
作者&投稿:暴店 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

钟贞18878801835问: 老师教会了我们知识,为我们付出了心血的英语 -
改则县赛莫回答: The teachers teache us knowledge, and make a great contribution to us

钟贞18878801835问: 求一片英语作文《分数与能力》 100—200单词 谢谢 -
改则县赛莫回答: Marks or Ability(分数与能力) Some students put stress on marks. One reason for that comes from the tradition of society. Most parents, teachers judge students from their marks. High marks mean honor. So students study hard to get high marks...

钟贞18878801835问: 《录取通知书》 英文台词 -
改则县赛莫回答: 部分经典台词: College is a service industry. They all pay for a kind of experience. No tests no essays no reports or reviews of reading…that kind of nonsense… A stupid piece of paper is going to make us accepted… In south Harmon, students ...

钟贞18878801835问: 跪求英语作文一篇The Teacher - student Relationship -
改则县赛莫回答: The relationship between a teacher and a student can be either good or bad, helpful or harmful.Either way, the relationship can affect the student for the rest of his life. A good teacher-student relationship will make learning enjoyable and well mutually...

钟贞18878801835问: 英语翻译(1)EDGEWOOD — Every morning at Dixie Heights High School,customers pour into a special experiment; the district's first coffee run mostly by ... -
改则县赛莫回答:[答案] chi tea 的意思就是 chinese tea,中国茶 从第六段开始: (6)他们不只学习如何经营一家咖啡店,还要知道如何把它当做一件家务事来做.他们依靠自动机器中的记录来领取卡片和工资.keep意思:留着,receive:领取. 剩下的自己努力,太多了,实...

钟贞18878801835问: The number of teachers in our school__ - less than 300() - 上学吧普...
改则县赛莫回答: Nowadays, there is a growing number of universities that allow students to select the teachers of some courses or lectures by themselves, which has a great impact on college study. When selecting lectures, students tend to pay more attention to the ...

钟贞18878801835问: 以Knowledge and Experience 为题 的100字左右的英语作文 -
改则县赛莫回答: Knowledge and Experience Knowledge or experience, which one do you think is more important? Some one may choose knowledge, while others may pick experience. In my opinion, both experience and knowledge are important. Let's make a ...

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