
作者&投稿:木征 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

如何做好Essay Proofreading?

Recently, while browsing in an Oxford bookshop, a friend of mine picked up a copy of Finnegans Wake - James Joyce's final book - and read the first page. Between tears of laughter, he managed to indicate to me that he couldn't understand a word of it. It is hard not to...

这个从句就是相当于一个名词,作用和essay一样.例如:He told a story.他讲了一个故事。He told that he could swim. 句子中(that)he could swim就是宾语从句。AB选项语序错误。D选项it多余。楼主选B项,证明楼主对于语序问题没记住。要记得:凡是作为宾语从句,句子的语序必须恢复陈述语序。

大学英语写作中essay map与thesis的区别是什么
前者是指轮廓,后者是中心。一英语的影响力 (1)从全世界来看,说英语的人数已经超过了任何语言的人数,10多个国家以英语为母语,45个国家的官方语言是英语,世界三分之一的人口(二十几亿)讲英语。比如在日本,除了他们的本国母语——日语之外,英语是他们的第二语言,很多高层次的日本人以会说英语...

他花了十年时间才完成这篇论文。(spend ... doing)
He has spent ten years writing this essay and finished it at last.

怎么分析句子“the essay that he wrote was excellent ” 的深 ...
这是一个定语从句筏丹摧柑诋纺搓尸掸建,主语是the eassay ,was 为系动词,excellent 为表语 。主干结构为 the essay was excellent .即系表结构 that 引导的是一个定语从句,修饰essay

...his essay is more sparking than(anything)he's done before_百度知...
his essay 是单数的 谓语单词是is anything 任何一个 单数的 everything 所有 或者 每一个 根据前后对应 用anything 更好 everything 有一定歧义 翻译:你或许发现他现在写的文章比以前写的任何一篇都要有文采。

composition essay article 的用法不一样 He wrote an article He wro...
article一般性的文章 essay 散文,或者小论文 composition一般的作文(给定题目写的小作文)因而作文的话还是最好用最后一个,写文章用第一个,论文用第二个 祝学习进步~望采纳哦~

there were a few points in the essay he had founded impossible to understand.he had founded impossible to understand是一个定语从句修饰a few points 主句是there were a few points 状语是in the essay 在那个散文里,有一些他觉得难以理解的地方。

An essay about Walt Whitman
whileWhitman said he wanted this poem to be anti literary, he uses many conventional techniques in his poem. why?i need the essay to be about 1000words.i know it hard, and i'll keep adding points on it, cause the maximum i can add one time is 100, so i'll add another 100 after...

苌夏13931674710问: 怎么分析句子“the essay that he wrote was excellent ” 的深层和表层结构 -
江川县曲腾回答: essay名词 n.[C] 论说文;散文,随笔,小品文[(+on/about)] excellent 形容词 a. 出色的;杰出的;优等的[Z] 翻译:他写的那篇散文很棒.可以分为 :the essay(主语) / that(引导essay的定语从句作说明,修饰) he wrote(从句的主语和谓语) / was(主句的谓语) excellent(主句的表语) .可以先提出主句理解,即为 the essay was excellent “那篇散文/论文很棒”;that he wrote 为定语从句,修饰主句的主语“他写的散文/论文”.

苌夏13931674710问: The essay that he wrote was excellent .这个句子的深层结构是 -
江川县曲腾回答: The essay that he wrote was excellent The essay was excellent 主系表-主句 that he wrote 定语从句-修饰the essay 他写的论文很优秀.望采纳!

苌夏13931674710问: The essay that he wrote was excellent.这个句子的深层结构是什么 -
江川县曲腾回答: 就是个简单的定语从句啊.that he wrote就是定语从句.

苌夏13931674710问: It is for the reason that he has lied to me before that I don't believe him now.怎么翻译? -
江川县曲腾回答: 不是同位语 也不是定语从句 是强调句型 参考:结构是:It+be+被强调部分+that+从句 强调主语:It is the times that produce their heroes.时势造英雄 强调宾语:It is English that Prof.Lin teaches us. 强调状语:It was in shanghai that I saw the film. 判断是否是强调句有一个方法,就是将that以后的“句子的其余部分”拿出来单独看,看有没有缺成分,缺的是什么成分,再把谓语动词后面that前面的那部分,带到你认为缺成分的地方,如果放进去是一句完整的句子了,那就说明是强调句.

苌夏13931674710问: 急!!!请问这个句型it seems +adj + that -
江川县曲腾回答: 这个句型没有问题. 意思是:...似乎... .it作形式主语 that引导的从句作真正主语.如:It seems possible that he would come .当然这句也可以写成it seems that he would come.但it的作用和从句的作用就不一样了

苌夏13931674710问: 句型 “it is +名词 +that +主语从句” 和 “it is +形容词 +that +主语从句” 有什么区别? -
江川县曲腾回答: ①It is the stroy that makes me so excited.(去掉it is...that,句子仍然完整,这是一个强调句,it is...that仅仅用来强调中间的story.同时由于story是主语,去掉It is ...that之后词语顺序完全不用改变.)【正是这个故事让我很兴奋.注意,it无意义】 ...

苌夏13931674710问: That is the reason - - - he can't say. -
江川县曲腾回答: the reason why+ 主语+ 谓语+ 宾语(why 作状语) the reson that+ 主语+ 谓语(that作宾语) 本题选why.

苌夏13931674710问: 关于the reason because/that句型的终极疑问 -
江川县曲腾回答: 语言应该就是交流,在传播过程中有改变,只要不引起歧义,能明白就好.在中国老师确实强调用that,用that符合汉语语法.但是加拿大人非要用because来加强语气应该也可以.但是标准英语应该是that.毕竟你呆的地方时加拿大而不是英国.加拿大英语不一定完全和英国英语一样,就像英语还分美式和英式一样!在加拿大你就用because,到别的地方就用that吧.

苌夏13931674710问: The strategies that he came up with worked out fine -
江川县曲腾回答: 分析分析 主语是:The strategies That he came up with, 是定语从句,直接修饰名词主语The strategies Came up with 是短语,不可分开理解,意思是他提出的方案目标,动词短语 实际上就是The strategies worked out fine 所以句子语法是没有问题的!整体时态都是用的过去式,所以work也要用过去式

苌夏13931674710问: 强调句造句:一类是it is/was+强调成分+that/who…强调非谓语结构,一类是用do/does/did+动词原形…... -
江川县曲腾回答: 第一类是it is/was+强调成分+that/who…强调非谓语结构 He bought the book in this shop yesterday. → It was he that/who bought the book in this shop yesterday. (强调主语he) → It was the book that he bought in this shop yesterday. (强调宾语...

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