
作者&投稿:牛耐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

龙的英文是dragon,音标是英 [ˈdrægən] 美 [ˈdræɡən] ,在句中作为名词使用,解析如下:dragon n.龙,龙船;[D-][天文学]天龙(星座);[口语、贬义]脾气暴躁的人 相关短语:1、Chinese dragon麒麟 2、Dungeons and Dragons地牢探宝游戏...3、Dragon...

he Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. It is a time to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan and to ward off evil spirits.During the festival, people eat zongzi, a tradition...

the dragon 是什么意思 要贬义的意思
1. 龙2. [口语、贬义]脾气暴躁的人,凶暴的人;(尤指)凶恶而又严厉的女监护人;在社交场所陪伴未婚少女的严厉的年长妇女3. 【植物】天南星科植物的总称,龙根天南星(Arisaema dracontium)(green dragon 或 dragonroot);海芋属植物 4. [D-]【天文学】天龙(星座) 5. 龙船,龙舟6. 罪恶势力;专制...

He’sdragon是He is dragon的缩写 意思是:他是龙

dragon 英 ['dræg(ə)n] 美 ['dræɡən]n. 龙;凶暴的人,凶恶的人;严厉而有警觉性的女人 短语 dragon boat festival 端午节 chinese dragon 麒麟 dragon dance 舞龙 like a dragon 猛烈地;凶猛地 例句 1、Master, that panda is not the Dragon Warrior.大师,...

DRAGON 是什么意思??
dragon 名词 n.1.龙[C]2.凶猛的人;严格而警惕的女监护人[C]3.【动】飞蜥,飞龙[C]4.(《圣经》中提到的)大蛇[C]5.【古】巨蛇;豺[C]6.【天】(大写)天龙星座

] 霸下], finally, big tortoises which like to carry heavy objects, are placed under grave-monuments. Further, the same author enumerates nine other kinds of dragons — there are so many, says he, because the dragon's nature is very lewd, so that he copulates with all animals...

To the Chinese the dragon is not an evil creature, but is a god and the friend of men who worship him。 He “holds in his power prosperity and peace。” Ruling the waters and the winds, he sends the good rain, is hence the symbol of fecundity。 In the Hsia dynasty ...

Ye Gong likes the dragon very much, on clothes' belt hook engraves the dragon, in the wine pot, the wine class is engraving the dragon, on eave room is carving the dragon pattern design. He likes dragon takeing a ply like this, is known after by the space real dragon, ...

“龙”的英文应该翻译成 Loong “龙”是中华民族的象征,在中译英时,“龙”被翻译成 Dragon。但是在英文中,dragon 是邪恶的有翼怪物,还有“凶暴的人,悍妇”等含义。在图画中,dragon 的身躯庞大笨拙,颜色是黑灰色的,长着巨大的翅膀,口中吐火,吞噬人和动物,非常丑陋恐怖,和中国的龙完全两...

於萧19730662406问: thedragonboatfestival是什么意思 -
岷县乳增回答: 端午节 [duān wǔ jié]the Dragon Boat Festival(端午节为每年农历五月初五,本来是夏季的一个驱除瘟疫的节日,后来楚国诗人屈原于端午节投江自尽,就变成纪念屈原的节日.端午节的习俗有吃粽子、赛龙舟、挂菖蒲、蒿草、艾叶、薰苍术、白芷,喝雄黄酒等);例句: 1. 周三是中国传统的端午节,因此管理层把周四算作第三个工作日. Wednesday is the traditional dragon boat festival holiday, so managers want thursday to count as one of the three days.

於萧19730662406问: 题目为"dragon boat festiral"的英语作文怎么写 -
岷县乳增回答: The Dragon Boat Festival ,also called the Duanwu Festival ,is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar.People always eat rice dumplings and watch dragon boat races to celebrate it. The festival is best known...

於萧19730662406问: The Dragon Boat Festival is on()fifth day of ()fifth lunar month of a year -
岷县乳增回答: 你好! 正确答案为:The Dragon Boat Festival is on(the)fifth day of (the)fifth lunar month of a year龙舟节在一年之中的农历五月五.都是特指,所以都用the.^___^ 祝你进步! 另外千万别忘记采纳哟!

於萧19730662406问: The Dragon Boat Festival is another significant festival in Chinese traditional celebrations.The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated... -
岷县乳增回答:[答案] 62.B 计算题 根据This holiday is to memorize the death of Qu Yuan,a well-loved poet of the fourth century B.C.可知赛龙舟开始于大约公元前四世纪,距今接近2500年,故答案为B 63 C 细节理解题 根据Before the Dragon Boat Festival,every family ...

於萧19730662406问: dragon boat festival怎么读 -
岷县乳增回答: dragon boat festival 英[ˈdræɡən bəut ˈfestəvəl] 美[ˈdræɡən bot ˈfɛstəvəl] n. 端午节 [例句]The dragon boat festival happy! 祝您端午节快乐!

於萧19730662406问: 是on the dragon boat festival还是at the dragon boat festival? -
岷县乳增回答: on the dragon boat festival 因为是具体的在端午节这一天,所以应该用on

於萧19730662406问: the Dragon Boat Festival是什么意思 -
岷县乳增回答: the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节;龙舟节 例句筛选1.During the Dragon Boat Festival the following year, he said again, "Kong Yijistill owes me 19 coppers! " 到第二年的端午,又说“孔乙己还欠十九个钱呢!”2.I took part of the dragon boat festival in one of the villages yesterday, to seehow cantonese people celebrate.昨日,我到广州车陂村观看端午划龙船的庆祝活动.

於萧19730662406问: There are many h__ - in China.Such as Spring Festival,the Dragon - Boat Featival and so on. -
岷县乳增回答:[答案] holidays 假日,节日

於萧19730662406问: 介绍The Dragon Boat Festival的80字左右英语短文 -
岷县乳增回答: The Dragon Boat Festival The Dragon Boat Festival is a special festival in China. It is important for Chinese people. The Dragon Boat Festival is in May or June. On the Dragon Boat Festival, the weather is often hot, sunny and rainy. Chinese ...

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