
作者&投稿:望儿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

When Christmas comes to town 的歌词
作词:佚名作曲:佚名 演唱:Matthew Hall ,Meagan Moore La La La La ...(啦,啦,啦,啦……)I’m wishing on a star (我向星星许愿)And trying to believe (尝试着去相信)That even though it’s far (尽管路途遥远)He’ll find me Christmas Eve (他会在圣诞前夜将我找到)I...

以I want to say goodbye to my teachers and classmates 为题写一...
Now,I want to thank a group of people for the three thing that I've learnt at our school!! The three things are friendship, love and konwledge.The group of people that I want to thank most is my friend . In past years .I have learnt the importance of friendship . We ...


Rarely does a movie let you forget who you are and become the main character. This is one of those rare movies.The movie starts out with a story that every Santa believer experienced. On Christmas eve a boy in Grand Rapids Michigan has reached the age where the statistical impo...

毓于19231445159问: 我说"谢谢所有的人"是THANK EVERYONE还是THANKS EVERYONE? -
柯城区贝贝回答:[答案] 做动词的时候用thank,也就是说如果单说谢谢,就用“THANKS EVERYONE”如果用在句子里用thank,比如“i would like to thank everyone for...”

毓于19231445159问: 请问是Thanks for everyone还是Thanks everyone? -
柯城区贝贝回答: 是前者.因为介词后有宾语.而thanks是名词后不能接宾语.

毓于19231445159问: thanks for him 这句正确不? -
柯城区贝贝回答: 1.thanks for him 这句话是正确表达thank him中,thank做动词,这种表达也对;但是,当主语是第三人称时,就应该:thanks him.2.thanks everyone:这种用法对了,但是在说这句话的时候,就必须在说完thanks之后停顿一下,在说everyone thank everyone:因为住于是说话人本人,所以也是对的;说这句话时不需要做任何停顿. thank you everyone:通常用于公共场合,如颁奖典礼等等. 在英语中,词类的活用是司通见惯的,所以,thank you all也是正确地用法,但是它只限用于口语. all 在此指代的是在场的所有人.

毓于19231445159问: thank you everyone -
柯城区贝贝回答: thank you everyone这句还可以,没有什么错误 但是thanks for everyone 这句就不对了,要是改为thanks for everyone's help 或者其他的就可以了

毓于19231445159问: thank you everyone,这几个单词有语法错误吗 -
柯城区贝贝回答: Thank you for everyone 谢谢大家. 一般回个Thank you就可以了 如果是想感谢很多人 那就谢谢大家 我在美国 也别管她什么语法了 就算不加For 老外也听得懂.哪像中国 没加个For跟刨过他家祖坟似的使劲笑话别人

毓于19231445159问: thank you everyonethanks for everyone 2句有什么错误么 -
柯城区贝贝回答:[答案] thank you everyone这句还可以,没有什么错误 但是thanks for everyone 这句就不对了,要是改为thanks for everyone's help 或者其他的就可以了

毓于19231445159问: 用Thank you all表示谢谢大家对不对?还能怎么表示? -
柯城区贝贝回答: 没错是Thank you all. 后面省略了of you. 完整的是Thank you all of you.表示感谢所有人. 其他说法还有正式一点的I want to extend my sincere thanks to all of you here. 或Let me express my sinsere thanks to all of you here.

毓于19231445159问: 英语问题![注意了!!!注意了!!!] -
柯城区贝贝回答: in north part of China in northern Chinain the north ChinaNot at all!...

毓于19231445159问: Thankto what everyone had done是什么句型? -
柯城区贝贝回答: 你好,整个句子是原因状语从句.句子中应该是thanks 而非thank,这里可以把thanks to 整体看作一个介词,翻译成"由于...,或者幸亏....",而后面的what everyone had done是what引导的宾语从句,整体上作thanks to的宾语.而what在从句当中充当done的宾语,整个宾语从句采用陈述句语序.满意请关注我

毓于19231445159问: 请问这个 Thank everybody 有语法错误吗? -
柯城区贝贝回答: 为您解答 动词短语可以 I came here just to thank everybody for being patient.如果想表达感谢所有人 Thanks,everybody.Thanks to everybody.Thank you all.

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