
作者&投稿:劳震 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

200集开头有以下两首曲子 火影忍者OP8--RE:MEMBER (179话~202话)http:\/\/music.fenbei.com\/4337392 视听+下载 火影忍者OP9--Yura Yura (203话~220话)http:\/\/music.fenbei.com\/6144122 视听+下载 火影全部歌曲名称,去这个网站可以找到所有的歌曲下载。OP1:Rocks 演唱者:Toshiro Masuda (1话...

...other—()other—()()other—()()othe make—()ake

Between the good and bad is where youll find me, Reaching for heaven. I will fight, and I'll sleep when I die, I'll live my life, I...mabaroshi no bashya ha yami o ake 光のある方へ(光线射入) hikari no aru hohe 梦という罠が仆たちを 焔へ诱う(我们落入像火焰般的梦想圈套)...

——a boat on the |ake?用工s there 或 are there
应该用is there 因为a boat 是单数,所以是 Is there a boat on the lake?湖上有船吗?

丅ake ahike!什么意思
走路;滚开;哪凉快那歇着去 I want to take a hike along the river bank, singing my favorite songs.我想在河边散步,唱我喜懽的歌。

The deaf were taught to m-ake certain movements using their hands,faces,and bodies.These movements stood for things and ideas.A man might move his fo-refing er across his lips.This meant:"You are not telling the truth."He might tap his chin with three f ingers.This meant"...

center of the lake 湖中央

other---(m)other---( a)( n)other---( b)(r )other make---( l)ake---( f)ake---( c)ake---( b)(l )ake rain---( b)rain---( a)rain( s)( t)duck---( f)uck---( l)uck---( c)(h )uck twin---( b)in---( p)in---(m )in( u)( t)( e)end...

they ake some photos in the park改为一般疑问句?
一般疑问句可以是:What do they do in the park?Where do they take some photos?Do they take any photos in the park?

什么seerns奇怪,但是。是,对妇女采取的xxxxxx是一个男人的对面。看看你的clodns buntm的方式看。男人的衣服往往从右边按钮,妇女形成了。 Lonsidering世界popalation,男人和女人最是右handnd,男人的标准将apper inake更多的女性意识。为XXXXX为什么从左边的妇女clethes bution?Histov马利串口无所谓了...

文昂18077328946问: take the rest of day off. 这句话的完全搞不懂怎么运用,我只能理解到tak -
江海区恩复回答: the rest ,其余不是休息的意思take...off, 意思是 休息这个短语的意思是这一天其余的时间休息也就是今天工作到此结束,剩下时间休息

文昂18077328946问: rest的用法 -
江海区恩复回答: rest on, rest upon 1. 以…为基础;搁在…上;支撑在…上 2. (目光等)停留在…上; 落在…上 3. (责任、工作等)落在… at rest 1. [美语]静止的;安宁的;心情安定的;休息的 2. 解决了的,不必再谈的(指问题),已处理的 3. [美语]长眠,死 ...

文昂18077328946问: rest 与off的区别 -
江海区恩复回答: 两者应该挺好区分的吧.. rest的基本意思是“休息”,即劳作过后的放松过程.可指睁着眼睛休息,也可指闭着眼睛休息,即睡眼,一般用作不可数名词,但其前可有不定冠词a修饰,表示“休息一会儿”或“…样的休息”.rest用作比喻可指使事物处于静止状态,是不可数名词. rest用作动词的基本意思是“使休息”,指使某人或某物停止活动或停止说话,让其处于静止的状态以恢复体力或振奋精神,引申可表示“使轻松”“使安静”.rest还可作“(使)倚靠〔支撑〕”解. off表示与物体的表面或边缘的运动,为介词或者副词

文昂18077328946问: take the rest of the day take the rest of the day off该如何翻译?if the shipment arrives late,I think we should take the rest of the day off.Could you take her over to ... -
江海区恩复回答:[答案] take the rest of the day off - 今天剩下的时间可以休息了. processing - 办理的意思.在这句话里,可以翻译成 处理她的事情.

文昂18077328946问: take....for sb 与 take....of sb的区别和用法 -
江海区恩复回答: take....for sb 把A(错)当成B;为某人拿某物Please take a message for me. 请帮我记下电话内容.Shall I take them for you? 要我帮你拿吗?Do you take me for a fool? 你以为我是一个傻瓜吗?take....of sb 从某人那里拿走...Take notice of sb. 款待某人Take the conceit out of sb. 打消某人的傲气Take the heart out of him. 使他失去勇气

文昂18077328946问: the rest of和the rest以及rest的用法和区别, -
江海区恩复回答: The rest of (后续名词) 肯定是指最终剩下的The rest of us need it, I think. 然而我认为其他人是需要的.The rest(后续非名词)肯定是指最终剩下的: only this clothes is blue, the rest are red.rest(其他,不肯定是指最终剩下的): you made one mistake in this essay, rest are fine.

文昂18077328946问: take the rest of day off.这句话的完全搞不懂怎么运用,我只能理解到take a rest today -
江海区恩复回答:[答案] the rest ,其余 不是休息的意思 take...off,意思是 休息 这个短语的意思是这一天其余的时间休息 也就是今天工作到此结束,剩下时间休息

文昂18077328946问: take的用法 -
江海区恩复回答: 一、 拿,取 I want to take some books to the classroom. 我想拿些书到教室. 二、 吃,喝,服用,放 ① Take this medicine three times a day. 每天吃三次药. ② Do you take sugar in your milk? 你喝的牛奶里放糖吗? 三、 乘车(船)等 ① Shall...

文昂18077328946问: Please take what you want and throw the rest of away.错在哪为什么 -
江海区恩复回答: 一楼说的对.the rest 是“剩下的东西”的意思,不加of,否则of后面还要加 东西

文昂18077328946问: the rest of是什么意思 -
江海区恩复回答: the rest of的中文:其余的;剩下的 一、rest 读法 英 [rest] 美 [rɛst] vt. 使休息,使轻松;把…寄托于 n. 休息,静止;休息时间;剩余部分;支架 vi. 休息;静止;依赖;安置 短语 rest with 在于 ; 依靠 ; 决定于 rest position 静止位置 ; 止动位...

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