
作者&投稿:厍俭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

BF是一个简称。有两个含义。1、Bachelor of Finance 财政学学士。2、boy friend男朋友。1、Bachelor of Finance 财政学学士 运用举例。He obtained his Bachelor'sdegree in Accounting。from Shanghai University ofFinance andEconomics, a Master's degree in Economics and a Ph。获管理科学博士、...

He applied for a temporary job to finance his education and was...
选B 他申请了一份临时工作,用以给他的学习赚点外快,由于他有丰富的教学经验,因此他就获得了一个职位 A 搭配错误,缺少for B 获得 C 出席 D 提供

personal finance是什么意思
personal finance 个人财务<理财> personal 英[ˈpɜ:sənl] 美[ˈpɜ:rsənl]adj. 个人的,私人的; 身体的; 亲自的; 人身攻击的;n. (报刊上的) 人事栏,分类人事广告版; 人称代名词; 关于个人的简讯;[例句]He learned this lesson the hard...


请大家帮忙分析一下这个案例 谢谢了
杰克是在英国大学学习的研究生24岁研究生,同时在一个建筑公司做兼职,杰克热爱汽车,他会习惯性的参加每年在墨尔本举行的汽车博览会,自从2005年开始每一年的汽车博览会他都参加了,他2009年 9月25日参加墨尔本汽车博览会的时候顺便去了二手车经销部门,因为他想买一辆奔驰B180的二手汽车,杰克的预算是五...

财务 英文
财务英文finance。1、有几位计算机工程师与财务部门签订了合同。Several computer engineers have been contracted to the finance department.2、他在财务委员会工作优异。He has done sterling work on the finance committee.3、财务主管盗走了俱乐部的资金。The treasurer had run off with the club's ...

She has an executive position in a finance company.她是一家金融公司的领导层成员。This savings plan is only available under the Finance Act 1990 and any regulations made thereunder.这项储蓄计划只根据《1990年金融法案》及其下设规定提供。He took a job to finance his stay in Germany.他...

Of or relating to finance or finances.See Synonyms at financial 财政的或与财政有关的参见 financial financial [fai5nAnFEl, 7fi-]adj.财政的, 金融的 a financial adviser;财政顾问;pecuniary motives;金钱的动力;a fiscal year;财政年度;monetary considerations), but they often differ in ...

会计中的long-term finance什么意思
from all developed economies.我们必须获得延续至2020年的长期资金,而且所有发达经济体都必须做出实质贡献。2 If you have a recognition that long-term finance is going to be needed, thatwill be a significant advance, he said.如果你认识到长期资金将是必需的,那就取得了重大进展,他表示。

...for me, and finally he managed to finance&...
C 考查代词。句意“妈妈坚持要爸爸为我买一架钢琴,爸爸最后提供资金买了一件钢琴。”此处finance用作动词,一件钢琴为泛指单数,用one代替。故选C。

饶鲍17635457002问: the Minister of Finance和finance minister都是财政部长的意思,二者用法上有什么不同么? -
怀仁县十二回答: financal minister吧 of + 名词 表职位 第二个是adj+ noun

饶鲍17635457002问: The finance minister is not very - -- - now since he has raised taxes to such a high level.
怀仁县十二回答: 答案C形容词辨析.AB著名;C受欢迎;D更喜欢;句意:现在那位经济大臣不是非常受欢迎,是因为他把税收提高到如此的一个高水平.故C正确.

饶鲍17635457002问: the+姓+family的用法和例句 -
怀仁县十二回答: the+姓+family: 英语中表示一家人,两者中都不可省去定冠词the. 例如: the Smith family = 史密斯一家人

饶鲍17635457002问: finance一词有财政、金融、财务、理财等意思,但具体应该怎么翻译呢?这几种释义有很大差别. -
怀仁县十二回答: 如果你想从中文的角度去理解finance,我觉得是走错路了.Finance这个词放在金融业就译成金融,放在一般企业译成财务.金融这个词大概是20世纪初才在中国出现,至于财务一词,应该出现得更早.我觉得你最好理解Finance一词内在的含...

饶鲍17635457002问: 这个选择题怎么选?Thepresidentexplainedth
怀仁县十二回答: finance指经济上的支援,用法更正式一些,比如finance the international students,finance the country which is suffuring from the depressing,finance the institute an so on.Expand和enlarge都不具有经济援助的意思,两者都是"扩大\扩张",用在这里不如FINANCE合适,与SPENDING搭配不妥

饶鲍17635457002问: finance 与finances 的意思有什么区别? -
怀仁县十二回答: 财政;金融;财政学[U] 不可数 He got the position on the strength of his skill in finance. 他凭着自己的理财本领得到了这个职位. (对事业的)资金支援[U] 财源;资金;(国家的)岁入;财务情况[P] 可数 The country's finances have improved. 这个国家财政状况改善了. 明白了吗?

饶鲍17635457002问: 英语翻译一下FinanceministersfromtheG7g
怀仁县十二回答: Finance ministers from the G7 group of rich industrialized countries have announced a five-point plan to counter the world financial crisis. After a hastily-arranged meeting ...

饶鲍17635457002问: [汉译英]翻译题 -
怀仁县十二回答: This document is HCN duties of the Ministry of Finance and authorized control level of description. The formulation of this system is to regulate the duties of the Finance Department, and the staff in the company claims, payment for the ...

饶鲍17635457002问: 求一篇关于新会计准则变化的外文翻译,急急 -
怀仁县十二回答: In Feb,2006,the Ministry of Finance issued New Accounting Standards,The biggest change is the introduction of the fair value measurement properties, new standards system in financial instruments, investment of real estate, enterprises that are ...

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