
作者&投稿:哈转 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

进入1950年代,“飞瀑怒潮”(Niagara)、“妙药春宵”(Monkey Business)、“绅士爱美人”(Gentlemen Prefer Blondes)、“大江东去”(River Of No Return )、“七年之痒”(The Sev-en Year Itch)等,一步步奠定她银幕性感女神的形象。而她与棒球明星乔狄马吉欧、现代剧作家阿瑟米勒结了又离的婚姻,加上与总统肯尼迪的...

unam pumas造句 unam pumasの例文
For the last o seasons Sorber has played professionally with UNAM Pumas of the Mexican First Division and helped Pumas to the postseason playoffs each year. Earper in the night, Mexico City's UNAM Pumas downed Toluca 4-3 to press their claim for a place in the tournament. In the first ...

So the Jack-O-Lantern in America was a hollowed-out pumpkin, lit with an ember. So, although some cults may have adopted Halloween as their favorite "holiday," the day itself did not grow out of evil practices. It grew out of the rituals of Celts celebrating a new year, and out of...

"Halloween"一词的产生 很多民族都在万圣节前夜有庆典聚会,这又被叫做“All Hallow E'en”、“The Eve of All Hallows”、“Hallow e'en”,或者“The eve of All Saintas'Day”。最终约定俗成演变成了“Halloween”,中文意译成了万圣节之夜。万圣节的习俗——不请吃就捣乱 万圣节的一个有趣内容是“Trick ...

o 在开音节中 [u] those close go hoe home no 1-07 在闭音节中 [] clock not box shop sock 1-08 u 在开音节中 [ju:] student excuse duty Tuesday 1-09 在闭音节中 [] bus cup jump much lunch 1-10 在开音节中,元音字母u在辅音字母j l r s后面时读[u:]音,例如:June blue ruler ...

A[ei] B[bi:] C[si:] D[di:] E[i:] F[ef] G[d3i:] H[eitf] I[ai] J[d3ei] K[kei] L[el] M[em] N[en] O[ou] P[pi:] Q[kju:] R[a:] S[es] T[ti:] U[ju:] V[vi:] W['dAblju:] X[eks] Y[wai] Z[zed]注:其中"3"是那个长得很像3的音标,...

一、拼音声调的顺序 汉语拼音中的声调共有四个,分别用1、2、3、4四个数字表示。这四个声调的顺序为:第一声、第二声、第三声、第四声。1. 第一声:高平声,声调符号为“¯”,如“ā”。2. 第二声:升降声,声调符号为“´”,如“á”。3. 第三声:降声,声调符号为“`...

He once again finished runner-up, to Luis Figo of Portugal, for the FIFA World Player of the Year award.[ ]Metatarsal injuryOn 10 April 2002, Beckham was injured during a Champions League match against Deportivo La Coruña, breaking the metatarsal bones of his left foot. There was ...

In a Relationship 的解释是?
In a relationship \/ in a relationship with 解在一个(恋爱)关系当中 即有拖拍的意思 Relationship 的其中一个 definition a close romantic friendship beeen o people which is often sexual example: Have you had any serious relationships in the past year? 在最近的半年内你有过认真的关系吗...


索艺15232331810问: 英语中时间的表达什么时候用破折号,在英语填空中经常遇到ten - year - old 和ten years old的区别 -
莘县万复回答:[答案] 哈哈,第一个加符号的这个你可以把它看做形容词啊,后面是可以接名词的,比如boy girl等,后面的这个词组就是10岁 比如:he is a ten-year-old boy he is ten years old 意思是一样的哦

索艺15232331810问: 所有格的两种形式,1连字符形式 ten - year - old 2 ten year's old 可以所有格的两种形式,1连字符形式 ten - year - old 2 ten year's old 可以直接在year后加S吗? -
莘县万复回答:[答案] ten years old

索艺15232331810问: ten―year―olds , 这里的old要加s吗 -
莘县万复回答: 这个需要看使用的地方和意思 ten-year-olds:十岁的少年们,指一类人. ten-year-old:十岁的,形容词 the ten-year-old:十岁的人,表示特指这个十岁的人ten-year-olds qualify to vote . 年满十八岁者有选举权. He used to cause a lot of trouble. Martin Murray is a fifteen-year-old boy. 他过去常引起很多麻烦马丁默里是个15岁的男孩. he prize winner at the speech contest is ten-year-old 他在演讲比赛中获奖的是十岁

索艺15232331810问: ten - year - old和ten years old 的区别 -
莘县万复回答:[答案] 前者作定语,是岁的.举例:He is a ten-year-old boy.他是一个十岁的男孩. 后者代表十岁,He is ten years old.他十岁.

索艺15232331810问: 请问怎么用比如:ten year old 我见过有些选择题是这样的 Ten -- years--old Ten -- years -- olds Ten -- year -- olds Ten -- year -- old Ten years old Ten years olds Ten ... -
莘县万复回答:[答案] Ten years old 指某人10岁了.Ten--years--old 、Ten--years--olds 是错的,没这种用法,有连字符就不能加s.Ten--year--olds 指10岁的一类人.Ten--year--old 指10岁的.有连字符的,当形容词用.

索艺15232331810问: ten - year - old这个句子对吗 -
莘县万复回答:[答案] 对的,ten-year-old 意思是“十岁大的”,但是是作为一个复合形容词使用. 一般用作形容词,比如“He has a ten-year-old son.” 他有一个十岁大的孩子. 少数情况下也用作名词,比如“A ten-year-old should be able to read.” 十岁的儿童应当会阅读...

索艺15232331810问: 初中英语两个ten years old与ten - year - old的区别和用法thinks for与think to的区别和用法 -
莘县万复回答:[答案] ten years old是十岁(i am ten years old) ten-year-old是形容词,十岁的(i am a ten-year-old boy) think for;表认为 think to〈非正〉对…持有某种看法 What do you think to this new musical group? 楼主是要问thanks for和thank to吗 thanks for表感...

索艺15232331810问: 有没有ten - year - olds 的用法? -
莘县万复回答: 只有ten years old“十岁”这种说法,或者ten-year-old“十岁的”这样的说法~

索艺15232331810问: tenyearsold和ten - year - old的区别 -
莘县万复回答: ten years old 和ten-year-old的区别 意思上:ten years old---10岁大 ten-year-old----10岁大的 用法上:ten years old跟在系动词be后面做句子的表语.ten-year-old放在名词前面做这个名词的定语.The boy is ten years old.He is a ten-year-old boy.

索艺15232331810问: 谁能给我讲解下关于years old的用法 -
莘县万复回答: 来看几个例子吧! 一个10岁的男孩: a ten years old boy. 这里years old是固定搭配,前面是ten,所以用复数. a ten-year-old boy. 这里ten-year-old是一个复合形容词,中间有连词符,所以year用单数.一些10岁的男孩子们 some ten years old ...

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