
作者&投稿:展明 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

c.he wanted to m ake people happy d.it would bring him a lot of money 4.Where can we find a Mc Donald's restaurant?a.Only in America. b.All over the world.c.In many parts of the world. d.Everywhere except 60 places.5.How many people can sit and eat in the ...

I like to collect many things, such as nice stones, names of movies, books, toys, photos of famous people. But I like collecting stamps best. I have been collecting stamps for five years. When I was very young, my uncle sent me a stamp from Australia. I loved it at once...

年阙15362727877问: measure和weigh的类似用法 -
思茅市升迈回答: 1. measure和weigh都有三种词性:名词、及物动词、非及物动词 2. 作名词时,measure意为 (1)措施 例:We should take some measures to solve this problem. 我们要采取一些措施解决这个问题. (2)尺寸 例:She made the trousers to my ...

年阙15362727877问: measure复数单数分别啥时用 -
思茅市升迈回答: 当表示“一定数量,一定程度”和“(严重程度的)标准”这两个意思时,是不可数名词,都作单数用 当表示“音乐的小节”和“措施”时,是可数的,表示一个小节或一个措施时用单数,但更多时候是表示很多小节,大量措施,这时用复数measures 有个短语比较重要,可以记住 take measures to do sth采取措施做某事.

年阙15362727877问: measure的几种用法 -
思茅市升迈回答: 及物动词 vt. 1.测量;计量 We measured the distance. 我们测量了距离. 2.打量;估量 She measured the stranger with her eyes. 她用双眼打量着那个陌生人. 3.(按量)配给[(+out)] 4.酌量,权衡 不及物动词 vi. 1.量 2.有...长(或阔、高等) ...

年阙15362727877问: measure的所有用法谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 -
思茅市升迈回答: measure v. 量,测量,计量;估量,衡量 n. 措施,步骤,办法;一定的量,一定程度 1. a measure of 一定的量,一定程度 He has not become rich, but he has had a certain measure of success. 他并未变得富有,可是取得一定程度的成就. The ...

年阙15362727877问: take action 和take measure 的区别 -
思茅市升迈回答: 前者表示采取行动,通常不加s.后者比前者正式,意为“采取措施”,可加s.

年阙15362727877问: some any a lot of many much 的用法 -
思茅市升迈回答: some, any , more , a lot of 后既可加可数,也可加不可数名词. 展开全部 many 后加可数 much 后加不可数. 要具体根据语境来填!

年阙15362727877问: measure的各个意思的短语 -
思茅市升迈回答: without measure 过分 for good measure 作为额外增添;另外 measure with 用…测量;用…衡量 beyond measure 无可估量,极度 measure up 合格;符合标准 in the same measure 同样地,同一程度地 be the measure of sth. 成为衡量某事物的标...

年阙15362727877问: take measure加什么介词 -
思茅市升迈回答: 如果是 在某方面采取措施 可以用take measure on sth. 采取措施做某事 可以用take measure to do sth.

年阙15362727877问: take measure 和take action有什么区别??????? -
思茅市升迈回答: 采取措施 采取行动 强调的内容不同,前者强调实施了措施,后者强调行动、着手. 这里意思是说:抱怨是没用的,我们必须采取措施. 强调:我们要想办法了,采取一定的措施了,而不是强调要行动.

年阙15362727877问: measure的用法 -
思茅市升迈回答: 及物动词 1 a. 测定,测量 ~ a piece of ground 测量土地 ~ the distance from A to B 测量 A 到 B 的距离 b. [为…而]量…的尺寸[for] M~ me for a new suit. 请替我量身做新衣 2 a. [依据…的标准] 评价,判断[by] A man's character can be ~d by the ...

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