
作者&投稿:衷爱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

possessions. Chinese literature has a long past; the earliest classic work in Chinese, the I Ching or "Book of Changes" dates to around 1000 BC. A flourishing of philosophy during the Warring States Period produced such noteworthy works as Confucius's Analects and Laozi's Tao Te ...

1949, the People's Republic of China People's Government provides an annual three-day Spring Festival holiday.China is a multi-ethnic country, in the form of various nationalities have different Guo Xinnian. Han, Manchu and Korean customs almost the New Year, the family was reunited...

请高手帮忙翻译以下三段话,高分,有加分 (机器翻译勿进)
Gin Musuem, Dong Xing, Guang Xi, also known as Musuem of Gin Culture, Dong Xing, is located in the scenic Gin tourism attraction of JiangPing, DongXing. Spanning an area of 26 acre, with 3000 square meters of buildings, it is a specialized ethnic musuem dedicated to the ...

the Chinese about 2.43 million, or 0.9%, to the United States who has more than (2000 US census data). African Americans, Latinos and Asian-Americans and other ethnic minorities of the population has reached 100.7 million (as of July 2006). General English. 56% of the res...

engage in和be engaged in有何区别?谢谢
engage in和be engaged in的区别不大,大致有三点:(1)engage in 是主动语态:be engaged (in) 是被动语态。(2)engage in从事,忙于,表达时须有in才能加对象。engage in politics 从事于政治。be engaged (in)忙着,做着,参加,有时可无in。(3)be engaged in business.The line is...

英语:词汇学connotation refers to the overtones or asso
5. In the context of ethnic tourism, commercialization often has a pejorative connotation.摘要在民族旅游语境中,商品化经常带有贬义色彩。refer to 英 [riˈfə: tu:] 美 [rɪˈfɚ tu]涉及;指的是;适用于;参考 1. 提及;涉及,谈到,提到;关系到 Don't ...

跪求 老人与海的 2000字英语作文! 不要是描写书中内容的、要分析里面...
once a devoted student of realism, failed in his depiction of Santiago as a supernatural, clairvoyant impossibility.Santiago as a Spaniard A 2009 study, "'Eyes the Same Color of the Sea': Santiago's Expatriation from Spain and Ethnic Otherness in Hemingway's The Old Man and the ...

The splendid and distinctly ethnic architectural style of the palace, which includes Dazheng (Grand...central promenade, followed by Pai Cloud Gate, Paiyundian, Te Temple, Buddha incense Pavilion.

cross the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, Travel the Great Wall and visit Taiwan and the 56 Ethnic communities who make up our society. On its journey, the flame will be seen by and inspire more human beings than any previous relay.I am afraid I cannot prevent the whole picture of...

Jurisdiction Hongshan Qu, Songshan District, Yuanbaoshan District, Bahrain Banner, Balinyouqi, Alukerqinqi, Wengniute, Kalaqin flag, Aohan, Keshiketengqi, Linxi County, Ning County , 2, 3, District 7 County Flag, Mongolian, Han, Hui, Manchu and other 30 ethnic groups, with a total ...

卢将19872982332问: technic、technique、technology之间的区别 -
呼和浩特市西洋回答:[答案] technic 和technique都是关于基本技术、技巧的处理,例如绘画的笔法和木工的接榫.虽然有时混用,但两者是有别的;technic说的是理论方法 (way),而 technique是实际手法 (handling) : Grinding Technics磨削工艺方法 Grinding Techniques磨...

卢将19872982332问: "technic"和“technique"的区别……求大神帮助突然找不着字典了!在电子字典上的答案千奇百怪.所以甚是奇怪与困惑,麻烦大家知道的说说.首先这俩字... -
呼和浩特市西洋回答:[答案] adj.technic=technical 工业的,工艺的,专门的,学术的 n.technic=technics 工艺学,手艺,技巧 technique(n.)技巧,手法

卢将19872982332问: "technic"和“technique"的区别…… -
呼和浩特市西洋回答: adj.technic=technical 工业的,工艺的,专门的,学术的 n.technic=technics 工艺学,手艺,技巧 technique(n.)技巧,手法

卢将19872982332问: technique与 technic有什么差别吗?发音好像一样 -
呼和浩特市西洋回答: 发音差别1:重音不同,technique在第二音节,technic在第一音节 发音差别2:technique第二音节中的i发长音i:,technic第二音节中的i发短音i 3:个人认为,technic这个词用的不是特别多,如果要当形容词,多半用technical代替,如果要当名词,多半用technique代替……

卢将19872982332问: “technology”、“technique”和“technic”的意思和用法有什么区别啊? -
呼和浩特市西洋回答: technology,范围指的比较大,就是类似科学技术一样,不能表示具体的技术,technique,具体的技术,与上一词语区别,如,滑板技术,绘画技术 最后一个指,技能 技巧,这样应该清楚了吧

卢将19872982332问: 区别:technic ,technique ,technology 谢谢 -
呼和浩特市西洋回答: technic n. 技巧, 技能, [谓语用单数]工艺学 【化】 技巧 【医】 术, 技术, 操作[法] technique n. 技术 technology n.知识

卢将19872982332问: technic technical technique technology technological 他们之间有什么区别啊? -
呼和浩特市西洋回答:[答案] technology ,是“技术”在学术理论上的总称 而technique和technic 指某种具体的技术、技巧、技艺.是名词. 而他们各自的形容词形式是technical 和technological.

卢将19872982332问: technicology、technique和technology区别 -
呼和浩特市西洋回答: 1.technicology是"工艺学"Information Technicology 信息科技产业2.technique 是可数名词,指做某事的方法或者技巧.advanced techniques 先进的技术 常作不可数名词,指经过科学和工业的生产过程的技术.chemical technology 化学工艺space technology 空间技术science and technology 科学和技术

卢将19872982332问: "技术"用英文怎么说? -
呼和浩特市西洋回答: technic 技能, 技巧 technique (专门)技术; 技巧[能]; 工程[艺] technology 技术, 工艺, 工程, 方法

卢将19872982332问: 假面骑士drive的假面骑士Drive -
呼和浩特市西洋回答: 原文:仮面ライダードライブ/Kamen Rider Drive 变身者:泊进之介(皮套演员:高岩成二,CV:竹内凉真、克里斯·帕普勒) 变身动作:把「Shift Car」插入左手的手环「Shift Brace」.使用「Shift Car」令胸口的车胎交换,攻击能力变化....

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