
作者&投稿:金俭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

take turns的意思:轮流;依次。读音:英 [teɪk tɜːnz]、美 [teɪk tɜːrnz]词性:通常在句中作动词,修饰主语或宾语。固定搭配:take turns doing sth轮流做某事。例句 1、The male and female birds take turns in sitting on the eggs.雄鸟和雌鸟轮流伏...

Take turns是一个英语短语,常用于描述轮流做某件事的过程。具体来说,take turns可以解释为“轮流做某事、依次进行某项活动、交替进行某个行动等”。下面是一些例句:Let's take turns reading this book aloud. (我们轮流朗读这本书吧。)The children took turns playing with the toy. (孩子们...


take turns什么意思?
take turns用法是可以接动词ing或不定式形式;也可以接at\/on\/in+doing。例句:1、We take turns playing the game.(我们轮流玩游戏。)2、The children take turns reading aloud in class.(孩子们在课堂上轮流朗读。)3、Let's take turns speaking so that everyone gets a chance to talk.(...

take turns后面可以跟to do sth或doing sth。take、turns是一个常用的短语,表示轮流做某事。根据具体的语境,可以使用两种形式:take、turns、to、do、sth和take、turns、doing、sth。take、turns、to、do、sth强调的是将要进行的动作,例如:Beth、and、Amanda、are、taking、turns、to、ride、the、...

take turns是什么意思
take turns 替换,轮流; 轮换; 更替; 倒换;以上结果来自金山词霸 例句:1.Do you take turns choosing which new movie to see?你们会不会轮流做决定应该去看哪部新上映的电影?--- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮 ...

take turns 【teik 'tɜ:nz】替换,轮流; 轮换; 更替; 倒换 He and Carla Torgerson take turns as the band's lead vocalist.他和卡拉·托格森轮流担当乐队的主唱。

take turns 的t 用大写吗
take turns 的t放在句首时需要大写,其他位置无需大写。take turns 英 [teɪk 'tɜːnz]美 [teɪk 'tɜːnz]依次,轮流。同近义词:turn by one's ,alternate 例句:The children were taking turns on the slides in the playground.孩子们在操场上轮流滑...

OK.Taka turns.什么意思
Ok,Take turns 好吧,轮流。take turns 词典 轮换; 替换,轮流; 更替; 倒换 Sam and I take turns at riding the bike.我和萨姆轮流骑自行车。If we take turns driving, we won't get tired.如果我们轮流开车,就不会觉得累了。

take turns的语法
轮流\/按顺序做某事:take turns (at) doing sth =take turns to do sth =do sth by turns =do sth in turn 如:We take turns (at) cleaning the classroom.= We take turns to clean the classroom.= We clean the classroom by turns.= We clean the classroom in turn.

陈磊17377315507问: take turn(轮流) 的语法 -
安塞县力雷回答: 作为“轮流”讲,应该要用take turns(复数),用法是:take turns to do sth;take turns in或at doing sth(in或at也可以省略,而直接接doing).例如:We took turns (in\at)guarding the treasure.(我们轮流守护那些珍宝).We took turns to guard ...

陈磊17377315507问: take turns的用法We should take turns( )food in the dinning room.A.buying B.in buying C.buy D.to buy我知道take turns后面有两种接法`一种是接to do sth.`一种... -
安塞县力雷回答:[答案] 一般take turns to do sth 和take turns doing sth 有两种用法.要看强调主要是将要去做或者这件事情本身了,比如Beth and Amanda are taking turns riding(强调骑马这件事).另如We take turns to answer the phone....

陈磊17377315507问: in one's turn 和in turn和 take turns的区别-
安塞县力雷回答: in one's turn 轮到某人(做某事了),属介词短语. example:Next time is in your turn.下一个回合就轮到你了.in turn 轮流,属介词短语. example:We three will clean the classroom in turn.我们三个会轮流打扫教室.take turns 轮流,属动词短语.相当于do sth. in turn example:We will takes turns to clean the classroom.我们三个会轮流打扫教室.(与第二句是同义句,可相互转换)

陈磊17377315507问: take turns的语法 -
安塞县力雷回答: 轮流/按顺序做某事: take turns (at) doing sth =take turns to do sth =do sth by turns =do sth in turn 如:We take turns (at) cleaning the classroom. = We take turns to clean the classroom. = We clean the classroom by turns. = We clean the classroom in turn.

陈磊17377315507问: 请问take turns 的用法 -
安塞县力雷回答: 一般take turns to do sth 和take turns doing sth 两种用法都有.那就看强调主要是将要去做还是这件事情本身了,如Beth and Amanda are taking turns riding(强调骑马这件事).另如We take turns to answer the phone.(强调将要开始的动作) 这到题我觉得用TO ASK应该不错.

陈磊17377315507问: take turns in dong sth造句 -
安塞县力雷回答: Susan and her brother take turns doing the dishes.苏珊和她弟弟轮流洗盘子.

陈磊17377315507问: 英语短语 take turns 和 It's one's turn 后面接to do 还是doin -
安塞县力雷回答: take turns 后面加to do和doing 都可以. 二者都表示轮流做某事,区别重点在于后面 to do 和 doing的区别,前者表将来或将要做的事 后者表正在进行中.It's one's turn后面应该加 to do. It's one's turn to do 轮到/该 某人做什么(事)了. 双语例句: 1 It's your turn to read.该你读了. 2 It's Jim's turn to play basketball.轮到吉姆打篮球了.

陈磊17377315507问: take turn ,in history ,keep on ,name after 造句?把下列短语组成句子:take turns ,in history ,keep on ,name after . -
安塞县力雷回答:[答案] Students take turns to speak. He was a great emperor in history. Tom keeps on talking. The road is name after a hero.

陈磊17377315507问: take turns doing sth 这个句型里“turn”为什么要加S啊 -
安塞县力雷回答: take turns doing sth:轮流做某事,表示的是已发生并将继续发生的情形; take turns to do sth: 轮流去做某事,现在还未发生,但即将发生.Turn: N-COUNT,可数名词: (依次轮流时的)轮班,次序,轮番 一个人是不能轮流的,所以加s,表示复数.It is my/your turn to do sth.

陈磊17377315507问: 请问take turns 的用法八年级英语Unit 7 1b Pairwork中有一句话是:Take turns asking your partner what he or she likes in sandwiches.请问这里asking 是否可... -
安塞县力雷回答:[答案] 一般take turns to do sth 和take turns doing sth 两种用法都有.那就看强调主要是将要去做还是这件事情本身了,如Beth and Amanda are taking turns riding(强调骑马这件事).另如We take turns to answer the phone.(强调将要开始的动作) 这到题我...

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