
作者&投稿:皇沸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

请问absence 的用法?
evidence the prisoner was set free.因缺乏确证,被告被释放了 He was ~ in his mind then.当时他心不在焉 in a person's absence (1) 某人不在时 He called on you in your ~.他在你不在的时候有来访 (2) 背地里 Don't speak ill of a person in his ~.不要在背后说别人坏话 ...

capable有能力的,有才能的 pressed 紧的; 困难的 ghastly 可怕的, 惨白的, 惊人的 silence 寂静;沉默 include 包括 strange 奇怪的;陌生的 7个字母的英文单词absence例句 1. There has been much gossip about the possible reasons for his absence.关于他缺席的原因有很多传言。2. I suspect he ...

由我负责. * during his absence in America, ie while he was there 当他不在此地而在美国的期间. (b) [C] occasion or time of being away 不在某处的次数或时间: numerous absences from school 无数次的缺课 * throughout his long absence 在他长期不在(某处)的期间 * after an abse...

1everyone was aboard the plane. 大家登上了飞机 aboard:在飞机上。2he went abroad last yeat. 他去年出国了。abroad:国外。3His absence made the teacher angry。他的缺席让老师很生气。absence:缺席。

原译:他不在伦敦的时候结识了许多朋友。辨析:原译没有拘泥于将absence译成“缺席”是动了脑筋的,但是却忽略了后面的介词in,所以翻译错了。表示某人不在某个地方应该是be absent from some place (名词也一样:one’s absence from some place),如:He was absent from lectures yesterday.(...

可以用两种时态(现在完成时或过去时)的多种翻译,举例如下:1、用 excuse(申辩,托辞,借口) 翻译 -- He hasn't excused himself for his absence. 【现在没因为迟到替自己辩解】(动词)-- He didn't excuse himself for his absence. 【现在没因为迟到替自己辩解】(动词)-- He hasn’t ...

...may explain his absence? A.why B.when C.that D.what
简单来说 如果选A 句意重复 the reason 本身就是原因 后面跟that 引导的定语从句还就是说明 the reason。 如果选 why 翻译为你已经问过他原因 为什么能够解释他的缺勤,显然重复。 为什么会重复 跟从句有关 如果后面是(空格) he absented .那么选A ,关键是 the reason在从句中明显做成分 则不...

He is absent from school, for he is ill today.He is absent from school today because of his illness.The reason why he is absent from school is that he is ill today.He is absent from school today for the reason that he is ill.His illness today accounts for his absence ...

She died as a result of injuries.她由于受伤而死亡。2.owing to由于, 因...之缘故 We were late owing to the snow.我们迟到是因为下雪。3.due to由于, 应归于 Her absence was due to the storm.由于风雨交加她没来。4.because of因为 Because of the storm he didn't go there.因为...

1、Absence to love is what wind is to fire、It extinguishes the small; it inflames the great、(Roger de Bussy-Rabutin, French writer)离别之于爱情好比风之于火,它能将小火熄灭,使大火熊熊燃烧。(法国作家比西-拉比旦.R.) 2、Every man is a poet when he is in love、(Plato ancient Creek ...

说冉13056076835问: 英语:the absent of 对吗?还是absence啊 -
承德市氢氯回答: absent 形容词,当前面用定冠词时意为缺席的人,或者不在场的东西. 而the absence of ⋯是"在⋯不在场".

说冉13056076835问: be in absence of有没有the -
承德市氢氯回答: in the absence of 在缺乏…的情况下 (固定搭配) 是特指缺乏…的情况下,因此要加the. 如: In the absence of firm evidence the prisoner was set free. 因缺乏确证,犯人被释放了.

说冉13056076835问: be in absence of有没有the -
承德市氢氯回答:[答案]in the absence of 在缺乏…的情况下 (固定搭配) 是特指缺乏…的情况下,因此要加the. 如: In the absence of firm evidence the prisoner was set free. 因缺乏确证,犯人被释放了.

说冉13056076835问: absence的用法in the absence of 表示 在.不在,缺乏这个词还可以跟from还是什么介词表示不在 -
承德市氢氯回答:[答案] 名词 n. 1.缺席,离开,不在场 She called in your absence. 你不在时她来过. 2.不在场的次数或时间 Ade's constant absences from work made his boss very angry. 艾德经常旷工使他的老板很生气. 3.缺乏,不存在 A major problem is the absence of ...

说冉13056076835问: absence of是什么意思 -
承德市氢氯回答: absence of 缺乏…;…不存在; [例句]The presence or absence of clouds can have an important impact on heat transfer 有无云层对热量的传递会产生重要的影响.

说冉13056076835问: 英语语法the manager is of absence中为什么要加个of呢为什么不直接用the manager is absence -
承德市氢氯回答:[答案] absence 是名词,名词前面加of变为形容词, 可以改用absent

说冉13056076835问: ( )the absence of缺乏,不存在 -
承德市氢氯回答: in in the absence of 缺乏…时;当…不在时 如:In the absence of water , plants would not grow well . 如果缺少水,植物就不会长势良好.We are in the absence of experience. 我们缺乏经验.如不明白请追问,如果满意请采纳 手机提问者如果满意,请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可, 谢谢!祝学习进步

说冉13056076835问: The absence of said love can be.这句话语法分析?看不懂of后面为什 -
承德市氢氯回答: 从语法上来看,这里的said应该作形容词来解释,意为上述的,love此处也不是动词,而是名词,句子的主语absence,与后面的can be构成系表结构.

说冉13056076835问: 高中英语选择
承德市氢氯回答: 选C in the absence of+名词:缺乏……(常指法律证据,犯罪证据)

说冉13056076835问: in the absence of 造句 -
承德市氢氯回答: In the absence of firm evidence the prisoner was set free. 因缺乏确证,被告被释放了.

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