
作者&投稿:贲雁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

why is history not hertory

he knew a lot about history 同义句???快快快。。。
为你解答。He knew a lot about history. 同义句 He had a good knowledge of history.他对历史非常了解。解释:have a good knowledge of,对……很熟悉、精通。

He has a great interest in ___ history, especially ___ hi...
C 试题分析:考查冠词。第一空是history历史,是抽象名词,单独使用,不要冠词;第二空特指唐朝的历史。句意:他对历史非常感兴趣,尤其是唐朝的历史。故C正确。点评:冠词的考查集中在the表示特指,a\/an表示泛指方面。同时要注意抽象名词,物质名词前面不要使用冠词,另外要注意一些冠词的固定搭配。

he likes history后面接什么
He likes history best and he senses it's interesting 他最喜欢历史,他感觉那些是有趣的

不加。history [英][ˈhɪstri][美][ˈhɪstəri]n.历史,历史学; 发展史; 履历,经历; (某地的)沿革;复数:histories形近词:bistort histone distort 1The Catholic Church has played a prominent role throughout Polish history.天主教会在整个波兰历史上曾发挥...

long history前用什么冠词
He will be back in a day or two.He tried to send a picture of a face.5. 有时也表示“每”的意思 We have three meals a day.我们一日三餐.He walks ten miles an hour.他一小时走10英里.We have six classes a day.我们一天上六节课.He drives the car at thirty miles an ...

past 泛指过去 history 是历史 比如: 他是历史上最有名的诗人。He was the most famous poet in history.表达的含义不同,时间跨度也不同。我过去爱你,现在不爱你了。I loved you in the past, but I don't love you any more now....

he prop history`is marked as required in router`怎么办
回答和翻译如下 :He prop history`is marked as required in router .在路由器中标记为“历史记录” 。

4. N-COUNT 可数名词记录;习惯;(某地的)沿革 If a person or a place has a history of something, it has been very common or has happened frequently in their past. 【搭配模式】:usu singHe had a history of drink problems...他过去酗酒度日。The boy's mother had a history ...

He likes history best 对history 提问
Which subject does he like best? 他最喜欢哪一门学科?

牛蚀13424679835问: the history of怎么用 -
邛崃市希能回答: the history of 表示:…的历史,后面可跟名词或者动名词形式.例句:New arts have been born in the course of the history of men.在人类历史发展过程中不断产生新的艺术.This campaign is one of the most successful in the history of advertising.这一宣传推广是广告史上最为成功的活动之一.

牛蚀13424679835问: the history of什么意思 -
邛崃市希能回答: “....的历史”

牛蚀13424679835问: the history of computers 作文 -
邛崃市希能回答: It is hard to say exactly when the modern computer was invented. Starting in the 1930s and through the 1940s, a number of machines were developed that were like computers. But most of these machines did not have all the characteristics that we ...

牛蚀13424679835问: 所有格的用法 -
邛崃市希能回答: 名词的所有格表示名词的所有关系,有两种形式. 其一是由名词后加's构成,多用来表示有生命的人或物. 其二是由介系词of加名词构成,多用来表示无生命的东西(包括植物). 2.名词后加's的所有格的构成方法. 方法1:单数名词后加's,...

牛蚀13424679835问: the history of 还是about sth? -
邛崃市希能回答: The chinese history ==the history of china.中国历史 The history about china 关于中国的历史.of 是所属的关系,在英语中又称所有格 about 是关于的意思

牛蚀13424679835问: The history of the Olympic作文加翻译 -
邛崃市希能回答: The Olympic Games, first held in 776BC, has a history of more than one thousand years. The modern Games is held every four years. Many countries try their best to bid for hosting the Olympic Games. And every country does its best to get more ...

牛蚀13424679835问: The history of china is as interesting as that of America请叫一下The history 在句子结构 -
邛崃市希能回答: 这是主系表结构,化简就是 "The history is interesting." 其中 the history 是主语,interesting 是表语.as interesting as ... 是把表语套入比较结构 as ... as.这句话也可以改写为两个简单句:The history of China is interesting The history of America is interesting, too." 套入 as ... as 结构中后,由于两个 the history 重复,所以把第二个用 that 取代.

牛蚀13424679835问: 求助:a history of 的用法和 be over+time+years old的用法,能举些例子就更好了! -
邛崃市希能回答:[答案] a history of 指...的历史 eg.This powerpoint presents a history of over+time+years old 指...历经了很多年,即有...年的历史 eg.The architecture is over 77 years old.

牛蚀13424679835问: the course of history 啥意思 -
邛崃市希能回答: the course of history 历史的进程 双语对照 词典结果:网络释义1. 历史进程 例句:1.Principled leaking has changed the course of history for the better. 有原则性的泄漏消息已经更好的改变了历史的进程.----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

牛蚀13424679835问: The history of是干什么的 -
邛崃市希能回答: 一种所有格形式 The history of 表示“...的历史”

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