
作者&投稿:殳征 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Makeupwith这个单词并不是一个常见的词汇,它的意思是和某人和解或和好。这个词通常用于描述一种与某人建立友好关系的状态。当我们和某人心平气和地交流,努力解决我们之间的争议,使彼此再次建立信任和尊重,那么我们就可以说我们和这个人“make up with”。可以说,这个词描述了一种人与人之间的和谐状...

make up with 后面跟人称代词的什么
make up with 后面跟人称代词的宾格形式,因为with 是介词。意思是:“与 ... 重修旧好;与……和解”。如:1. How she longed to make it up with him!她多么渴望与他重修旧好啊!2. Why don't you make it up with her?你为什么不跟她把问题解决掉?拓展:make up for 补偿,弥补 如...

make up with ,make up of, make up from的区别。
其实这几个区别主要看最后一个介词的区别:make up with 有“弥补,和好”的意思,with“用,和”的意思,后接用的东西,或者接人。make up of“组成,构成”的意思,后接材料或部分。make up from中from 是“从……”的意思,有“从……补上,从……中整理出”等意思。具体用法具体分析。

请高手给我讲解一下with和make的复合结构,用法及注意事项。谢谢_百度知 ...
用法:1.都指组成.make up with 指成分的组合,没有发生化学变化,而make up of指成分经过化学等变化组成的新物体.例:Our class make up with 60 classmates.2.A cake is made up of sugar,eggs and flour.is made up of 强调各组成部分。A cake is made up with flour.is made up with 强...

make up 问题: make up的中文翻译是:
"make up" 可以有多种中文翻译,具体的翻译取决于上下文和语境。以下是一些可能的翻译:弥补、弥合:例如 "make up for" 可以翻译为 "弥补"、"弥合",如 "She tried to make up for her mistake by working harder"(她努力工作来弥补自己的错误)。化妆:例如 "make up" 可以翻译为 "化妆",...

mak it up to sb,make up for,make up with的用法和例句
例句与用法:1. Can you give me some advice on how to make up for the time I have lost?你给我说说怎样才能弥补损失的时间好吗?2. He tried hard to make up for the lose time.他竭力试图弥补损失的时间。3. Pay increases will not always make up for poor working conditions.工资...

make up是什么意思及用法
make up 英 [meik ʌp] 美 [mek ʌp]【词典】组成;化妆;补足;编造 例句:I think it's very unkind of you to make up stories about him 我认为你编造他的谣言很不厚道。make up的用法如下:(1) 编造,虚构 例句:Their father is good at making up bed time stories.他们...

make up的六个意思?
make up[英] [meik ʌp] [美] [mek ʌp] 组成;补足;弥补;编造;化妆 1.组成;构成 Insects are made up of tens of thousands of proteins.昆虫由数万种蛋白质构成。2.编造;虚构 I think it's very unkind of you to make up stories about him...我认为你编造他的谣言很...

make up是什么意思?
"make up"是一个非常灵活且多义的词组,在不同语境下可以表达出各种不同的意思。确切的含义取决于上下文和所使用的动词短语。1. 弥补、弥合:"Make up"可以表示弥补或弥合某种差距、缺失或分歧等。例如:We need to make up for lost time.(我们需要弥补时间上的损失。)The couple made up after...

makeup和make- up的区别是什么?

衷钩19414236692问: take up with怎么用?有一个汉译英,“她最近和足以做她父亲的老头好上了”翻译成“she's taken up with a man old enough to be her father”.其他部分我懂... -
新芜区罗塞回答:[答案] take up with:开始与…交往;采纳、赞成;向…提出(问题等要求处理或答复)、提请…考虑这个句子里面就是与…交往的意思,有没有...还不好说哈,这个短语是没有太侧重这个含义的. 表示“开始与…交往”的例子:George ...

衷钩19414236692问: 动词+up+with的短语 -
新芜区罗塞回答:[答案] keep up with ...跟上;catch up with ...赶上;be fed up with...厌腻; come up with...提出; put up with...忍受; fill up with ...挤... end up with...结束; meet up with...偶遇;split up with...与.分手(断交); tie up with... 把…与…密切联系起来.等等.

衷钩19414236692问: 动词+up+with的短语 -
新芜区罗塞回答: keep up with ...跟上; catch up with ...赶上; be fed up with...厌腻; come up with...提出; put up with...忍受; fill up with ...挤满了; speed up with...; end up with...结束; meet up with...偶遇; split up with...与内.分手(断交);容 tie up with... 把…与…密切联系起来.等等.

衷钩19414236692问: take... with的中文意思
新芜区罗塞回答: take an umbrella with you 随身带把伞去.这中间的take ...with 不是短语,而是 take “带,拿,送”的意思,with 是“随身携带,在...身边”的意思. take up with 是短语,意思是“和...交往”意为“鬼混” took up with a fast crowd 与一群放荡的人为伍.

衷钩19414236692问: take的用法及含义 -
新芜区罗塞回答: 花费句型:It takes for sb. to do sth.take away 拿走; 夺走; take back 收回 take down 拿下, 取下 take up举起take off 取[脱]下 take from 减去; 减损; 降低take from 减去; 减损; 降低take up with 和...交往take out after [take after]追赶, 追 捕take over 接收 take on oneself 以...为己任take against 反对; 不喜欢 这是take的常用用法,它是英语中的“万能词”

衷钩19414236692问: 关于take的短语 -
新芜区罗塞回答: 关于take的短语如下: take after 与某人相像 take along 带领,携带 take … apart = separate … 把……分开 take away 拿走,拿去,使离开 take away from… 从……带/拿走 take back 退回,拿回,收回 take down 拿下,记下,记录 take ...

衷钩19414236692问: 用take up造句?每个意思都要造一个 -
新芜区罗塞回答:[答案] 拿起来的意思.Take up a cup.拿起杯子. 也可以像是接续的意思.She takes up his idea and continue on. 缩减,减少.Take up a gown. 或者是付钱,譬如信用卡,电话费等等.Take up payment on time. 接受,接受意见拉接受什麽这样也可以.Take up his ...

衷钩19414236692问: take up和be filled with有什么区别感觉两个意思差不多啊 -
新芜区罗塞回答:[答案] 很清楚,楼主说的差不多的意思就是指的take up的“占据,占用”和be filled with"(被)充满,填满”的区别了.举个例子,The thoughts takes up her mind.和Her mind is filled with that thoughts.第一句意思是说“她被...

衷钩19414236692问: Pick up ,begin with,take up,meet up的区别 -
新芜区罗塞回答:[答案] pick up 意思有好多种,比如接某人,无意中学会某种技能等等.begin with的意思是由什么开始.take up最常用的是占据的意思,占据时间和空间.占据比例的是用make up. meet up 是约会的意思.如果短语意思不会的话推荐你下载一个英语词典...

衷钩19414236692问: 把你学过的动词词组整理一下吧 -
新芜区罗塞回答:  动词+about think about(思考) hear about(听说) move about(走来走去) set about(着手;开始) bring about(带来;促成) care about(对…感兴趣)  动词+at look at(看)stare at(凝视) glare at(怒目注视) gaze at(凝视) ...

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