
作者&投稿:羽莺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

"Answer"通常用于回答问题、解决疑惑、回应请求等,也可以用于口头或书面的回答,而且不限于电子邮件或通信方式。比如:1、Can you answer my question?你能回答我的问题吗?2、He answered the phone and talked to his friend for an hour.他接了电话,和朋友聊了一个小时。五、双语例句 reply 1...

answer 英['ɑ:nsə(r)] 美[ˈænsɚ]vt.& vi. 答复; 解答; 答辩;适应 n. 回答;答案;反应;足以媲美的人 第三人称单数:answers;过去分词:answered;现在分词:answering;过去...[例句]I wish I had an answer.我希望我能有一个答案。

reply to和answer的区别
reply to和answer的区别:一、这两个单词均可以表示“回答“,区别在于answer属常用词,较为口语,多用于一般性应答,而reply则比较正式,多指经过考虑而作出答复。1、I knew Ben was lying when he answered me 我知道本回答我时在撒谎。2、He did not even have the courtesy to reply to my fax...

answers的原形 answered原形是:answer。Hedidnotanswerforfearofhurtingher.他没回答是怕伤她的感情。Heawaitedheranswerwithimpatience.他迫不及待地等待着她的回音。Heansweredthecallofdutyandenlistedinthearmy.他应征入伍。Itwastoofrivolousforhertoanswer.这句话太刻薄了,她不愿回答。Thepupil'sanswer...

answer例句:1、If you can't answer the question, leave a blank.如果答不上来就空着。2、My mind\/memory was a (complete) blank.I couldn't think of a single answer.我头脑记忆里(完全)是一片空白,连一个答案也想不出。3、The answer he gave was quite surprising.他的回答出人意外...

answer KK: []DJ: []n.[C][(+to)]1. 回答;答复;复信 I'm waiting for an answer to my letter.我正在等候回信。2. 答案;解决办法 What's the correct answer to this arithmetic question?这道算术难题的正确答案是什么?3. 反应 He said good night to her but she gave no answer....

如: I can’t answer the telephone.I am having a bath.我不能接电话,我正在洗澡。2、answer的名词用法 用作名词,表示“回答”“答复”“答案”“回应”等,注意以下各例中answer后接的介 词是to而不是of。如:He got the answer to the riddle as quick as a flash.他一下子就猜中了...

He answered again last night.(一般疑问句)
Did he answere again last night?

answers是回答的意思。answers作为名词是答案‘’回答的意思,(answer的复数)。作为动词是回答的意思(answer的三单形式)。固定搭配有answer to the questions回答问题、answers for对什么担保、fixed answers固定答案。

reply 和answer的区别
一、表达意思不同 1、reply:vi. 回答; 答辩;回击、n. 回答;答辩、vt. 回答;答复 2、answer:n. 答复,回答;答案,解决办法;相当的人或物;回函,回信;(电话的)应答;应门、v. 回答,答复;适合,符合;答(题);应门,接电话;(就指责或批评)作出回应;答复(信件等);解决(...

晋石18642903719问: the answer to the question 为什么用to -
子洲县欧特回答: 因为the answer to是固定搭配,所以不能用其他任何介词. the answer to 读音:英 [ðə ˈɑːnsə(r) tu] 美 [ðə ˈænsər tu]释义:的答案. 语法:answer用作动词的基本意思是“回答,答复”,可以用言语回答,也可以用文字回答,还可以...

晋石18642903719问: the名词+to+ing,尽量举完,这要死记啊.例如the key(answer,entrance,note...) to. -
子洲县欧特回答:[答案] the key to the door.the answer to the question.the key to cuccess .the solution to the problem

晋石18642903719问: the+n.+to的to为介词的 词组 -
子洲县欧特回答:[答案] 前面两位的回答,其中to 貌似不是介词吧,而是不定式. the way to do 做某事的方法 the answer to .的答案 the entrance to .的入口 the key to .的钥匙或者.的关键

晋石18642903719问: the answers to 的意思 -
子洲县欧特回答: ...的答案 例如:These are the answers to the question.

晋石18642903719问: answer加 to do,do还是doing? -
子洲县欧特回答: 1.answer to 意思是某地中与…相似的东西,某地中相当于…的东西.根据柯林斯词典解说,此时answer属于单数名词(N-SING). If you say that something is a place's answer to a famous thing, you mean that the first thing is the equivalent of the second in that place. 2.例句.Cachaca is Brazil's answer to tequila. 巴西甜酒相当于是巴西的龙舌兰酒. 3.根据上述解说,doing这种动名词(单数名词),才属于answer to 要接的搭配.

晋石18642903719问: the+n.+to的to为介词的 词组 -
子洲县欧特回答: the + n. + to Vt. 只要Vt 能和n.搭配就可以了,就是n.能承受这个动作就可以了.

晋石18642903719问: 请问the answer to the question -
子洲县欧特回答: 书面意思都一样. 但第一个表达式很通用的,几乎所有时候都可用 第二个就比较特殊了,一般只是特定的问题,情况或者事件之类的这么说,而answer也可以代表答案、结局、状态.比如说: 他去世了,但这并不代表一切都结束了. 1、We lost him,but it's not the answer of the question主动语态,表示...并不是解决某事的关键 2、we lost him,but it will not be stoped.被动语态,表示...所影响而导致结束 两种说法,一种意思.

晋石18642903719问: 初中英语中 the +n+to的有哪些类似于 the key/answer to 尽可能的多列举几个 还有那些是 the +n+for 求解 -
子洲县欧特回答: the key to the door the answer to question the way to school the gift to you

晋石18642903719问: answer to 和 answer for 有什么不同?能举例说明吗? -
子洲县欧特回答: answer 作动词是及物动词,"回答"的意思.answer 后面加to,应该是answer 作名词"答案"用,即:⋯的答案.如:the answer to the exercise, 练习的答案.这个answer 等于key.

晋石18642903719问: the+n+to的短语有哪些? -
子洲县欧特回答:[答案] the key to the door the answer to the question the solution to the problem

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