
作者&投稿:子董 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一个冬天的早晨,他被派到一个乡村学校去做生意。他在一个小镇下了车。然后他不得不步行到那个村。通向村庄的道路并不平坦。他摔倒了几次,衣服都脏了。最后,他终于到达了村里。Suddenly it began to blow and it got colder. He was looking for the school while his hat was blown off. ...

这个句子中的动词sat不及物、没有受词。但是它后面的介系词on却有个受词my hat。这个受词也可以拿出来改成被动态的句子,如下:My hat was sat on.S V以上探讨各种句型如何改写成被动态,采用的都是传统文法的认定,也就是把be + Ven视为被动态的动词片语看待。其实,如果要驾简驭繁,也可以采取简单化的方式来...

Suddenly that wind came up,stealing my hat from me yeh.忽然间狂风呼啸,夺去我的草帽耶哎。Swirling whirling gust of wind,blowing it higher away.高高卷走了草帽啊,飘向那天外云霄。Mama,that old straw hatwas the only one I really loved,妈妈,那顶旧草帽是我唯一珍爱的无价之宝。but...

阅读理解:when i was a child,i often dreamed of the time when i...
Perhaps it is, when you are in your teens (十几岁) or twenties. However, as you get older, and especially if you have small children, the peace of the countryside may seem preferable. I certainly hope to move back there soon.hat was the writer always thinking about when he...

7. 用英语写小红帽的故事 once upon a time there was a little girl who always wore a little red hat which her mother gave her as a birthday present,thus little red hat was how she came to be called in the neighborhood. one day,little red hat's grandma fell sick,and ...


女孩身后的女人,年过四十,花白的头发向上别着,头上戴着一顶新帽子,体态臃肿,粗圆的脚踝上套着一双低跟鞋。She was standing almost directly behind the girl, a woman well past forty, her graying hair tucked under a worn hat. She was more than plump; her thick-ankled feet were ...

Suddenly that wind came up,stealing my hat from me yeh.忽然间狂风呼啸,夺去我的草帽耶哎。Swirling whirling gust of wind,blowing it higher away.高高卷走了草帽啊,飘向那天外云霄。Mama,that old straw hatwas the only one I really loved,妈妈,那顶旧草帽是我唯一珍爱的无价之宝。but...

he was wondering why his hat ran into a house as if it hat legs...

One day, there was a blind...
was a blind man called John sitting on the bench with a hat by his feet and a sign that read,,可知男人的名字叫John,故选B。【小题2】细节理解题。根据第二段Without asking for permission(许可),he took the sign,turned it around and wrote a new message.可知是广告员该写了他...

莘录18731095472问: That+was+yesterday+什么意思? -
船营区对氨回答: 应该是一种强调句吧 我们记得是It was yesterday ... 意思是 就是昨天怎么怎么样! 强调昨天!

莘录18731095472问: It was about two o' clock in the morning - I was awakened by a big noise. -
船营区对氨回答: that是强调句,强调句的巨句型是It is/was+被强调部分+that+其他...翻译为:就是在凌晨2点的时候我被很大的噪音吵醒了.

莘录18731095472问: 英语翻译1.That was - __________________________________________________________________.(我们是怎样打进海外市场的)2.On my way home... -
船营区对氨回答:[答案] how we enter the market overseas catch a robber who robbed money from an old man how to combine Chinese classic dance with modern dance together if the eco-system loses its balance just the same as man needs air to breathe

莘录18731095472问: 英语翻译:北京是中国的首都(强调句)(It is/ was + 被强调部分+ that+ 其他部分.) -
船营区对氨回答: 你好,很高兴为您解答\(^o^)/~祝你学业有成 It is BeiJing that is China's captial.

莘录18731095472问: 高中英语翻译句子的方法.that,who,which...的在陈述句中的意思. -
船营区对氨回答: 一、 名词性从句的翻译方法 名词在句子中的成分有可能是:主语、宾语、表语、以及同位语.相应地,名词性从句有四类:主语从句,宾语从句,同位语从句和表语从句.这四类名词性从句翻译过程中一般都遵循一个原则,如果翻译...

莘录18731095472问: 请问“That was very thoughtful of you.”怎么翻译?谢谢! -
船营区对氨回答: 一般都是用 It's + adj +of(性格品质)/for +to do sth.的 你想得很周到

莘录18731095472问: It is……that/who 句型翻译 -
船营区对氨回答: 这种句型是it is+强调部分+that/who+剩下部分的形式 eg: 一般句:The cat broke the vase. 强调:It was the cat that broke the vase. 具体用that还是who引导,看强调部分是人还是物,that可指人,也可指物,who只能指代人

莘录18731095472问: that was a open port 怎么翻译? -
船营区对氨回答: 翻译成:那是一个开放的港口,是不对的,open在不同语境下有很多不同含义,句子中以为(河流港口)不冻的 ,未封冻的.它还可以表示暖和的,无霜的 比如:we have an open winter 这个冬天很暖和.所以应该翻译成:那是一个不冻的港口

莘录18731095472问: Whos that woman怎么读(语音) -
船营区对氨回答: Who's that woman 读音为:美 [huz ðæt 'wʊmən] 翻译为中文是“那位女士是谁?” 分析: who's 读音 [huz] , 是who is的缩写,意思是“谁是”或“是谁” that 读音 英 [ðæt; ðət] 美 [ðæt] 意思是 那;那个 woman 英 ['wʊmən] 美 ['wʊmə...

莘录18731095472问: That's why怎么翻译? -
船营区对氨回答: 那就是为什么(后面一般接表示结果的句子) That is why he was late(那就是他为什么迟到,迟到是结果)

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