
作者&投稿:耿采 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

以理查德.瓦格纳在创作 《莱茵河的黄金》初期时候的例子来说明灵感吧。 当时,瓦格纳的脑海里面对写出 《莱茵河的黄金》这部歌剧的想法有几年了。但是对于如何作曲纠结了好几个月。在1853年的9月4日,他来到了spezia 斯培西亚[意大利西北部港市],走进了一家小酒馆。但是,他却无法在发烧的状态下还要...

the flood 歌词的中文翻译
All of the telephone lines are down 全部的电话都占线 Well it's floodin' down in Texas 德克萨斯挤满了人 Vaughan Stevie Ray 沃恩、斯帝文、雷(这3个都是人名)All of the telephone lines are down 全部的电话都占线 Yeah you know I've been tryin' to call my baby 你知道,我...

[ʌ]的很少,常见的只有blood 与flood 两个;长短音是很难读得出来的,但oo 发[u:]很常见,因此[u] 就特殊了。发[u]的音词很少见,常见的有book,good,look,cook ,foot,wool,brook 等,大家只要牢记这几个单词,就足能应付考试了。如此说来,此题应选C。因此因此平时学习新单词时...

请问torrent和flood 有什么区别啊?都有洪水的意思。
一、torrent作名字时常和 “of” 连用。名字torrent在词典中的翻译为“(水、熔岩等的)奔流;洪流”,而非“洪水”,水的洪流当然指洪水了,但还有岩浆洪流啊。例句A torrent of water swept down the valley.一股洪流冲下山谷。二、flood 作名字就是很明确的“洪水、水灾”的意思,你不用再提到其他...

英语中有一个和Deluge相关的形容词Antediluvian [.æntidɪ'luviən],也经常用于夸张,形容“非常老、时代极其久远,已经无法适用于今天的世界”。Antediluvian的这种含义,就是源于圣经中描述的The Deluge,字面意思是Before the Flood,也就是时间年代比圣经中描述的大洪水还要早。China...

Sisters Of Mercy的《Flood Ii》 歌词
歌曲名:Flood Ii 歌手:Sisters Of Mercy 专辑:A Merciful Release Rain, rain on my face It hasn't stopped raining for days My world is a flood Slowly I become one with the mud But if I can't swim after forty days and my mind is crushed by the thrashing waves Lift me up ...

请问你有没有元音对应的字母表,例如元音i 对应的字母有,ee,ea等...
[i:]ea: sea tea defeat beat feature ee: bee feel feet e: me he she media ei: leisure seize ie: brief thief chief ey: key i: machine machinate machinery [e]e: wet bend ea: bread threat ai: said ay: says u: bury [æ]a: ...

1 元音:1) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie three tree green sheep meet beef see seek eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please he she me piece receive ceiling 2) [i] 发音字母 i y e sit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build miss myth many ...

The flood Cheryl cole 歌词
Cheryl Cole--The Flood 爱潮汹涌 Turn the lights out, in the light house,熄灭灯火 在灯塔里 I saw you coming,我看见你向我走来 Felt the ship wreck 感受到船舶残骸 Saw the wreckage, i heard you yelling,满目疮痍 我听见你大声呼喊 Just a mess when i saw your reflection in the...

After a while, all the water was cleared out, and I was very tired.In the afternoon, the water gradually disappeared, and the weather became sunny. We were finally relieved. Looking at the streets that have been washed away by the flood and become a mess, I really hope that...

蔽学14722207671问: 求英语怎么分析英语句子成分,最好复杂句例题多点的. -
黄山市盐酸回答: 句子的成分 1. 主语—主语是谓语讲述的对象,表示所说的“是什么”或“是谁”.一般由名词、代词、不定式或相当于名词的词或短语来充当.它在句首. 注意:不定式作主语时,常用形式主语it句型. 2. 谓语—说明主语“做什么”,“是什么...

蔽学14722207671问: 非谓语的选择 -
黄山市盐酸回答: 答案:C. 考点:考查非谓语动词.句意:南方下了大雨,在几个省区造成严重洪灾.解析:空格后serious flooding是rained heavily的后果,而且句子主语it和cause之间存在主动关系,所以此处要用动词的ing...

蔽学14722207671问: Flooding到底如何翻译,洪泛还是泛洪 -
黄山市盐酸回答: 在地质学领域,FLOODING单独使用就是洪泛的意思.如果连接其它单词,就是泛洪的意思,例如FLOODING SURFACE泛洪面,FLOODING SEASON泛洪季

蔽学14722207671问: after the flood还是after the flooding,哪种说法对? -
黄山市盐酸回答: after the flood flood可作名词.

蔽学14722207671问: 有个英语问题不太明白 -
黄山市盐酸回答: flood和flooding都是名词 洪水 flood动词表淹没 所以根本不存在动名词flooding作洪水的意思 只能表淹没 flooding noun [U] 1. a situation in which an area of land becomes covered with water, for example because of heavy rain 水灾,洪水泛滥:The...

蔽学14722207671问: consequent和subsequent这两个单词有什么区别 -
黄山市盐酸回答: 形容词consequent表示“因……而引起的”[resulting],指前后因果;而subsequent却表示“后来的”,“继起的”,“随后的”[later, following, coming after],指前后顺序.举例:1. The flooding of large areas of land was consequent ...

蔽学14722207671问: 洪水泛滥中用英语怎样说
黄山市盐酸回答:river overflow = 河流 泛;滥= flooding = 水灾请采纳谢谢

蔽学14722207671问: It has been raining for the past two weeks, - ----(flood) the whole village.为什么填flooding而不是 -
黄山市盐酸回答: 考查非谓语动词 flooding现在分词做结果状语.一直下雨这件事情,带来的后果是洪水淹没了这个村庄.希望有帮到你哦~~

蔽学14722207671问: 一个英语句子 帮忙分析一下为什么用flooding不用flooded?flooding又是什么成分 -
黄山市盐酸回答: flooding在这里等于which flood,表示在欧洲泛滥,flooded表示是被泛滥,相当于which is flooded,所以这里用flooding.

蔽学14722207671问: 英语怎么说泛滥的洪水袭击了整个城市, -
黄山市盐酸回答: 泛滥的洪水袭击了整个城市 The inundant flood hit the entire city.

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