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bring an end to(结果)造句
this cannot come to pass until we bring an end to this war in Iraq.但只有我们结束伊拉克战争,所有的这一切才可能得以实现。He said the ceasefire resolution is an important step that will bring an end to the violence.布什说这次的停火决议对于停止这场暴力战争迈出了重要的一步 希望我的...

bring an end to(结果)造句
this cannot come to pass until we bring an end to this war in Iraq.但只有我们结束伊拉克战争,所有的这一切才可能得以实现。He said the ceasefire resolution is an important step that will bring an end to the violence.布什说这次的停火决议对于停止这场暴力战争迈出了重要的一步 希望我的...

at the end to造句?
答:At the end to the story, I finally found the true hero.

bring an end to造句
The new weapon ,has bring an end to the war

如何使用end造句:1. 当表示某条信息的末尾时:这篇文章到此为止,算是我们的结束语了。Please consider this article as an end to our discussion.2. 当描述某件事情结束时:经过漫长的讨论,会议最终结束了。After a long discussion, the meeting finally ended. 或者是 When the discussion was ...

it is high time that造句
1.It is high time that the old plane be scrapped.这架旧飞机该报废了。 2.It is high time that we put an end to this controversy .现在的确该停止这场争论了。 3.One more point: comrades on the Standing Committee should pay close attention to building the Party. It is high ...

end是什么意思 怎么用end造句
在英语中,"end"是一个多义词,具有丰富的含义。它既可以作为名词,表示(n)终止、终结、结局、结尾,也可以作为动词,意为(v)结束或终止。例如,当我们说"We didn't leave until the very end",这是指我们直到最后时刻才离开。另一个例子是"We had to hear about the whole journey from ...

You will have the chance to ask questions at the end.最后你会有提问的机会。She began to weep. That ended our discussion.她哭了起来,我们的讨论到此结束。The markets ended the week on a quiet note.全球股市波澜不惊地结束了一周的交易。The book ends on a lengthy description of ...

用end up造句
1 We started with soup, and fruit to end up with.我们开始时喝汤,最后吃水果。2 If you continue to steal, you'll end up in prison.如果你继续行窃,你最终会坐牢的。两个简单的句子,希望帮助到你,有疑问请追问!

用end up这个词组造句
He ended up a teacher.他最终成为了一名老师

有陈13862751492问: tend to的用法tend 讲的细致点好吗,例句 -
东阿县螺旋回答:[答案] tend to do 倾向于 往往倾向于做 易于做某事 有做……的倾向 例句与用法(共22句): 1. such detergents do not yellow the wool as alkali tends to do 这种洗涤剂不会象碱那样使羊毛发黄. 2. they tend to ...

有陈13862751492问: 用 tend to 造句 -
东阿县螺旋回答: I tend to think that she is right.

有陈13862751492问: 用tend to do something...造句简单一点的句子,多造一些,能讲一讲就更好拉~^^^^^^^~ -
东阿县螺旋回答:[答案] he tend to buy a red car 他倾向买一辆红色的车 i tend to dress the blue skirt 我倾向穿蓝色的裙子 he tend to play football 他倾向去玩足球

有陈13862751492问: tend to 后接什么? -
东阿县螺旋回答: tend to相当于及物动词,后面可跟动词、名词、副词. tend to 读音:英 [tend tu] 美 [tend tu]释义:倾向于,有助于. 语法:tend的基本意思是“加以注意”,多指某种平凡的、无需特殊技艺的日常工作,且需多加以注意,以防范事故与危险,...

有陈13862751492问: tendtodosth造句
东阿县螺旋回答: tend to do sth.倾向于做某事①After financial disasters family members also tend to do whatever they can to help each other and their communities.金融灾难之后,家庭成员...

有陈13862751492问: 一些英语单词麻烦造句@!1.用major in造句2.用prefer造句3.用respect造句4.用support造句5.用tend to造句6.用work my dog造句7.用work out造句 -
东阿县螺旋回答:[答案] I want to major in pre-law in Harvard University. I prefer not going to tonight's party. I respect my teachers sincerely. I supported my best friend when he ran for student government. I tend to stay up late at night. I believe we can work this problem out if we ...

有陈13862751492问: trend和tend什么区别? -
东阿县螺旋回答: 一,词性不同 1.tend常用作不及物动词 例句:Sports cars tend to hold their value well. 跑车往往很能保值. 2.trend常用作名词 例句:These statistics display a definite trend. 这些统计数据表现出一种明显的趋势. 二,用法不同 1.tend后常接后接...

有陈13862751492问: 用英语翻译句子种中用tend to,“下午六点钟左右体育馆通常很忙”
东阿县螺旋回答: About six o'clock in the afternoon the stadium is tend to very busy.

有陈13862751492问: tend to与tend to be -
东阿县螺旋回答: tend 是不及物动词,tend to 相当于及物动词,后面可跟动词或名词,或副词 一些例句: You tend to be a pessimist. 你有悲观者的倾向. His teeth tend to jut out a little. 他的牙齿长得有点儿凸出. We tend to treat persons like goods. 我们往往待人如物.

有陈13862751492问: tend to do是什么意思 -
东阿县螺旋回答: 意思:倾向于做,倾向于,趋向. 读音:英 [tend tu duː],美 [tend tu duː]. 例句:I tend to do a lot of photography of others and of myself.我倾向于做一个对他人和自己的摄影很多. tend的词性:不及物动词.tend的其他一些词组: 1、tend ...

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