
作者&投稿:牧狮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

hug和embrace的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同 一、指代不同 1、hug:拥抱,搂抱。2、embrace:抱。二、用法不同 1、hug:hug的基本意思是“拥抱,抱住”,通常表示一种友好的态度,这种方式可以是爱人之间,也可以是友人之间的一种友好的表现,也可以表示为了庆祝某件事而拥抱。2、embrace...

william wordsworth 的简介及创作
威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth,1770-1850年),英国浪漫主义诗人,曾当上桂冠诗人。其诗歌理论动摇了英国古典主义诗学的统治,有力地推动了英国诗歌的革新和浪漫主义运动的发展。他是文艺复兴运动以来最重要的英语诗人之一,其诗句“朴素生活,高尚思考”被作为牛津大学基布尔学院的格言 。主要创作:1、...

a child awaits an adult,什么意思?
Her books stymie me. Dr. Seuss, Sweet Valley High, R. L. Stine, The Baby-sitters Club, Shakespeare, The Odyssey and The Iliad, romance novels, historical novels and textbooks. A lifetime of reading; each book beloved. I want to be heartless, to stuff them in paper sacks ...

还有:3.Do Mr and Mrs Brown have two childr
孩子,那些答案不对。问everyone是指人,怎么能用it呢?应该回答:Yes, they are. 或者 Yes, everyone is.To不能作为句子的开头,应为:The bank (不能加句号) 或者 He is going to the bank.这个对了,是Yes, they do.这个又错了,应该是No, they are not.又错了,are是be动词怎么能接...

...his homework and plays w( ) other children

1、catch 英 [kætʃ] 美 [kætʃ]v.接住;截住;拦住;接(落下的液体);抓住;握住 n.接(球等);总捕获量;扣拴物;扣件 例句:I jumped up to catch a ball and fell over.我跳起来接球,结果摔了个跟头。2、lunch 英 [lʌntʃ] 美 [lʌ...

cherish #39t#643eri#643vt1 珍视,珍爱热爱钟爱例句They cherish their native land他们热爱自己的故乡2 爱护抚育例句She cherished the child as though he were her own她抚育这个孩子就像。cherish 英#712t#643er#618#643美#712t#643#603r#618#643vt珍爱 怀有 爱护 抚育Cherish them, for ...

•He was limping rather badly. 他腿跛得挺厉害。•My own position is rather different . 我自己的处境则很不一样。•Abigail’s always been rather a difficult child. 阿比盖尔一向是个挺难管的孩子。•Isn’t it rather late (= a little too late ) to start changing all the arrangements?

关于parents differ from children in career choice的英语作
Firstly, parents usually tend to look for a much stabler job as the first choice for their child. On the opposite, most young people prefer to creat their own career.Secondly, parents maybe want their child work in a govenment or bank department, whose welfare is much better ...

child---children foot---feet tooth---teeth mouse---mice man---men woman---women 注意:由一个词加 man 或 woman构成的合成词,其复数形式也是 -men 和-women 例如:an Englishman,two Englishmen。但German不是合成词,故复数形式为Germans;Bowman是姓,其复数是the Bowmans。2)单复...

阚依17825897939问: 英语几道选择题求解析 -
文圣区切尔回答: 第一题: The children 是主语,复数形式, 后面的(without parents)是定语,are taken good care of 表示被动,被照顾得很好,后面 by teachers 是执行 take care of 的人.这个句子变换一下...

阚依17825897939问: the children go后面加s吗 -
文圣区切尔回答: children 复数名词,后面用复数谓语动词,不需要加~s.

阚依17825897939问: the child 表示一类孩子的话后面动词是跟单数吧?那下面这句话:the child realizes their dreams 我想表示这类孩子都这么着,还是用 realizes his or her dreams? -
文圣区切尔回答:[答案] 这类孩子都这么着 these children realize their dreams 非得用 the child The child realizes his or her dreams

阚依17825897939问: the children 和these child一定要用the 搭配children才能表示孩子 -
文圣区切尔回答: these后面只能用复数children

阚依17825897939问: the children 是用什么be动词
文圣区切尔回答: the children are : [一般现在时]the children were : [一般过去时]the children are [动词]+ing : [现在进行时]the children were [动词]+ing : [过去进行时]the children will : [一般将来时]the children are going to : [be gong to]

阚依17825897939问: the children后面能不能过去式 -
文圣区切尔回答: 当然可以了,如果动作发生在过去就用过去式 The children went to the park yesterday.

阚依17825897939问: - ---the+children+skate+in+winter使用are?
文圣区切尔回答: 不用,已有谓语动词skate,应当用do,要用are,则skate要用skating.

阚依17825897939问: I love to see the children 后接什么动词 -
文圣区切尔回答: children后面接动词的话,应该是doing形式,与就是ing行式,表示:我喜欢看到孩子们做什么,所以,应该用 see ……doing 的表达形式

阚依17825897939问: other, another, the other, others, the others的区别.后面都加什么词? -
文圣区切尔回答: 含义和用法都有区别. 1. other后面要加名词的,它是形容词,意思是别的,其他的意思,不能单独用, 如:I want some other books. 我想要一些其他的书. He mixes well with other children in the school. 他在学校里与其他孩子能很好相处...

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