
作者&投稿:赏孟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

樊胡13212008456问: 太行山的拼音 -
北镇市散利回答: 太行山 tai hang shan.

樊胡13212008456问: 用英语复述愚公移山的故事 -
北镇市散利回答:[答案] A long time ago, an old man, his name is called the old man. The house has two high mountains, a mountain called Taihang, a mountain called Wang Wu. Two mountain is blocked in the door, let the old man out of every home will be around the road so ...

樊胡13212008456问: 行路难这首诗中太行雪山拼音 -
北镇市散利回答: 太行雪山的正确拼音如下:太:tài 行:háng 雪:xuě 山:shān

樊胡13212008456问: 将登太行雪暗天的行怎么读 -
北镇市散利回答: 应该读hang.......

樊胡13212008456问: 求一篇英语作文愚公移山80字左右 -
北镇市散利回答:[答案] Taihang (háng), Wangwu two mountain side seven hundred years, climbed high (rèn). The South Jizhou, hayang north. Kitayama old man who, years and 90 for the side of the mountain door. Correctional Services (chéng) mountains north of the plug (sè),...

樊胡13212008456问: 愚公移山故事的英文版本
北镇市散利回答: 儿童的成长需要丰富多彩的世界,相信类似愚公移山的故事大家小时候一定不会陌生... there was a large mountain called Tai-Ying which sat between Old Man Yu and the ...

樊胡13212008456问: 南辕北辙中“ 大行” 怎么读? da hang? tai hang? da xing? -
北镇市散利回答: 大(da)行(hang):大路,宽阔的道路.祝你学习进步!!

樊胡13212008456问: 《太行山上》用英语怎么写 急用 -
北镇市散利回答: On Taihang Mountain

樊胡13212008456问: turbo pascal7.0 问题:编写程序,使之能输出如下形式的”字母塔”: -
北镇市散利回答: 要分的说……………… var hang,kong,i,x:longint; begin readln(hang); kong:=hang-1; for i:=1 to hang do begin for x:=1 to kong do write(' '); for x:=1 to 2*i-1 do write(chr(65+abs(x-i))); writeln; kong:=kong-1; end; end.

樊胡13212008456问: 用英语述说愚公移山,急!!!! -
北镇市散利回答:[答案] Once upon a time, there was a 90 year old man named Yu Gong. Taihang Mountain and the two mountain Wangwu mountain in front of his house, the two mountains over ten thousand feet high, seven hundred miles wide, the village blocking ...

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