
作者&投稿:邬帘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

有没有这篇文章"empire without end"
Jupiter's promise is how Virgil links his epic of the Trojan exiles, the Aeneid, to the history of Rome through the centuries to Virgil's own time. Aeneas' son, Jupiter says, will be called Iulus when the exiles settle in Italy; Iulus will be the forefather of Romulus, t...

For example, Euler could repeat the Aeneid of Virgil from beginning to end without hesitation, and for every page in the edition he could indicate which line was the first and which the last.[3][edit] Last stage of life Euler's grave at the Alexander Nevsky Laura.The situation in Russia...

In Hellenistic times, especially during the 3rd century BCE, as Apollo Helios he became identified among Greeks with Helios, Titan god of the sun, and his sister Artemis similarly equated with Selene, Titan goddess of the moon.[1] In Latin texts, on the other hand, Joseph Fonte...

谁读过Paradise Lost?
Paradise Lost 就是弥尔顿的《失乐园》,主要讲得就是撒旦原本是上帝创造的最美的天使,但是堕落了,率领一些有反抗之心的天使攻打天堂,但是攻击失败了,至此就作为蛊惑人心的魔鬼,呆在黑暗的地底。上帝造出亚当和夏娃,让他们生活在伊甸园里,一直很幸福。上帝告诉他们乐园里只有两棵树上的果实是不能...

宏嘉19193137736问: 特洛伊王子和海伦的故事 讲什么的 -
元阳县黄柏回答: 在古希腊,有一个女神为了报复特洛伊,所有制作了一个金苹果,上面写着“献给最美丽的女神”,并且把这个金苹果交给了特洛伊王子.当时,智慧女神雅典娜、天后赫斯以及爱神维纳斯都认为自己是最美的.为了得到金苹果,雅典娜对特洛伊王子说:“如果你把苹果判给我,我就让你成为世界上最聪明的人.”赫斯说:“如果你把苹果给我,我就让你成为世界的统治者(好像是这样的).”最后维纳斯说:“如果你把苹果给我,我就把世界上最美丽的女子给你.”于是王子便把苹果给了维纳斯,而维纳斯便从斯巴达带走了王后海伦,那个世界上最美丽的女人,从而引发了两国的战争.

宏嘉19193137736问: 艾丽丝漫游奇境记梗概(30~60字) 我很急~ -
元阳县黄柏回答: 书中主人公爱丽丝是个十分可爱的小女孩.她天真活泼,充满好奇心和求知欲;她有同情心,懂得是非.在爱丽丝身上,充分体现了属于儿童的那种纯真.爱丽丝的故事充满了各种奇特的幻想,能变大变小的身子、组成王国的扑克牌,能穿入...

宏嘉19193137736问: 罗密欧与朱丽叶英文故事简介, -
元阳县黄柏回答: 罗密欧与朱丽叶,英文原名为The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet,简写为Romeo and Juliet,是英国剧作家莎士比亚著名的悲剧,但罗密欧与朱丽叶这个悲剧故事并不是莎士比亚的原创,而是改编自阿瑟·布卢...

宏嘉19193137736问: 《傲慢与偏见》的英文梗概 100~300字 -
元阳县黄柏回答: Story summary /Brilliant statement精彩语句This is the famous British writer Jane Austen masterpiece "Pride and Prejudice" in the opening section, leads some in the early nineteenth century England and on the value of the classic love story....

宏嘉19193137736问: 求电影《魔法圣婴》的详细剧情介绍. -
元阳县黄柏回答: 一个丑女人生了一个巨大的男婴.而男婴的姐姐却硬要宣布这个孩子她是自己的,于是处女生子的事情也被很快的传播开来,她以圣母玛利亚自称,并将圣婴当成了自己的摇钱树,只有那些...

宏嘉19193137736问: 海的女儿梗概 英文100字左右 -
元阳县黄柏回答: 海王有一美丽而善良的女儿小人鱼.小人鱼爱上王子,为了追求爱情幸福,不惜忍受巨大痛苦,脱去鱼形,换来人形 .但王子最后却和人间的女子结了婚 .巫婆告诉小人鱼,只要杀死王子,并使王子的血流到自己腿上,小人鱼就可回到海里,...

宏嘉19193137736问: 电影《音乐之声》的故事梗概 -- 三百字,电影中的音乐的作用 -
元阳县黄柏回答: 音乐之声取材于1938年发生在奥地利的一个真实故事:见习修女玛丽亚是个性格开朗,热情奔放的姑娘.她爱唱歌、爱跳舞,还十分喜爱大自然的清新、宁静和美丽.只要修道院的门开着,她就常在苍翠的群山间象云雀一样歌唱,在洁净的小溪...

宏嘉19193137736问: 糖果屋历险记英文简介 -
元阳县黄柏回答: When the mysterious key to open the door of the candy castle,Angel shed tears,Living on forest carbon,Diffuse gravel road off the Millennium ......A long time ago, & the Chocolate Factory's carbon wood forests,There are countless ...

宏嘉19193137736问: 纳尼亚传奇故事简介,英文的. -
元阳县黄柏回答:[答案] 英文: During World War II London suffered threat of air strikes, children are evacuated to the countryside to take refuge Pifen family of four brothers and sisters - Peter, Susan, Edmond, Lucy, placed in an old professor Kirk Dige countryside mansion ...

宏嘉19193137736问: 英文版《小红帽》的故事简介是什么? -
元阳县黄柏回答: 以下是《小红帽》英文版故事的简短版本:Little Red Riding Hood was a young girl who loved to wear a red hooded cloak. One day, her mother asked her to take some food to her sick grandmother who lived in a cottage in the woods. Little Red ...

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