
作者&投稿:庾须 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

4、The photograph showed him to advantage. 他在这张照片中照得挺不错的。 5、She turned from ...“给自己或别人照相”用take a photograph of sb;而have a photograph taken只表示“请别人给自己

like to +V原 =like doing喜欢干……eat grass 吃草 be quiet 安静 七年级 上 Unit 4 next to 在…旁边 take sth to sb bring sth to someplace between… and alarm clock 闹钟 七年级 上 Unit 5 tennis racket 网球拍 ping-pong ball 乒乓球 soccer ball 足球 computer game ...

给你点思路:1.了解Windows2000 2.查阅一些Windows2000的漏洞问题 3.总结经验 4.了解DHCP的工作原理 5.去黑客网站看看DHCP的攻击方法 6总结所有问题,然后写论文!不懂的可以Q我!QQ:271969

21.ake away解除,消除(感情,痛苦等)。22.take courage鼓起勇气。23.take exercise=do exercise=get exercise=do sports做运动,锻炼。24.take more exercise多锻炼。25.take place发生,进行,举行。26.take the place of sb=take one’s place代替,替换,代替某人的位置。27.take the position ...

take pictures from sb.和take pictures of sb.各是什么意思?
如:①I want to take pictures of you.我想给你拍照。②Sato Miyoko took a lot of pictures of the Great Wall.佐藤美代子拍了许多长城的照片。③Please take a picture of my family 请给我们全家拍张照片。注意t ake a picture of sb.也可表示为 take sb.A picture 如:

4. take (sb\/sth) back ①收回;拿回;退回;归还:He was not satisfied with the tape recorder,so he took it back to the store.他对这台录音机不满意,所以他把它退回了商店。I forgot to take back my bicycle. 我忘了把自行车取回来。 ②同意退货,同意收回(已售出的商品等):If ...

褒岸13250334590问: It takes sb+时间+to do sth什么意思 -
商丘市永倩回答: 为你解答. It takes sb+时间+to do sth.意思是:某事花费某人多久时间去做. 如It takes me an hour to get to school. 我到校要一个小时.

褒岸13250334590问: lt takes +人+时间+to动原的句型 -
商丘市永倩回答: It takes sb+时间+to do sth.意思是:某事花费某人多久时间去做.如:It takes me an hour to get to school.我到校要一个小时.

褒岸13250334590问: how long -- to finish the work ? -
商丘市永倩回答: 选C,how long will +sth+ take+sb+to do sth

褒岸13250334590问: take sb to 造句 -
商丘市永倩回答: it take me 1 hour to do homework 句型属于 it take sb sometime to do sth

褒岸13250334590问: it take me about ten minutes by bike 这句话对吗 我们老师说只能 it+take+sb+时间+to do sth -
商丘市永倩回答: 这是对的,因为你们老师说的 it takes sb sometime to do sth 中的to do sth在这个句子中没写出来,完整的应该是 it takes me about 10 minutes ( to do sth , 例如 to go home) by bike ,by bike 不属于to do sth 里面的

褒岸13250334590问: 是take turns to do还是take turns doing?哪个正确? -
商丘市永倩回答: take turns to do sth. 轮流做什么事情e.g. They take turns to do the cleaning.take one's turn to do sth.e.g. He took his turn to speak at the conference.

褒岸13250334590问: It usually takes about ten minutes - ----to school. A.by bike B.on a bike C.to ride D.ride -
商丘市永倩回答: C It takes sb. time to do

褒岸13250334590问: take\ cost\ pay\ spend的意义和区别 -
商丘市永倩回答: take:物+take+sb+sometime to do花费多长时 间做某事 cost:物+cost+sb+somemoney花费某人多少钱 pay:人+pay+somemoney+for+sth同上 spend:人+spend+somemoney、sometime spend in doing spend for (应该没错,也可能有....参考一下吧……O(∩_∩)O~)

褒岸13250334590问: 用It takes/took/will take+sb+time to do sth各造两个句子 -
商丘市永倩回答: It takes me 20 minutes to go to the office. 去上班需要花费我20分钟的时间. It takes him 1 hour to finish his homework everyday. 他每天需要花费1个小时做家庭作业. It took me 3 hours to work out the question. 回答这个问题花费了我3个小时. It ...

褒岸13250334590问: 初二人教版英语重点语法 -
商丘市永倩回答: 1. so+谓语+主语:…也一样. 谓语:be动词/助动词/情态动词 2. so+主语+谓语:的确如此,真的这样. 3. help yourself/yurselves to...请随便吃点... 4. 发现sb做sth : find sb doing sth 5. 不完全同意I don't really agree. 完全不同意I really don't agree. ...

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