
作者&投稿:剧乔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

9) [ɔ: ]字母组合 al or au our ar small wall talk tall hall ball call walk short more lord horse for forty sport door floor store author caught autumn four mourn court bought warm quarrel quarter 10) [ ɔ ] ([ɒ...

un lion s'était assoupi dans une grotte obscure et bien frache. Il s'endormait tout juste quand un rat lui fila le long du museau. Avec un grondement le lion leva sa lourd patte et l'abattit sur l'impertinent. “Je vais t'écraser misérable rugit-il. - Je vous en supplie épa...

4.当字母组合—air—, —ear—, —ere—读作 [ ε ] pear—pair—pare—pere, tear—tare, fair—fare, mare—mayor, hair—hare, glair—glare, flair—flare 5.当字母组合 —ou—,—ow—读作 [au] foul—fowl, praw—prau, flour—flower 6.当字母组合—al—, —au—, —aw—, —or—, ...

AP Belgian International Air Services Co. 比利时国际空运公司(比利时)AQ Air Anglia Ltd 昂格利亚航空公司(英)AR Aeroline as Argentinas 阿根廷航空公司(阿根廷)AS Alaska Airlines Inc. 阿拉斯加航空公司 AT Compagnie Nationale de Transports Aerens Royal Air Maroc 摩洛哥皇家航空公司(摩洛哥)AU Austral...

先来看元音音标,里面包括12个单元音和8个双元音。单元音:[i:] [i][e] [ae][a:] [۸][ə:] [ə][u:] [u][כ] [:כ]双元音:[ai] [ei] [iə] [əu] [uə] [au] [eə] [כi]辅音音标:分为清辅音和浊辅音...

元音字组读 音例 词ai\/ay[ei]afraid rain wait day playair[ε]air hair chair pair repairalal在f m前[:l]small ball talk wall all[:l]always also salt almost[α:]half calmau\/aw[:]autumn daughter drawea[i:]teach easy cheap please[e]heavy bread sweater weather[ei]break greatear[i]hear...

Braunau in Upper Austria.Early LifeThe son of Alois Hitler (1837–1903), an Austrian customs official, Adolf Hitler dropped out of high school, and after his mother's death in 1907 moved to Vienna. He twice failed the admission examination for the academy of arts. His vicious anti-...

英语国际音标共48个音素.其中元音音素20个,辅音音素28个。1、元音 (1)单元音:①/a//o//i//u//e/ a o e i u ü (2)双元音:①/ai//ei//au/(/ju:/)与汉语复韵母对照:ai ei ui ao ou iu ②/i///u�/ ③/i/ 说明:根据汉语复韵母排序来...

发u:的单词,还有u,ai,ei,ɔi,au,əu,εə,iə!! 答出来重...
u:, too, food. shoe u,good,cook,stood ai,sky, like, fire,style ei,steak, fate, shape ɔi,spoil, oil, soil au,how, wow, clown əu,hope, toe, coat,εə,hair, stare, glare iə!near, hear, fear OK?希望能帮到你啊!


祁哪17136545230问: 英语的空气air 前面要加the 吗 -
兴山区盐酸回答:[答案] 空气属于物质名词,不可数;英语中不可数名词一般不加冠词,但是如果表示特指时就必须加the,请对比: Air is important for life.(泛指意义,不加the) The air in the balloon has been let out.(特指气球里的空气,故加the)

祁哪17136545230问: 为什么空气air要加the,原因是什么?语法书上说:物质名词前一般不加冠词,但表特指时加the.原句:The gases from cars and factories keep coming into the... -
兴山区盐酸回答:[答案] air 天空;空中;空间 The air is the space around things or above the ground 这里不是表示【空气】.如表示空气,不加冠词.

祁哪17136545230问: the air的the是读成“地”的吗?a是元音吧. -
兴山区盐酸回答: the air是读成"地"因为当中的"air"的a发/æ/ 不一定吧,这个不清楚..不过不是所有的aeiou前都是发"地"..是它们发/æ ,e,i,*,*/ (后面两个不知道怎么打出来....你明白就行了 反正发那些音的时候都要读"地"

祁哪17136545230问: 如果说空气—air 前面要加the吗?
兴山区盐酸回答: 看情况的 1.表示气体 The air pllution 空气污染 Let's go out for some fresh air 2.空间 I kicked the ball high into the air 我把球高高的踢向空中 Music fiiled the air 夜空中荡漾着音乐 3.表示交通方式 It only takes three hour by air 乘飞机只需要三个小时 其实的话 一般都要加 在具体的情况中比如乘飞机就不加

祁哪17136545230问: air outlet是什么意思 -
兴山区盐酸回答: air outlet [英][eə(r) ˈautlet][美][er ˈaʊtˌlɛt] 送风口,出风口; 网络 回风口; 空气排出口; 出风口;双语例句 1 A leeward side of the box is provided with at least one air outlet having a vent check valve. 所述箱体的背风面至少具有一个带有出...

祁哪17136545230问: 以air为题写一篇英语文章. -
兴山区盐酸回答: The air surrounding us is important to everyone. Without air, we could not exist. Everyone understands that. But air is necessary in many other ways――ways that are not always so obvious or widely known.For example, if we did not have air, there ...

祁哪17136545230问: 不可数名词后动词要不要加s?The air in the bottle expands.orThe air in the bottle expand. -
兴山区盐酸回答:[答案] 加s,不可数名词是单数,谓语动词当然也用单数形式,所以第一个句子是对的.

祁哪17136545230问: __the mountain is,__the air is. -
兴山区盐酸回答:[选项] A. The higher;the thinnest B. Higher;thinner C. The higher;the thinner C.The higher;the thinner D. The highest;thinner 应该选哪个

祁哪17136545230问: 不可数名词Air and water - ___ - important to us.谓语应该用is还是are? -
兴山区盐酸回答:[答案] are 这里涉及到主谓一致.以下是我以前的一点记录: 并列结构作主语时与谓语的一致关系 1.由and连接两个n.或pron.作S.时... /Two-thirds of the people present are against the plan. /Tens of tons of waste goes into the air with the smoke everyday. 6....

祁哪17136545230问: +air=(在单词前加一个字母变为另外一个新单词) -
兴山区盐酸回答: hair

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