
作者&投稿:鄞彪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

7�词尾为-ake时,过去式将其变为-ook,过去分词在原形词后加-n。(2个) take—took—taken mistake—mistook—mistaken 8�原形、过去式和过去分词都不相同。(6个) do—did—done fly—flew—flown go—went—gone lie—lay—lain show—showed—shown wear—wore—worn 四、A—A—B型,即过去式和原形相...

不定式作定语,要放在它所修饰的名词或代词的后面。After he finished college, he had a lot of jobs to choose.大学毕业之后,他有许多工作可选。5、作状语 动词不定式及其短语具有副词的特性,可在句中用作状语。放在句首也可以放在句尾表示目的等。He stopped to have a rest. 他停下来休息。...

(共9个) cost—cost—cost cut—cut—cut hit—hit—hit hurt—hurt—hurt let—let— let put—put—put read—read—read set—set—set shut—shut—shut 二、A—B—B型,即过去式、过去分词相同。(共41个) 1 过去式和过去分词都含有 -ought。(3个) bring—brought—brought b...

ake one,s breath away 令人惊异 take one`s chance 碰运气 take one`s time 慢慢来 take pains 费尽力气 take trouble 下功夫 take part in 参加 take pity on\/upon 可怜 take place 发生,举行 ake pride in 感到骄傲,自豪 take one`s place 代替某人 take the opportunity 利用机会 take turns 轮流做...

alighted, alit alighted, alit arise arose arisen awake 唤醒 awoke\/awaked awoken, awaked be 是 was, were been bear 忍受 bore borne, born(生,用于被动语态)beat 击打 beat beaten become 变成 became become befall 发生 befell befallen beget 引起 begot begotten, begot begin 开始 be...

交(か)わした约束(やくそく)忘(わす)れないよ『无法忘却彼此结下的约定』ka wa shi ta yakusoku wasu re nai yo目(め)を闭(と)じ确(たし)かめる『轻闭双眼再次确认』me wo to ji tashika meru押(お)し寄(よ)せた闇(やみ) 振(ふ)り払(はら)って进(すす)むよ『驱散聚集而来的...

How to keep healthy短文 求学霸解答
How to Keep Healthy Nowadays more and more people a re concerned about their health. Bu t how to keephealthy? Different pe ople may give different answers to t his question. In my opinion, it is e ssential to do the following. Fi rst, it is absolutely necessary to t ake ...


but never lose hope my life sometimes aw ake, sometimes confused, but never to lose 9 theory is grey, but the tree of life evergree n. 10 with the failure of love with the fires of hell I would like to find a more virulent abus e language 11 I only lived a travel rus...

很伤感的纯音乐听了都想哭 的歌词是什么??
don`t feake just danger soul不要害怕,只是个危险的灵魂breaking you find to go阻止你离开的感觉break down you by below将你按在心底and you kown you saying to go你想离开吗you don`t kown I love you so你不了解我爱你这样深breaking down you trying to go忘记你想要离开I can down to soul我沉...

杭弘19643718184问: take a car 还是 in a car -
伊吾县恩诺回答: 1. ride 乘车 get on: 上车...ride: 乘坐,乘车...get off: 下车2. take a bus 乘车...change to…bus 换车、转车I went to Beijing by car. 我坐车去了北京.1. 乘汽车 by air乘飞机...by car 乘汽车...by plane 乘飞机2. 坐汽车 8. take a cable car “坐缆...

杭弘19643718184问: on\in\by\ride加交通工具时的用法 -
伊吾县恩诺回答: on/in + 限定词 + 交通工具(方式状语)by + 交通工具(方式状语)take/ride + 限定词 + 交通工具(动词短语作谓语) 补充:on foot(方式状语)

杭弘19643718184问: take ride的区别? -
伊吾县恩诺回答: take vt. 1 带(去), 携带 2 拿, 取, 抓 3 需要; 花费 4 学习; 教 5 取得, 接受, 容纳 6 买下; 租用 7 吃, 喝, 服 8 乘车, 上船 9 测定, 量; 拍 vi. 产生预期效果 vt. & vi. 上钩 n. 1 捕获量; 收入额 2 电影镜头 ride vt. & vi. 乘, 骑, 驾 n. 乘骑, 乘坐, 搭乘

杭弘19643718184问: 关于take的短语 -
伊吾县恩诺回答: 关于take的短语如下: take after 与某人相像 take along 带领,携带 take … apart = separate … 把……分开 take away 拿走,拿去,使离开 take away from… 从……带/拿走 take back 退回,拿回,收回 take down 拿下,记下,记录 take ...

杭弘19643718184问: ride on buses不可以用take on buses吗,为什么 -
伊吾县恩诺回答: 是不可以用.take on buses是错误的表达,take是及物动词,不需要加on,直接take buses

杭弘19643718184问: 乘交通工具的两种表示方法 -
伊吾县恩诺回答: 第一种是介词短语.通常用by +交通工具名词来表示. 例如 by bus, by train ,by car ,by bike ,.by ship, .by plane by ship=by sea by plane=by air 这些介词短语通常用在句未做方式状语,例如 He goes to work by bus . I often go to school by bike by 短...

杭弘19643718184问: ride+限定词+交通工具名词 与 take+限定词+交通工具名词可以互换使用吗 -
伊吾县恩诺回答: ride 有骑、乘坐的意思,不一定是车辆 take 搭、乘(车辆) 以上是我的理解 希望能帮到你

杭弘19643718184问: 请问关于乘坐交通工具的方式的有哪些?(英语) -
伊吾县恩诺回答: 坐火车by train/take a train 坐飞机 by air、by plane、Taking an Airplane、take a plane、Flying 步行 on foot 坐船by ship、take a boat、by water 坐公共汽车take a bus 坐汽车by car 坐出租汽车take a taxi

杭弘19643718184问: take a ride是什么意思 -
伊吾县恩诺回答: take a ride 1、去兜风 2、搭便车、搭顺风车例句: 1. I'd like to take a ride on it.我想去坐. 2. He is trying to take you for a ride.他正想骗你. 3. And then he said again."would you like to take a ride in my car?"然后他又说:你愿意坐着我的...

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