
作者&投稿:亢阳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

n.  概念; 观念 牛津词典 noun 概念;观念an idea or a principle that is connected with sth abstract the concept of social class社会等级的概念concepts such as ‘civilization’ and ‘government’诸如“文明”和“政府”等概念He can't grasp the basic concepts of mathematics....

读音:英[ˈkɒnsept]、美[ˈkɑːnsept]。释义:n. 观念,概念 变形:复数 concepts。同近义词:idea\/sense\/notion\/construct n. 观念,概念 concept造句如下:1、He was familiar with the basic concepts.他对基本概念很熟悉。2、I very much agree with this young man'...

concept表示“概念”,原来是一种哲学术语,如今用的比较普遍,但是比conception更加书面学理化。She had no conception of the importance of this job.如果把conception换做concept,就有点不太准确。I wonder whether birds have the concept of climbing.在这里用concept就比conception更加自然。

concept \/ˈkɒnsept\/ 概念;观念 the concept of social class 社会等级的概念 concepts such as ‘civilization’ and ‘government’诸如“文明”和“政府”的概念 He can't grasp the basic concepts of mathematics.他无法掌握数学的基本概念。

concept和conception 。symbol和symbolization的区别是什么?
Concept,conception都是“概念”的意思,区别如下:concept 常常指被广泛接受的思想或概念,如:1. The astronomer presented a new concept of the beginning of the universe。天文学家提出了关于宇宙起源的新概念。2. I can’t grasp the concept of infinity。我无法掌握关于“无限”的概念。concepti...

1、concept表示“概念”,原来是一种哲学术语,如今用的比较普遍,但是比conception更加书面学理化。2、表示“思想、观点、观念”之意,concept指从众多实例中通过概括、归纳而形成的对事物本质、全貌及其内部联系的概念或看法。I can not understand such an abstract concept.我无法理解如此抽象的观念。He ...

concept, conception有何不同?
concept 概念,观念:事物在心中留下的印象 A general idea derived or inferred from specific instances or occurrences.概念从特定情形或事件中得到或推断出的一般性想法 Something formed in the mind; a thought or notion.想法在脑海中形成的想法;思想或观念 See: idea Usage Problem 【用法疑难】A...

回答和翻译如下:The concept is of multi-storey buildings in which food crops are grown in environmentally controlled conditions .这一概念是指在环境控制的条件下种植粮食作物的多层建筑 。

The concept of today's homes, when compared to thoes from before, are getting more and more different.Many of my friends, myself included, all have our own houses. They are not small, but there are no man live in these homes. Or, you can say we don't have men who we...

翻译Likewise in Chinese painting,the concept of yin-yang can be...
7,He could like (could be like?)an alchemist,change one material into another,marble into trees,leaves,hair and of course,flesh。他像是个炼金术士,把一样材料变成另一样材料,把大埋石变成树木、树叶、头发,当然还可将之变成肉体/皮肤。以上的翻译全是个人的理解,有时候我不会逐字...

武樊13636464742问: 完形填空.      The concept of solitude (独处) in the digital world is almost non - existent. In the world of digitaltechnology e - mail social networking and ... -
秀英区苏迪回答:[答案] 1-5: CCBCD 6-10: ABDBA 11-15: ACDBC 16-20: BADAD

武樊13636464742问: the concept of solitude完型填空 -
秀英区苏迪回答: The concept of solitude (独处) in the digital world is almost non-existent. In the world of digital technology, e-mail, social networking and online video games, information is meant to be 36 . Solitude can be hard to discover 37 it has been given up....

武樊13636464742问: that of 一直不太懂,BEC上的一句例子,of在这里什么用法?so is the main concept behind a franchise that of a compromise between setting up on your own ... -
秀英区苏迪回答:[答案] that 用于强调上文提到过的词或短语表达的同类意思,此处指代 the main concept behind a franchise. that of … 的意思是“…的同类的那种东西/事情” that of a compromise between setting up on your own and working for a company 表示“在自己...

武樊13636464742问: such,so,what,how在感叹句中的用法如何区别 -
秀英区苏迪回答: how+形容词+主语+谓语 或 how+副词+主语+谓语 how主要感叹形容词或副词. eg:How beautiful (形容词) the flowers are! How fast (副词) the driver drived!what+a/an+形容词+名词+主语+谓语 what主要感叹名词. what a beautiful ...

武樊13636464742问: the concept of xx 还是concept of xx
秀英区苏迪回答: the concept of xx ;

武樊13636464742问: 关于“so+动词+that"句型,给个例句. -
秀英区苏迪回答: 先说一下,so 后面不应该加动词的,应该是形容词 so ... that 表"太...而...",He is so young that he can't go to school 他太小了,不能上学 与""替换 如:He is too young to go to school.

武樊13636464742问: such as to和so as to的区别 -
秀英区苏迪回答: such as to和so as to在释义上、词性上、用法上有所不同. 一、释义不同 1、such as to有“这样,这种,如此(地步)”的意思. 2、as to是以至于,按着.连起来有点这个意味:这样以至于....常用于表示强调,夸张的语气中. 二、词性不同 1、such as to的这个词组里,such是做代词 2、so as to 里面,so不能做代词成分. 三、用法不同 1、so as to 用在肯定句中. 2、such as to 用在否定句中.

武樊13636464742问: concept - of - foshion是什么意思 -
秀英区苏迪回答: concept of fashion 时尚观念 双语例句1 It would be an irony if India finally overtakes China in terms of headlinegrowth just as the concept goes out of fashion. 如果印度恰好是在整体增速的概念变得过时之际终于在整体增速上超过中国,那将是一...

武樊13636464742问: so that such that的区别 -
秀英区苏迪回答: such+adj + 不可数名词 so +adj+ a(an)+可数名词 such +n ( such 是adj) so+adj(so 是adv)1句是 强调句.(同时去掉 it was that 句子依然完整)句中such 为固定搭配,that 则连接”we decided not to go there.“这个从句. 2句 so ...that ...(如此...以至于...是固定搭配)

武樊13636464742问: It+be+形容词+for sb+to do It+be+形容词+of sb+to do 怎么区分呢? -
秀英区苏迪回答: 两者的区别体现在其中形容词的修饰对象上,可以此区分. 1.It is+adj+of sb+to do sth 中形容词(adj)修饰的是人(sb),侧重表示的是这个人的品质. 例子:it' is kind of you to help me.意思是你能帮我太好了. 其中kind可以翻译为善良的,好...

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