该不是大客户,但是美国市场的量本来就比较大,可以试一试.

挚俊13087712230问: 想去韩国首尔转一转,谁能告诉一些好多去处和当地的风俗吗? -
兴山县艾麦回答: 韩国人都很有礼貌,跟日本有点相似,饮食比较清淡少油少盐,平时多以泡菜为主喜欢吃肉的人可能不习惯,在韩国肉类都很贵,应该说饮食总体偏贵,在机场吃一个泡菜...

挚俊13087712230问: 现在 在美国有哪些歌手很红? -
兴山县艾麦回答: 说一点,不一定得了GRAMMY的就红,因为很多红人是因为其暴光次数高,唱片销量高,MV播出次数高才红的,要了解当红的就多看下国外音乐网站,千万不要只把GRAMMY当作风向标!GRAMMY只是代表了评委的意思,不必太当真,比如...

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