
作者&投稿:郭郊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

(Do not worry .You can’t change the past , but you sure can ruin the present by worrying over the future . Remember that half the things we worry about never happin ,and the other half are going to happen anyway .So ,why worry?)17、 使你快乐的不是你有多少,而是你...

离居15896157819问: the happiness中文是什么
遂川县胃舒回答: 幸福,快乐... 名词哦!

离居15896157819问: 请问happiness到用加the吗?with the whole family together,we share the happiness and the great joy,having delicious foof,playing games,sing and dancing and... -
遂川县胃舒回答:[答案] 因为第一个happiness是特指:就是指和家人一起的快乐,而且后面用分词形式加以补充了.所以是具体的,要加the. 第二个里面的happiness是抽象的,要和朋友一起分享喜怒哀乐.这里的快乐happiness是不确定的.所以不加.

离居15896157819问: 幸福的英文怎么写? -
遂川县胃舒回答: 幸福的英文表达: 1. happiness 读音为['hæpɪnəs],该词语意思为幸福、 高兴、恰当、合适. 2. blessedness 英['blesɪdnəs],幸福,恩赐. 3. welfare 英[ˈwelfeə(r)],幸福、安宁. 4. eudemonia 英[ju:dɪ'məʊnɪə],幸福,幸福生活. ...

离居15896157819问: 英语happiness什么意思 -
遂川县胃舒回答: happiness 英 ['hæpɪnəs] 美 [ˈhæpɪnɪs] n. 幸福; 高兴; 恰当; 合适双语例句 1 The happiness and the excitement had been drained completely from her voice. 幸福和激动已经完全从她的声音中消失了.2 I sort of made my own happiness. 可以这么说,是我自己创造了自己的幸福.

离居15896157819问: 求一篇What is the happiness的英语作文 -
遂川县胃舒回答: 不能加the, 题目应该是“What is Happiness",即什么是幸福.What is HappinessThere are some common aspects in the world that are defined as happiness, such as wealth, good health, and good relations with others; However, happiness ...

离居15896157819问: Keep happy and happiness will come.中的happiness前面加 -
遂川县胃舒回答: 不加

离居15896157819问: - ---Happiness/happiness is often - ---product of - --honesty.A ,THE ,the ,the B,/,/,/C/,the,/Dthea,an -
遂川县胃舒回答: C. /,the,/ happiness和honesty是不可数名词, 泛指时不用冠词.故第一、三空不填.第二空填the,表示特指“幸福”是“诚实”的产品.句意: 幸福常常来自于诚实./(字面意思: 幸福常常是诚实的产品.)

离居15896157819问: writing - the - happiness汉语是什么意思 -
遂川县胃舒回答: writing-the-happiness 写作的快乐 happiness ['hæpinis] n.愉快,快乐,高兴 幸福,满足 恰当,合适;巧妙 例句:1.We all desire happiness and health. 我们都渴望幸福和健康.2.One should not equate wealth with happiness. 人们不应把财富等同于幸福.3.Please accept my best wishes for your happiness and success. 请接受我最良好的祝愿, 祝你幸福和成功.

离居15896157819问: my happiness和my the happiness的区别 -
遂川县胃舒回答: my happiness my the happiness 我的幸福 我的幸福 没区别

离居15896157819问: “元旦快乐”用英语怎么说 -
遂川县胃舒回答: “元旦快乐”翻译成英文是Happy new year! new year作形容词意思有新年的;元旦的. happy的英式读法是['hæpi];美式读法是['hæpi]. 作形容词意思有高兴的;幸福的;幸运的;乐意的. 单词于14世纪中期进入英语,直接源自古英语的hap...

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