
作者&投稿:元凯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

stomers came back to the store and specifically asked for me to help them. I 'm very competitive and it means a lot to me to be the ...ell out your interest. "You are a leader in the field of electronics. Your c ompany is a Fortune 5O0 company. Your management is very ...

我做的了 =骂玩家音效= - Whhaaaaaattt? 什么??? - Me busy, leave me alone. 我很忙,别烦我 - No time for play. 没时间玩耍 - Me not that kind of Orc. 我不是那种兽人 =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] Why not? 为什么不? - I''ll try 我试一下 - Get em! 扁他们! - Ok 好! =...

668 mecomm669 meregister670 vacdsm-sws671 vacdsm-app672 vpps-qua673 cimplex674 acap675 dctp...1610 taurus-wh1611 ill Inter Library Loan1612 NetBill Transaction Server1613 NetBill Key Repository...2025 ellpack2030 device22032 blackboard2033 glogger2035 imsldoc2040 lam2042 isis2044 rimsl2045 ...

冀心13110037293问: 极坐标方程p=cosθ和参数方程﹛x= - 1 - t,y=2+3t(t为参数)所表示的图形分别是直线,只是一道选择题,tell me why, -
黄梅县鸡血回答:[答案] 极坐标有关系 p^2=x^2+y^2,x=pcosθ 在p=cosθ两端乘p p^2=pcosθ x^2+y^2=x 这是元的方程. x=-1-t两端乘3,与 ,y=2+3t 相加,即得 3x+y=-1 直线方程.

冀心13110037293问: H2C2O4+(MnO4 - ) +(H +)---(Mn2+)+CO2+H2O如何配平?告诉我方法 -
黄梅县鸡血回答:[答案] H2C2O4中C有2个所以先在CO2前配2,这样C化合价总共升高2,Mn由+7到+2下降了5,所以再在H2C2O4前乘上5,MnO4前乘上2,同时右边Mn乘2,2CO2前乘5得10,然后用电荷守恒,左边的2MnO4已带了2个负电,而右边带了4个正电,所以H配6...

冀心13110037293问: ( )the way,can you tell me the way( )the shopping center -
黄梅县鸡血回答:[答案] 你好!很高兴能回答你. (By) the way,can you tell me the way (to) the shopping center? ——顺便问一下,你能告诉我去购物中心的路吗? by the way: 顺便说一下,顺便问一下. the way to :去.的路.

冀心13110037293问: tell me why...
黄梅县鸡血回答: Because...

冀心13110037293问: post office 前面是THE 还是A Could you tell me the way to - _post office 2 Can you fing - _ - post office to send the post card for me?这两个句子要用A 还是THE... -
黄梅县鸡血回答:[答案] 第一个是特知用the 你要到一个邮局,是特定的那个,也可以是是随便那个用a也可以,要看特定的语境.没有语境,用the最好. 第二个是泛指用a 只要是能够寄信的邮局都可以,泛指,用a

冀心13110037293问: heletmetellyou是中国式英语吗他让我告诉你+(具体内
黄梅县鸡血回答: 最好这么说" he asked me to tell you _____ 或者he wanted me to tell u 用let显的有点牵强,有点不符合英语的语感.

冀心13110037293问: TELL ME WHY.
黄梅县鸡血回答: 第二个更书面话,正确些 最高级best要用the 第一个要口语话一些

冀心13110037293问: 谁有tell me why emilia可以放入QQ空间的链接? -
黄梅县鸡血回答: 请用鼠标光标把上面的链接从右至左拉成蓝色,然后点鼠标右键选择“复制”,不要选择“复制快捷方式” 如对您有帮助,还望采纳,谢谢支持!

冀心13110037293问: 帮忙解决几道英语语法题 tell me why,thanks -
黄梅县鸡血回答: 1.The minister of Finance is believed ___ of imposing new taxes to raise extra revenue.A.that he is thinking be thinking C.that he is to think think 这句话是believe的被动语态的用法,在主动语态中常用这样一种结构:believe sb./sth. to be/ ...

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