
作者&投稿:璩泥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The Cranberrie的dying in the sun歌词中文意思是嘛吖?
) We will never fail (我们永远不离不弃) I wanted to be so perfect you see (我曾经想要变得像你眼中的那样完美) I wanted to be so perfect(想要变得如此完美) Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下逝去一样) Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下逝去) Like dying in the sun (就...

青春年少:GASTONRENA(法国)(法语音为ga-si-dong-he-na) 通常感觉法国人的东西都会庄重一些,没想到也会有这样充满年轻气息的红酒,这种“嘉士顿”也是波尔多的名酿之一。 传奇之“英雄”:BATEAU(法国)(法语音为ba-dou) 中文里就是大名鼎鼎的“龙船”,这种酒是拿破仑时代一个英勇的将军酿造的。

Lookie, how can 6 dicks be pussiesTalkin bout shit's creek, bitch you can be a piss creekWit paddles this deepYa still gonna sinkYour a disgraceYa they call me RabbitThis is a turtle raceHe can't get wit me spittin this shitWickedy Lickety shotSpicious spickety split LicketySo I'ma ...

有首歌的一句歌词是when you know,一首英文歌,男生唱的,好像是一个组合...
Called see jane love and hate It may be hard to believe I'm reticent But baby, you didn't know me when 第3首how could you want him (when you know you could ha 歌手:spin doctors 专辑:pocket full of kryptonite I'm quite contented to take my chances Against the Guil...

求一首歌Cranius的Big Blue Dress的歌词
Ahhhh he uses fire but his robe looks so gay I was taught my craft at the dawn of pain You may not like my methods but you'll surely know my name I just think incendiary thoughts and my hands burst into flames A few moments later and you'll never be the same (Chorus)...

旗旺13441428170问: The Cranberries的歌<Zombie>里面的zombie到底指什么?
瑞金市欣吉回答: 指的是歌《行尸走肉》,这是一首反战歌曲.我也喜欢主唱Dolores.同路人. 爱尔兰是一片音乐的圣土,这里孕育出了无数优秀的歌手与乐队,象U2、Enya、Sinead Oconnor、Boyzone和Westlife等.然而最具有特别意义的却是The Cranberries...

旗旺13441428170问: 介绍一下the cranberries -
瑞金市欣吉回答: The Cranberries 小红莓乐团乐队成员:主唱:Dolores O'Riordan吉它:Noel Hogan贝斯:Mike Hogan鼓手:Fergal Lawler小红莓合唱团(The Cranberries)是来自爱尔兰的四人团体,爱情、背叛、政治一直是the cranberries音乐的主题...

旗旺13441428170问: The Cranberries -
瑞金市欣吉回答: 只是长盛不衰的确只是神话.乐队在2000年出了一场精选stars之后就没有新作品.两年前宣布正式解散.年底的时候dolores出了一张个人专辑are you listenning.后来dolores加入后.凭藉dolores强势的嗓音和唱腔迅速征服摇滚乐迷.乐队曾取...

旗旺13441428170问: 我需要the cranberries的有关资料
瑞金市欣吉回答: 乐队成员: 主唱:Dolores O'Riordan 吉它:Noel Hogan 贝斯:Mike Hogan 鼓手:Fergal Lawler 小红莓合唱团(The Cranberries)是来自爱尔兰的四人团体,爱情、背叛、政治一直是the cranberries音乐的主题,主唱Dolores独特的唱腔,有时...

旗旺13441428170问: The Cranberries
瑞金市欣吉回答: 【卡百利乐队(The Cranberries)】 又名 :小红莓乐队,吉百利乐队 职业 :主题曲演唱 演唱 所属地区:爱尔兰 生日 :1990年 官方主页: Cranberry :一种微酸的小浆果 卡百利乐队是一个来自爱尔兰(爱尔兰是以...

旗旺13441428170问: 小红莓乐队(The Cranberries)英文介绍 -
瑞金市欣吉回答: The Cranberries are an Irish rock band formed in Limerick in 1990 under the name The Cranberry Saw Us, later changed by vocalist Dolores O'Riordan. Although widely associated with alternative rock, the band's sound also incorporates indie, ...

旗旺13441428170问: the cranberries属于什么类型的摇滚?
瑞金市欣吉回答: The Cranberries是爱尔兰历史上最伟大的另类摇滚乐队之一,组建于一九九零年五月,前身为"The Cranberry Saw Us"乐队. 我觉得属于另类摇滚,其实可以看楼主的喜好,摇滚也分很多种类,因为爱尔兰这个伟大的音乐圣土孕育了很多诸如The Cranberries之类的乐队,音乐没有明显的界限,表达的都是歌者的一种情结吧. 个人很喜欢The Cranberries的歌,越早期的越是精华,后来乐队解散主唱Dolores单飞,那本are you listening几乎很难再找到那时的小红莓的味道了.

旗旺13441428170问: the cranberries的作品有哪些?
瑞金市欣吉回答: 首张专辑《Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We?》(每个人都可以做, 我们又有什么不可以?) 第二张专辑《No Need To Argue》(勿需争辩) 第一、二张专辑的合辑《Everybody Else Is Doing It/ No Need To Argue》 第三张专辑...

旗旺13441428170问: 求the cranberries歌曲下载
瑞金市欣吉回答: Every Morning - 小红莓合唱团 the Cranberries

旗旺13441428170问: The Cranberries 全部专辑下载!
瑞金市欣吉回答: 这里有The Cranberries 全部专辑

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