
作者&投稿:陀邰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

了解完它们的基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别吧ლ(・∀・ )ლ区别一:词性不同 this是指示代词,用于指代近处的人或物,而the是冠词,用于特指某个已知的人或物。例句:①This is my book. 这是我的书。②The book is on the table. 书在桌子上。区别...

My hat is new.变一般疑问句只要把is提到句首,my变成your,Is your hat new?

Come___meet the family. This is a picture___my family.The man...
(is) my father.He is (a) policeman.The woman is (my) mother,She is (an) English teacher. They (have) a son and a daughter.The son is me. (My) name is Lin Tao. I'm eleven.I'm a student.I'm (at) school.The girl in a hat is my (sister) .Her name is Lin...

定语从句中who, whom, whose的用法区别是什么?
您好,定语从句中的 who,whom,whose 都是(关系代词)作为(引导词)引导定语从句的,区别在于:1)who 在定语从句中充当从句的(主语),因为 who 是主格。比如:The man who is standing there is my father.定语从句 = who is standing there,who 引导定语从句修饰先行词 the man,而在从句中...

我翻译的是:A man wearing glasses is my dad. With a nurse hat is my aunt, she is a nurse. White clothes is my uncle, he is a doctor

It's mine.它是我的。2、my 的后边可加形容词或名词 ;mine 通常单独表一个意思 不加任何词。例:where is my hat? 我的帽子在哪?He is a friend of mine .它是我的一个朋友。3、my 在句中做定语使用;mine 常常用来做主语,表语等。例:this is my book. 这是我的书。your books...

用英语翻译:眼镜的是我的爸爸。带护士帽的是我阿姨,她是护士。穿白衣 ...
The man who wears a glasses is my father,the woman who wears a nurse hat is my aunt,she is a nurse,the man who is wearing a white clothes is my uncle,he is a doctor. 相信我 -v- 肯定没错 人工翻译 - -

怎么把This is my hat改为一般疑问句?


初一英语翻译。我的帽子在门后吗?不,不在。___my hat___the door?No...
初一英语翻译。我的帽子在门后吗?不,不在。__Is___my hat__behind___the door?No,___it_ __isn't__.如果帮到你,请记得采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

惠肾13045263336问: That is my mother的复数形式 -
金昌市开文回答: Those are our mothers.

惠肾13045263336问: 用That is my造5个句子 -
金昌市开文回答: That is my mother.

惠肾13045263336问: Is that your mother为什么Is要在that的前面. This is your mother/is在this后面??? -
金昌市开文回答: Is that your mother?是一个一般疑问句,需要把be动词提前,或把助动词do提前 而This is your mother.是一个陈述句,这个是陈述语序

惠肾13045263336问: This+is+my+mother和This+is+my+father怎么合并为一句 -
金昌市开文回答: These are my parents.

惠肾13045263336问: that ismymother否定回答 -
金昌市开文回答: That is my mother.否定句:That is not my mother.一般疑问句:Is that your mother? 肯定回答:Yes,she is. 否定回答:No,she isn't.

惠肾13045263336问: This is my mother 变为否定句 -
金昌市开文回答: This is my mother的否定句是:This is not my mother或者也可以改为:This isn't my mother希望能帮到你!

惠肾13045263336问: That is mymother (做否定回答) -
金昌市开文回答: That isn't my mother .

惠肾13045263336问: this is my mother的成分 -
金昌市开文回答: This 主语 is 系动词 my mother 表语

惠肾13045263336问: that is my mother . i am her d - ---- -
金昌市开文回答: 你好 因为是母亲,所以只有儿子与女儿两种可能 因为是d开头 所以是daughter【女儿】

惠肾13045263336问: This is my father and my mother.这句话是正确的,为什么? -
金昌市开文回答: 因为be动词后面有就近原则.father是单数,用is. 如果用they are, 就得是 They are my parents.

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