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既可以作及物动词 也可以作不及物动词 dress sb 为某人穿衣服 dress oneself 自己穿衣服 dress in+形容词 穿着……dress in red 穿红衣服的 be dressed in……表示状态 穿着……的 及物动词就是后面加不加宾语的问题 并不是加不加介词的问题。不及物的用法就是:He dresses well。

它在这里是分词作状语,所以这个动作的发出者就是后面主句里的主语he,他打扮的像一个圣诞老人一样,然后动身出发。而dress这个动词的用法是个及物动词,直接后面加某个人,dress sb.意为给某人穿衣服,所以说sb.和dress的关系是被动的,所以这里用分词作状语时要用过去分词,表示和he的关系是被动。第...

dress 意思
He dressed for dinner.他身着夜礼服去赴宴了。D-to the right.向右看齐。dress[dres]adj.女服的; 童装的礼服盛装的需要穿礼服的a dress dinner要求穿礼服的晚宴dressmake[`dresmeIk]vi.做女礼服[童装]dressmaker[5dresmeIkE(r)]n.女服[童服]裁缝dress makingn.女服童装制作业dress-upadj.要求穿礼服的all...

一、dress的中文意思及用法介绍 1、作为名词时,意为连衣裙;衣服。例句:She was wearing a black dress.她穿一条黑色连衣裙。He's usually smart in his dress.他通常穿得很精神。2、作为动词时,意为穿衣服;给(某人)穿衣服;穿…的服装;穿正式服装。例句:She dressed the children in ...

dress 和dress up的区别。请举例
dress 和dress up的区别如下:一、dress 1.dress作名词时,表示“穿着(不可数);连衣裙(可数)”。如:I have no dress sense (= no idea of how to dress well) .我不懂得穿着打扮。She wears a long white dress today.今天她穿着一条白色的长连衣裙。2.dress用作动词,可以是不及物的,...

一、dress的中文含义及用法介绍 1、作为名词时,意为连衣裙;衣服。例句:He has no dress sense.他毫无服装品味。He's usually smart in his dress.他通常穿得很精神。2、作为动词时,意为穿衣服;给(某人)穿衣服;穿…的服装;穿正式服装。例句:She dressed the children in their best ...

Why ___ you ___like that ?
在这里dress为不及物动词,dress本身就是穿衣、穿着、打扮的意思,无需跟宾语。既然dress为动词(不及物动词),而对象又是you,所以在疑问词why后面跟动词原型do,这种用法最为普遍。如果对象是第三人称单数形式,就要用does,如:Why does he dress like that?为什么他穿成那样?例句:Why do ...

一、意思不同 1、dress:穿衣服,给(某人)穿衣服。2、in:在…内。3、put on:穿,戴。4、wear:…装,衣着,穿着,穿戴。二、用法不同 1、dress:dress的基本意思是“给裸露的身体穿上衣服”,可表示状态(=wear clothes),也可表示动作(=put on clothes)。dress含有穿戴或款式上精心挑选的...

dress的用法如下:一、用作可数名词,主要指妇女穿的连衣裙或上下连身的女装,也可指小孩穿的衣服,但不指男人穿的衣服。例句:She makes all her own dresses.翻译:她的连衣裙都是自己做的。二、用作不可数名词,表示“衣服”(不论男女)的总称,尤指外衣。例句:He doesn’t care much about dr...

He __the uniform and
He __the uniform and appeared on the stage , ___as a policeman.A .dressed; wearing B .has on ; dressed C.put on; dressed D .wore; dressing .本题选C put on +服装---穿上衣服 dress+人--- he和dress是被动的含义,所以用过去分词,因此用dressed...

诸承18060178468问: The dress is - ____.(her) -
南川市特普回答:[答案] The dress is hers.(her) 这里必须用物主代词. 翻译:这件衣服是她的.

诸承18060178468问: The dress is - ----. (her) -
南川市特普回答: The dress is hers.(her) 这里必须用物主代词. 翻译:这件衣服是她的.

诸承18060178468问: dress、hers、the、is(.)求答案!谢谢!! -
南川市特普回答: The dress is hers.这条连衣裙是她的.

诸承18060178468问: 连词成句the,dress,pink,hers,is -
南川市特普回答: The pink dress is hers. 为你解答,如有帮助请采纳, 如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

诸承18060178468问: 有This dress is hers吗?我总认为在没有名词dress时才能用hers his mine yours等详解啊! -
南川市特普回答: 有啊,yours也是名词性物主代词啊.名词也可以做表语啊

诸承18060178468问: 有所给次的适当形式填空
南川市特普回答: the dress is [hers ][she] 放在句末的,用she 的形容词性物主代词hers. 句子翻译: 这条裙子是她的. 希望可以帮到你,谢谢~

诸承18060178468问: the dress is [ ]用【she】填空 补充: the dress is [ ]用【she】填空 补充: thoses tamps are 【 】用he填空
南川市特普回答: hers hers his

诸承18060178468问: The dress she is wearing is the same as she's. -
南川市特普回答: The dress she is wearing is the same as she's.最后边的那个as she's,这从语法上讲是错误的,应该为 The dress she is wearing is the same as hers.应该用名词形物主代词的..意思是“她身上穿的裙子和她的完全一样.”

诸承18060178468问: 改写下列句子意思不变 快、、急求、、在线等!Model:it's her dress.→The dress is hers.1.This is my cat.→( )2.Those are your banans.→( )3.That is his jacket.... -
南川市特普回答:[答案] 1、The cat is mine.2、The bananas are yours.(你题中好像拼写错了bananas---banans)3、The jacket is his.4、The bags are ours.5、The food is its.6、The photos are theirs.7、The skirt is hers....

诸承18060178468问: 用所给代词的适当形式填空1,that is not【 】kite.that kite is very small,but 【 】is very big【l】2,the dress is【 】,give it to【 】【she】3,【 】is my brother,【 ... -
南川市特普回答:[答案] 1 1,that is not【 my 】kite.that kite is very small,but 【 mine 】is very big【l】2,the dress is【 hers 】,give it to【 her 】【she】3,【He 】is my brother,【 his 】name is jack,look,those stamps are...

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