
作者&投稿:点廖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Male: male Female: female Sex: sex Man: man (plural: men)Woman: woman (plural: women)Lady: lady Gentleman: gentleman He (male third person): he She (female third person): she Her (possessive pronoun for female): her His (possessive pronoun for male): his Himself (reflexiv...

male的意思:adj. 男性的;雄性的n. 男子;雄性植物;雄性动物。female的意思:adj. 雌性的;女性特有的;女(性)的;雌性动物的;雌蕊的;阴的;凹的;内孔的n. 女子;雌性动物;雌性植物;雌株。首先从单词释义上来看:male和female,更加着重指性别——male指男生,或者是雄性动物,并不一定是人...

名词:femaleness 例句与用法:1. All the female workers in this factory got a present on March 8.这家工厂的所有女职工在三八节都得到了一份礼物。2. The male voice is deeper than the female.男性的嗓音比女性的低沉。3. Who on earth is that female he's with?跟他在一起的那个女人...

男性全称Male, 简写是M;女性全称是Female ,简写是F。Male的英式读法是[meɪl];美式读法是[meɪl]。作形容词意思是男性的;雄性的。作名词意思是男子;雄性动物。Female的英式读法是['fiːmeɪl];美式读法是['fiːmeɪl]。作形容词意思是女性的;雌性的。作...

- Female spiders are often larger and more aggressive than their male counterparts.(雌蜘蛛通常比雄性更大,更具攻击性。4. 语法区别:"male"和"female"可以作为形容词,形容男性和女性的特征。注意,用作名词时,一般会使用"man"和"woman"。例句:- He has a strong and masculine physique.(...

1. 生物学性别的区别:- "male"用于描述男性性别。例句:He is a male actor.(他是一个男演员。)- "female"用于描述女性性别。例句:She is a female doctor.(她是一名女医生。)2. 物体或动物的区别:- "male"用于描述有性别的动物或物体中的雄性。例句:The male lion is the leader of...

female的意思是女性,male是男性,这两个词即可以是单数,也可以是复数,那么谓语动词就可以是单数,也可以是复数,例如 Menandboysaresometimesreferredtoasmaleswhentheyarebeingconsideredasatype.Hewasveryanxioustoprovehewasaredbloodedmale.但是值得注意的是,females和males使用复数时,不加定冠词the。请问...

1、性别不同 男性或雄性被称为male。比如:He is a male. (他是个男性。)女性或雌性被称为female。例如:She is a female. (她是个女性。)2、前缀使用不同 male用于男性事物的前缀。例如:He is a male nurse. (他是个男护士。)female用在女性特征的前缀。例如:She is the first female ...

女人 用英语怎么说?

1. 释义区别:- "Male"指代雄性的、男性的。例如:"He is a male athlete."(他是一名男性运动员。)- "Female"指代雌性的、女性的。例如:"She is a female doctor."(她是一名女医生。)2. 用法区别:- "Male"可以用作名词或形容词,用来描述物种中的雄性。例如:"The male lion has a ...

藤牵18012229685问: ①we each. each of us和the man each .each of the man 后面单复数及用法 ②一中的man变men吗 -
邵东县内障回答: ①we each+复数 each of us+单数 the man each和each of the man是什么?②如果变为men,那么the men each+复数(和we each一样了) each of the men+单数(和each of us一样了) 规则如下:each,either,neither或由some,any,no,every 等构...

藤牵18012229685问: 无生命的名词所有格用“of+名词”来表示. -
邵东县内障回答: 无生命的东西的所有格一般用of表示.如:the ber of the hote 旅馆的酒吧注:of所有格有时可以与"s互换.如:Tat man"s name is interesting.等The name of that...

藤牵18012229685问: 求教介词+which的用法 -
邵东县内障回答: 介词+WHICH在定语从句中可以代替when,where,和why,用哪一个介词要看先行词和从句谓语动词,介词要能够与先行词搭配使用、"介词+关系代词"引导的定语从句 关系代词whom, which在定语从句中作介词的宾语时,可以跟介词一起放在...

藤牵18012229685问: Topic:do you agree with female showing her feeling to the man first?用英文说明自己的观点 -
邵东县内障回答:[答案] I depend on the female's personality.Females from asia countires are generally shy and tend to hide their try feeling.However on the contrary,western women are more easy to show their feeling at the first time.It's nothing wrong or right,just the culture ...

藤牵18012229685问: "男女比例"用英语怎么说?是MAN TO FEMALE 还是MALE TO FEMALE? -
邵东县内障回答: 男女比例:the proportion of men to women 或者可以把”proportion”换成”ratio” 把”men to women ”换成”male to female”

藤牵18012229685问: is+the+tall+man+in+front+of+the+building+a+teacher+from+england+++为何a+teacher前不加
邵东县内障回答: 首先居中有is,而1个简单句只能有1个谓语动词,即is.再看句子,is提早了.在正常语序,即陈说句中,is应当放在ateacher前面.但这里是疑问句,所以is的位置要变动到句子的前面,即放在开头且大写

藤牵18012229685问: 关于定语从句的一个问题 是不是一般的定语从句可以转换成一个简单句,把从句部分用of+非谓语动词组的形式替换比如He is the man whom/ that I saw ... -
邵东县内障回答:[答案] 不可以,可以改成he is the man seen by me yesterday,就算这样说还是很怪,语法角度没什么问题

藤牵18012229685问: 英语写作常见句型有什么结构吗? -
邵东县内障回答: 开头: When it comes to ..., some think ... There is a public debate today that ... A is a commen way of ..., but is it a wise one? Recentaly the problem has been brought into focus. 提出观点: Now there is a growing awareness that... It is time we ...

藤牵18012229685问: Swimming is one of the sports favored by both male and female,old and young. -
邵东县内障回答: 这个不是形容词名词化,而是形容词后面的名词省略了,读得更通顺.并列的时候,后面的部分允许省略名词和动词.male and female是名词男性和女性,old and young是old man and young man ,省略了和前面同样的部分man.

藤牵18012229685问: 英语从句选择题,帮帮忙!
邵东县内障回答: 1 限定性从句 2 whom

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