
作者&投稿:住购 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

He on her a deep feeling of... Unconsciously... Without just-born... Sophisticated... Discretion... Reposing... Forestiers during... Schedule... At the welcome someone's rally... Rendering pomp...

紧急 请帮我写的小文章 中翻英 翻越简单易懂越好 拜托了 感谢你 可...
The author alsoapplies foreshadowing to describe the plot where the protagonist is deceived bythe girl. Framton goes to a totally unfamiliar countryside for a quiet convalescence;he hasn’t the slightest knowledge about his neighbors’ lives, that’s why hedoesn’t know whether or ...

lay quietly的汉意是什么=-O
思嘉静静地躺了一会,她觉得目前满可以放心了.她们之间已用不着再费口舌.5.His convalescence was a long one and he lay quietly looking out of the window at the magnolias and causing very little trouble to anyone.他康复得很慢,长久静静地躺在那里望着窗外的木兰树,也很少打扰别人.

During his long convalescence, Wegener was able to fully develop his ideas into the Theory of Continental Drift, detailed in a book titled Die ...Wanting to return home as soon as possible, he insisted upon starting back to the base camp the very next morning. But he never made it; ...

12. I can order delivery just like anyone else convalescing in New York!我可以像纽约其他的康复病人一样叫外卖!13. Key games using mobile meal service levels with the key box shooting.游戏用上下左右键移动外卖服务员,用空格键射击.14. Buss drops his fork into his takeout pasta and...

Chen in the hospital recently, quiet, because the day before yesterday when he was in a chase a criminal accidentally get my leg is broken. And a week can was released from the hospital, but Mr Chen, this several days but haven't had a good night's sleep. Every night 12 ...

他现在康复的很好 怎么翻译 谢谢~
He is getting well.康复的很好,说明还在康复过程中.其中: recover 有"已经恢复原状的意思",所以用在这不合适

调、弹、 钻、吓、量、撮,多 音字组词
[care of a patient during convalescence;nurse] 调理保护;调养护理调级tiáo jí[raise the wages]...吓:xia:吓人,he:恐吓量:liang(第二声):测量,liang(第四声):度量撮:cuo:撮合,zuo:一撮

Recently Mr Chen was in the hospital,because he borke his leg when he was hunting for a criminal the day before yesterday. And he is gonna get out in a week,but he just did not have a good sleep for several days ,cause every midnight the alarm clock woke him up....

and then they were transferred to the People's Hospital of Jiajiang.Now,Mr. Li has began to work with the a crutch because his left leg was fractured. But Aunt Lan is still convalescing at home. Aunt Lan has her collar bone fractured, besides, her arm and elbow fractured ...

五肢13267153609问: The Convalescent的译文 -
银海区润尔回答: 康复期的病人

五肢13267153609问: 节日前哪些加the 哪些不加the -
银海区润尔回答: 一般来说 ,中国传统节日的名称前通常要加the而外国的节日就不用加定冠词的.但西方的节日,或者中国和西方共有的节日都不加冠词.例如,感恩节:Thanksgiving Day.为什么中国传统节日要加the.the的基本用法是特指.如果在英语国家...

五肢13267153609问: 最高级前加a不加the是怎么回事 -
银海区润尔回答: 形容词最高级前通常要加定冠词the,而以下几种情况一般不需要加定冠词the: 1.形容词最高级前有序数词、物主代词、指示代词或名词所有格等限定词修饰时,最高级前不用the.如: The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.黄河是...

五肢13267153609问: 句子中逗号的作用 -
银海区润尔回答: 1、and 用于用来连接具有两个相同语法功能的平行要素,而逗号则用于两个以上除最后一个平行要素外的分开,表示语气的短暂停顿.如: * Her father is a doctor and her mother is a teacher. ——句中只存在两个要素,因此要直接用 and 连接...

五肢13267153609问: 英语中形容词最高级在什么时候可以把the省略 -
银海区润尔回答: 形容词最高级不用the的情况: (1)形容词最高级前通常用the,副词最高级前的the可以不用. (2)形容词最高级作表语时,有时可以省略the.如: Which of the boys is (the) strongest?这些孩子中哪个最强壮? (3)最高级形容词作表语,副词...

五肢13267153609问: pen写成复数形式 -
银海区润尔回答: pens[英][penz][美][penz]n.钢笔; 圆珠笔; 笔( pen的名词复数 ); 写作;

五肢13267153609问: a+序数词+time与the+序数词+time有什么区别? -
银海区润尔回答: “The+序数词+n”表示特指“第几个”;“a+序数词+n”表示泛指“又一次”. the first man第一个男人;a second man另外一个男人或又一个男人. a third time另外一次或又一次, the third time第三次.希望对您有所帮助

五肢13267153609问: 定冠词the后加名词的单数还是复数 -
银海区润尔回答: 定冠词the后加名词的单数,在单数名词前表示一类人〔物〕例如:Please give me the apple on the table.桌上只有一个苹果 the读音:英 [ðə] 美 [ðə]释义 那;这;这些;那些 2.adv. (用于比较级前)更加;用于最高级前;(用于...

五肢13267153609问: 名词什么时候前面加the?具体说说the的用法 -
银海区润尔回答: 定冠词the主要用于以下几种情况: a)单数普通名词前,表示一类人或事物,the不译 b)重新提及的人或事物前 c)谈话双方都知道的人或事物前 d)有限制性定语修饰的名词前 e)序数词前 f)表示世界独一无二的事物前 g)方向名词和某些表时间的词组或习惯用语前 h)形容词、副词的最高级前 i)the+adj.表一类人/物 j)姓氏复数前表一家人 k)逢十的复数数词表某一年代 l)用于演奏的乐器前 m)表单位的名词前 n)某些专有名词前

五肢13267153609问: 英语,什么时候加the,加s. 什么时候不加the,加s. 什么时候加the,不加s. 什么时候不加the,不加s. -
银海区润尔回答: 1,加the是表示一个整体,如the children,加the也表示特指,如the flower,或the flowers(这个加了the又加了s的比前面那个更强调复数) 2,不加the的时候很多,非常多. 3,上面的可参考. 4,只要不特指,也不表示整体的话,是表示复数的,一般只加s. 要真正学会这些用法不是一朝一夕的事,那些大学英语专业的学生都未必完全掌握. 希望能帮到你,祝你学习进步!

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